"Hi, I tested my Hexacopter with 3DR Pixhawk and 3.3 RC 6/7. Everything is OK, but when I look in the logs than I see always red lines: Error EKF Check -2 and Error Check - 0.
What is the reason for this???? During the flight I have always between 16…"
"Hi, on friday 26.6. I updated from RC 5 to RC 6.
I changed only the values P Pitch from 13.700000 after Autotune to P 9.740000 (the same value from Roll)
The Hexacopter has FC Pixhawk 3DR, DJI motors 2312 with esc 420 S and lipo 4S 5000 mAh, time of…"
"Hi, yesterday I was flying with my hexacopter and firmware 3.2-RC5 after Autotune. The result was very good. In all flight modes I had a great performance. I tested Stabi, AltHold, Loiter, PosHold, Sports and RTL. My FC is a 3DR APM 2.52.
Thanks to…"
"Hi Jay, I found the mistake. After "Reset to default" in die Full Parameter List of the MP an new installing of the 3.2. RC2 every think was OK, of course with Hybrid modus."
"Rolf, thank you ! You are the greatest, I knew this link but there was a mistake.
Now everythink is working, data from FCS-40 and data from Teensy !!!
I´m very happy."
"Rolf, when I try to compile, I get the follwing mistake:
MavLink_FrSkySPort.ino:47:25: fatal error: GCS_MAVLink.h: No such file or directorycompilation terminated.
Can you help me?"
"Hi Rolf, I´m new here and I have a problem with the combination Taranis/APM 2.5/Teensy 3.1 and the FrSky Sensor FCS-40A. In the display from the Taranis I see everythink like Alt or GAlt, Hdg or VSpd.
The only problem are the dates from the FCS-40A…"