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seeking for software to control VTOL models



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Markus Oswald posted photos
Feb 26, 2015
Markus Oswald left a comment on VTOL
Feb 26, 2015
Markus Oswald commented on Team Tiltrotor's blog post Prototype Tiltrotor Development using APM 2.5
Nice, ...Seems your working on moreless the same configuration as I do.
If there is a way to share experience let me know.
Did you already release some code? -Would be very interesting how you fixed transition.
->i still struggle to "not disarm"…"
Feb 10, 2015
Markus Oswald commented on Anton de Waal's blog post Drone to get rid of flying insects around the house
"Only dead mosquito is a good mosquito ! :-)"
Jan 10, 2015
Markus Oswald posted a discussion in VTOL
How do you do the transition control from hover to forward flight for fixed wing & tilt rotor/duct systems?need true air speed or tilt angle?switching control at a certain point/value ore fading between 2 different control algorithms?
Jan 10, 2015
Markus Oswald commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Pixhawk-based VTOL aircraft code now available
"is it only  for "tailsitter" or also for tilt-prop / fixed-wing configurations?"
Jan 10, 2015
Markus Oswald replied to APMlover's discussion VOTL mode on APM
"Hi, did you manage to run the software on APM ?   (I'm looking for VTOL software for my tilt-duct project - I have APM2.5)
best regards"
Jan 10, 2015
Markus Oswald commented on PX4's blog post PX4 - Call for VTOL test pilots
"If you think it PX4 could work for tilt-rotor or tilt-duct systems as well, I'd like to test it. (Hardware is ready for testing -only need right software)"
Jan 10, 2015
Markus Oswald posted a photo
Jan 10, 2015
  • Markus Oswald may i schould ask boing, how they did thier transition for this model :
    Jan 10, 2015
  • Markus Oswald the concept is maybe fireproof for flight and hover, but as I'am new in programming, I didnt manage to to implement a sensful transition routine in APM2.5 -any help welcome
    Ducts are just for safety - not for efficiency
    redundance is a topic for…
    Jan 10, 2015
  • Markus Oswald Only missing some APM-code for the transition.  Any Idea where I can find something adequate for Tilt-Duct ??
    Jan 10, 2015