"I found the problem. Mission Planner was still running in the background (visible with Task Manager). After the command *end process tree* It was possible to upgrade without any problem."
Hello,Pixhawk - ArduCopterV3.2.1 - quad copter - Futaba R7008SBToday I updated Mission Planner to 1.3.29 build 1.1.5646.37690. After the update I went through some settings and found that throttle became yaw and vice versa. I didn't change any…
"Hi Markus,
Did you try to fly with those new settings? If so, what was the result? Did you also try to fly with your previous settings (before the upgrade)? If so, what was the result? Do you see a difference between the two?
"I have the same issue. My previous IMAX settings were exactly the same as Markus' settings. See setting below before upgrade.
After the upgrade to 1.3.24 the IMAX settings were decreased with factor 10 for Rate_Roll,Rate_Pitch, but increased with…"
"Dear RonHogwarts, Thanks for this reply and your time checking the logs. Since this 'accident' I had enough successful flights, but was never able to figure out what happened. Even by looking at the info you provided, I'm not sure what I"
"I haven't tried "follow me" mode yet. Not that I'm not interested, I just haven't had a chance to examine the option. I'm still learning all Pixhawk possibilities. I didn't even try waypoint either. I came from DJI Naza, so Pixhawk is a bit…"
"So far, I did not have any issues with Arducopter 3.2. I'm not sure if the issue with the combination Futaba R7008SB/Pixhawk is fixed with this new firmware. Check this topic for more info on this subject:…"
"Hello Joe,
It wasn't possible for me to have the Pixhawk communicating with the Futuba R7008SB, well not with the previous firmware <3.2. I was advised to purchasing a PPM encoder board. I installed the receiver SBUS into RC In of the pixhawk. It…"
"I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties Josh. I "only" crashed it once with the result of 1 broken propeller. I used to fly it with DJI Naza V2 but decided to change to Pixhawk because of all the worrying messages of fly-aways. I have the gimbal…"
"Thanks for your prompt reply Gary. I actually went through the tutorial you suggested. Unfortunately, it didn't gave me a clear answer to why the quad crashed in Loiter. Do you have experience analysing? If so, what to look for in this particular…"
Hello,I wonder how flight data from a Pixhawk can be analysed. Recently my quadcopter crashed after switching from "stabilize mode" into "loiter mode" for no apparent reason (not to me at least) .I have the log/data file of the last flight, but have…
"Additional info: I did a proper GPS/Compass calibration before the first flight and when I tried to fly in Loiter, the Pixhawk locked to GPS (flashing green LED)."
Dear all,Today I tested my quad for the 1st time with the Pixhawk FC. I use to fly with DJI. I followed the "first flight" instructions and took off in Stabilize mode. All went well: good response, directions were as they should be. Only I noticed…