Jamie Nelson's Discussions (11)

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Controlling throttle. Jumps too much.

I have set my thr_min at 165 mid at 400 and max at 800After arming the props seems to spin correctly at about 165. If I then raise throttle off zero nothing happens until about 30% when it suddenly shoots up into the air. (Except this is a bench test

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Tuning vertical climb rate

I have set up octo and it seems quite stable and easy to control. I haven't done any tuning.

In the 2 modes I have tested the vertical speed doesn't seem right. In Stabilize if I move the throttle up fill it shoots up like a bullet.

And in loiter mode

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Toiletbowl issue and how to fix it.

I flew a few months back and crashed due to brown out. I have now beefed up the cable and done a new flight test. In loiter mode it is showing bad toilet bowl effect. Moving in wider and wider circles.

I read through some stuff and found that compass

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