Nice, ...Seems your working on moreless the same configuration as I do.
If there is a way to share experience let me know.
Did you already release some code? -Would be very interesting how you fixed transition.
->i still struggle to "not disarm"…"
How do you do the transition control from hover to forward flight for fixed wing & tilt rotor/duct systems?need true air speed or tilt angle?switching control at a certain point/value ore fading between 2 different control algorithms?
"If you think it PX4 could work for tilt-rotor or tilt-duct systems as well, I'd like to test it. (Hardware is ready for testing -only need right software)"
Markus Oswald the concept is maybe fireproof for flight and hover, but as I'am new in programming, I didnt manage to to implement a sensful transition routine in APM2.5 -any help welcome
Ducts are just for safety - not for efficiency
redundance is a topic for…
Jan 10, 2015
Markus Oswald Only missing some APM-code for the transition. Any Idea where I can find something adequate for Tilt-Duct ??