"Thanks!!... That a super drone and multirotor forum!!.. Ronald Pandolfi said:
Quick answer to your question is to use the external compass as primary. Be sure to check that mission planner compass heading matches true magnetic heading for several…"
"I do like you... I bought a Pixhawk and now no problems.. I got two compasses now.. Which might I use for primary compass?... Internal or external... I got a BN880 with a HMC5883L. Ronald Pandolfi said:
The APM series (2.5, 2.6, 2.7, & 2.8) all use…"
"Ok thanks guys, I will buy another one I like the DF13 connectors too and my quadcopter is wired like this... I will buy it onoe banggood because I never buy anything on thanksbuyer..."
"Hi everybody, All my wires are correctly connected... TX on RX and TX on RX, SDA to SDA and SCL to SCL.. My problem is when I upload the Rover firmware, I got a GPS lock and and a heading on my compass but when I upload Arducopter firmware I dont…"
"So no solutions?..When I upgrade Rover firmwware my GPS works and I got a compass heading... I can not calibrate it but I got GPS lock and a compass haeding?.. What I have to do?.."
"I will try with another computer and a handled compass... Here the pic of my APM I do not all wiring due to the compass problem I dont want to go more further... But if I dont calibrate the compass I can not have a RTL or FailSafe?...
(Sorry I dont…"
"Ok Ron, but when I can connect my GPS and Compass, I cant calibrate it.. So maybe I must wait for a GPS Lock and set the compass with the GPS... However, when i do the wizard assistant, on the compass calbration panel I got a compass 1 error 99 and…"