Can anybody help analysing the cause of this crash?
The copter started a test mission without any troubles and after reaching a waypoint, he started to yaw constantly but continued to follow the mission path.
...that on some computers (like the one I am using right now), there are some other COM devices like GPS and some broadband adapters installted, which seem to have the option of forcing them into bootloader mode or at least talking to them through a
Tag zusammen,im Moment ist oben genanntes Telemetrieset zu mir unterwegs. Zu den Reichweiten hört man ja sehr unterschiedliche Angaben, wobei dies für mich zweitrangigmist, da ich keine Streckenflüge absolvieren werde.Was mich aber interessiert ist d
Yesterday I had my biggest, worst and most scary crash with my 3DR Quad.
Our local firefighters had an open day for public and presented their equipment, did some presentations, they had a jumping castle for the kids, BBQ and beer for the b
I still have a strange problem with yaw getting locked after some time of flying and not listening to the radio input. This happened over the versions from 2.0.xx to 2.1 final (the one I am currently using).