"Joe, thanks so much for your comments and information! I'm learning rapidly but have so much to go.
The two major 'learnings' so far: I found finally that my Turnigy 9x needs to be in the acro airplane mode, NOT one of the heli modes. I also found…"
"I had problems arming, but it worked when selecting arm in the mission planner. Then I read that the throttle trim needed adjusting so that the down & to the right for four seconds really cuts the throttle to zero.
"I have a system very much like yours, so i will be following your every move to learn more. I've only accomplished flips on the floor so far, & haveittle flying experience. I'm hoping to do 90% 'automatic' (or computer controlled) flying, to reduce…"
"Join my club, this retired elec eng/college prof is getting stumped too easily.
I tried to lift off the floor for the first time and the same happened. Lots of noise though. I cant wait unitl I hit 100%. :) Will probably get run outdoors by my…"
"judging from the schematic of the volt/curr board offered by Sparkfun, I'm going to use a strinv of 10k+4.7k+4.7k, connecting the last 4.7k to A1 line, with a .1uF cap across it. See schematic on Sparkfun
"Help! I put blades on my Turnigy motors, tightened down the cute hubs, revved up to see what happens & one of the hubs flew off!
What can I do?
The hubs have 2 holes on them but it is clear thru them, so set screws aren't in order.
Fortunately I…"
"Thanks Randy, I'm new to this and didnt know about that forum. I think it was a casual comment, not in that area. Lots of reading going on and my Arduflyer is almost ready for something (hopefully takeoff). I have 0 experience in RC, just a computer…"
"I'm already anticipating my first quadcopter crash. I saw someone wanting to sell their Arduflyer 2.5 & ublox GPS for a reasonable price and can't find the note anywhere.
Bo Barry"