"looks like he was gobbled up by a large and powerful gimbal company so he wouldn't put them out of business. I would like some more information on this as well. "
I don't necessarily believe throwing more hardware at a problem will fix it but I have not seen this brought up in here. Will this device make up for what the phonedrone is missing and save you guys some work?Here it is
Found this on Hack-a-day and it made me wonder how much black magic (coding) it would take to interface this with my ArduPilotMega2.0 (APM2.0). I ask because I couldn't spell "computer coding" twice correctly even if I were paid to. I have seen…
"Found this little sucker, says it's for cell phones. could I just run a cable from the antenna port of the xBeePro 900 RPSMA to the "input" of that 3W 900mhz amplifier? Will this allow me to push way-point updates to my air frame from miles away,…"
"LOL, nice... ok that makes sense which means "NO" you are not pushing everything over that Xbee link. Is the er9x still transmitting to it's own data to the Rx on the air-frame?"
"Thank you for responding, I didn't know the Xbee 900 preformed so well. 5k is do-able for my project so I guess I should just go with those and some nicely built Tx Rx antennas. Would be nice to know how to amplify the crap out of one of these…"
"please bare with me and this stupid question but... If I understand correctly you are receiving telem data from the APM2.0 (via xBee shield) as well as sending telem data i.e. waypoints back to the APM2.0 directly from the receiver (via another…"
"GeoRover does that automatically, might want to look into that however it isn't free :( But I do know that whatever can be done in "GeoRover" can also be done in ArcMap only 1000 times more difficult. GeoRover is just a tool that makes ArcMap easy…"
"Question about this... Is it true that the higher the frequency the faster it drains the battery? for example I will keep the numbers small for easy math:
Given a 1000Mah battery
900Mhz @ 100Mw power = A hours battery life
1.2Ghz @ 100Mw…"