"What type of vehicle?, The wizard really isn't good for calibration. You should do the calibrations manually. You also should seek assistance from the folks who design the software in Pixhawk.
Good Morning all.From time to time, we put up a reminder, that the free software that we all know and love, the Ardu-family of pilot/Copter/Plane/Sub, brought to you by the coolest nerds in the world, it's all there for the very low price of free,…
"Well, for starters, if your mean Droid Planner, any tablet that supports OTG, will work. Iris is following the device and communicating through an OTG connection through the 3DR 915 radio"
"First, Pixhawk is not in Solo, pixhawk 2 is, additionally, there is very little difference in the Hk version, versus the Version 3DR sold, in fact, in many ways, Its better, the silicone cables, provided with the HK version, are far better then the…"
"Anytime Philip, I'm getting tired, of the lack of respect, for what it is that the Devs do, and the companies that have built their following, on the backs of others hard work, how someone can throw a new skin around Pixhawk, and call it theirs,…"
"I just don't get the reluctant behavior, obviously by the responses here, people are intersted in the product, you are not inventing PH, comply with the license and give back to throw community, and all is gold."
"10.5, without knowing the condition or weight of your copter, or condition of your battery pack, that's not leaving much room for error, additionally, setting rtl, as the default behavior, could vwry well have you climbing in alt to get to rtl alt,…"