's Discussions (39360)

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New MAVLink packets in SITL

I create my custom MAVLink packets in AP/Mission planner, its works fine when the software runs in my Pixhawk4, but I cant make this work in SITL.

Apparently it’s like no packages exist. Is it necessary to code something in sitl?

When I open the mavlin

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[help need] I must have missed something

Hi everyone !

I'm new in the UAV world, trying for second time to understand how an UAV fly and what's the job of every part of it (the first try what a bad timing). I had started by buying a second hand DIY drone that was in far worse state than what

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Recommendations for a gimbal

I am having trouble identifying which gimbals to buy/use and some advive would be appreciated.  I actually need two.  I need one gimbal to carry a Go Pro Hero 9 and one to carry a DSLR camera. I am thinking of using Ardupilot with APM planner 2.0, bu

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University research on drones

Hi! We are students from Aalborg University (Denmark), conducting a survey on drone use. It takes less than 2 minutes to complete the questionnaire (in Google Forms) and you will help us a lot with our project! Thanks in advance!


Here's the link:


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more info about from pixhawk to raspi

Hi everyone !!
I have question. How can I send pixhawk location to raspi 4. I research this subject on the net and when I see it I have to use dronekit software. Does anyone want to provide additional information?
Note: I will be happy if you would l

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Drone Avionics Education Resources?

I am making some education software that will use drones. I want to learn a lot about the avionics theory involved in drone flight (IMU, PID, Mix Table, etc). I need that rather than building the drone and uploading the software type info. Anyone kno

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Don't know if this is the correct place to post this but anyhow it is where I am.

I am building my first hexcopter.  I am using a radiolink AT10 transmitter and receiver.  the manual indicates that I need to link the receiver with the transmitter and

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Telemetry and HD video over 4G

I am successfully using a 4G LTE network connection to send bidirectional telemetry AND HD (1280X1024 / 25fps) Video from my drones.  The video is perfect, the telemetry is perfect - regardless of range (assumes 4G is available).  I use my cell phone

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Laser Cutting Services in Canada

Hi Folks -- returning here after a long absence, and I'm getting a project geared up.  I'm looking for a laser cutting service based in Canada. An outfit where I can send a DXF (or equivalent) as illustrated below, they supply quality balsa and/or ae

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Twin Goblin VTOL [Needs Help]

I'm stuck on this problem with a lot of questions why doesnt Qautotune work with my tailsitter? why does everything look so good but after transitioning back to Quad mode it goes super stupid.

Please check out my video and files.  Your comments are we

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The question has been asked before a long time ago but i havn't heard anything of it ever since. Is it possible to find out if a waypoint has been reached? Does dronekit implement this mavlink message? I'm programming a drone to stop for a few second

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