"Hi Jack,
I'd also be interested in seeing how you ran the camera through DMA. I've been playing with an OV7076 module and the STM32F4, but reading in the image data can be quite slow, so I'd like to use the DCMI."
"that refers to the fact that the pins are very small and close together. This sensor is hard to solder with just an iron, but easily done using hot air.
Also the MPU-6000 does both SPI and I2C, where as the MPU-6050 just does I2C."
""Should be noted the STM32 can be bricked if the PLL is misconfigured for over 168Mhz. JTAG will start timing out in the halt requests & you'll never be able to reflash it."
I think if you put the device in bootloader mode using BOOT0 and BOOT1…"
"very nice. And the hole in the middle looks just perfect for poking a camera through and performing some optical flow. Thanks for making me spend my money!"
"Direct use of Arduino code would be tricky for many reasons, firstly most of the current avr based arduinos have too little memory for running an RTOS (it's possible, but ideally you'd want more). If you're referring to running arduino code on a…"
"STM32F4 can be programmed over USB using DFU-util on unix or ST's DfuSe demo. wiring it up for USB is much easier on the F4 compared to the F1, and can be brought into boot loader mode using BOOT0/BOOT1 pins during reset. I'm yet to get the JTAG to…"
"I'm from UK myself, and have tried both Olimex (takes around 2 weeks, £50 delivered for a 160x100mm cut as many times as you want) and the [url=http://dorkbotpdx.org/wiki/pcb_order]Dorkbot[/url] pcb order, and I have to say that Dorkbot is much…"
"It will be interesting to see how well the fusion stuff works, hopefully someone will do some sophisticated benchmarks before I get the hardware finished! Now I need to find a decent cheapo magnetometer which hooks up easily with the IMU-6000 -…"
"Finally! it is available to purchase from Farnell: IMU-6000. Been waiting for this for a while now..
I've been designing an integrated radio/imu/autopilot around the ITG-3200 and LSM303 but I think I'll use this instead"
"At such a cheap price I had to order one... $25 for delivery to the UK - perfect! don't need it yet, but it was in stock when I ordered so hopefully I'll get it sometime in the near future"
"Here's another example of a DIY two-way rc system. I've been experimenting with the modules (using some PCBs from the thread, some I've designed myself), and there is a lot you can do with just the chip alone! I'm working up to a combined radio rx /…"