



Leeds, West Yorkshire

About Me:

Retired telecommunications network modelling software developer. Enthusiastic photographer, pilot, tinkerer.

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Started early 2011 with APM 2.0 3DR quadcopter, since extended to X-type Octocopter with Pixhawk. Copter used for flying stills camera and FPV camera using Wrap 920's.



Activity Feed

Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion Copter-3.3 beta testing
"With copter suspended on its right side VibeY changes to become much higher than VibeZ. Could gravity be an erroneous component of high VibeZ calculation?

In the log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qb1quw427ak72hf/AADLxYfHgvbjQBSp8WbIRMkB... the first…"
Aug 13, 2015
Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion Copter-3.3 beta testing
"My octo-quad (3.3rc8) has high Vibe-Z three times greater than Vibe-X or Vibe-Y. In looking for causes I removed all props and logged 'motors vertical.bin'. Then I unbolted the motors, turned them all horizontal so any play in shafts, etc, would now…"
Aug 12, 2015
Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion ArduCopter-3.2.1 Beta Testing
"Hi Cala
The Pixhawk internal compass works fine (my X8 uses it alone) provided:-
a) The case screws are not magnetised
b) It is far enough away from any other source of interference

If this is not possible and/or for backup then an external compass…"
Apr 9, 2015
Philip Lorentz commented on Randy's blog post ArduCopter 3.2 ready for wider use
"The batt FS info is here:- http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/failsafe-battery/. Even if you have multiple batteries in parallel you only need one Power module as you can only set one voltage failsafe."
Nov 26, 2014
Philip Lorentz commented on Randy's blog post ArduCopter 3.2 ready for wider use
"What have you set as your low volt FS level? You haven't mentioned what the log shows under -CURR for 'Volt'. This should show whether your batt voltage dipped below this FS voltage."
Nov 26, 2014
Philip Lorentz commented on Randy's blog post ArduCopter 3.2 ready for wider use
"Hi Cala
Your current draw matches throttle ok, but the low Batt FS could be because the batt voltage dropped below FS level."
Nov 26, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Gary McCray's discussion Vibration Isolation and Dampening of APM / PX4 for version 2.9
"Thanks Richard, I'll try that on mine. Your plexiglass "deflector/wing/aerofoil" is not rectangular but I assume that happened to be what you had to hand rather than a calculated shape?"
Nov 24, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Gary McCray's discussion Vibration Isolation and Dampening of APM / PX4 for version 2.9
"Thanks for those pointers. I checked out the air pressure issue by temporarily padding around the central Pixhawk area to create a different aerofoil section. The vibration increased marginally but the sink remained (see first log which includes a…"
Nov 24, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Gary McCray's discussion Vibration Isolation and Dampening of APM / PX4 for version 2.9
"Yes, you can get rid of $$$ much faster with UAVs than just tearing them up and chucking them in the air!

Thanks for the offer, my existing logs are a bit on the large side so I'll log a shorter flight and post that. My X8 hovers in Alt Hold rock…"
Nov 22, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Gary McCray's discussion Vibration Isolation and Dampening of APM / PX4 for version 2.9
"Hi Forrest,
Many thanks for making your spreadsheet available, I am eager to use it but don't have access to the latest MS Excel. I have tried both LibreOffice Calc and Excel '97 with compatibilty pack but Libre's Basic macros aren't compatible &…"
Nov 22, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing
"3.2rc14 on Octocopter X8, Pixhawk internal compass only, breezy conditions.
Stab, AltHold, PosHold, Land, PosHold takeoff. Using EKF with no
issues, performed 'as advertised'.
Regards to Randy & all Devs."
Nov 1, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing
"If you put a magnetometer app on your phone/tablet and hold it a similar distance between your compass and your camera you can see just how much effect it has. I suggest one that displays field strength in uT for 3 axis rather than just a compass.…"
Oct 15, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing
"Are you providing a +5v supply (eg from a BEC) to the aux power rail? It is needed to operate relays or servos from these pins."
Sep 17, 2014
Philip Lorentz replied to Randy's discussion ArduCopter-3.2 beta testing
"3.2 rc7
X-type Octocopter (based on early 2012 vintage 3DR Quad with extra motors/quadESC, and APM 2.0 replaced with Pixhawk. Internal compass only, external Neo6.)

No problems, smooth rock-solid Stab, Alt-H, Pos-H.

Congratulations and grateful…"
Sep 7, 2014