's Discussions (39363)

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Need a little advice [Bachelor Thesis]

Hello people,

I am final year student and I try to build for my bachelor thesis an autonomous drone and use my smartphone for the camera and controller. I've got an email from someone from Intel and i bought the pieces they told me:

The semi-pro drone:

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Y3 vtol problem

Hi guys, i have this y3 setup vtol with tilting vectored 2 front motors, and 1 rear motor.

At qstabilize mode, the rear motor wont spin until full throttle, did tried everything : changed esc, motor, esc calibration. If esc is connected to receiver wi

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Heavy Lift Electric motor.

so my proposal is to build a light frame and use a generator/gas engine combination to power the electric motors.

I literally just came up with this as a hair brained scheme to some day lift heavy weight items with a drone, using a combination battery

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my college project

  hello forum members,

                            i have built a quadcopter with total frame diameter of 45cm.actually we have a small competition in our college with the following size restrictions.
1)the total quad. should fit in a 30cm diameter rou

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Selection of suitable Gas Engine

Hello DIY Drones,

I am new to this forum. I am planning a build an UAV (Helicopter) that can carry a payload of 20 Kg. The UAV with this payload might weigh between 30 to 40 Kg (of course with very good Engg.). Also, the UAV has to travel at least to

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Insect robot any one can build


This robot is an affordable, easy to assemble and fun to explore robot.

Antbo takes less than an hour to assemble and will teach you the basic principles of robotics.


Difficulty level: Easy

Mode: Autonomous, remotecontrolled


Input devices:

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DIY Drone Project

Hello! I am working on a project to help make building your own drone a little bit easier and I would really appreciate any feedback that I can get regarding the idea. Below is the link to a google form just to get some information about this group a

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Winged Tilt Rotor Aircraft

Hey guys,

I am new in the Forum here but have been working on some more unusual types of drones for over 5 years. My current project is a Tilt Rotor aircraft with a body shell similar to a canard aircraft. I built the first prototype last year and now

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Aerial Cinematography Flight School!

Hi Guys,

Thought I would post here to let everyone know about the Cinematography Flight School my team has started, with help from the Crowdfunding site Kickstarter. We're so excited to have met our goal in just a few days, and it's all from grassroot

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FPV VR Streaming

hello all
I was trying to stream fpv video from my pc to android phone in a VR box.
I used several streamer servers and clients (vlc,virtual desktop,...) but I always get delays between video on pc and what is shown in VR Box.
please may you advise me w

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