"At last I got the right weather to test new version to the max, everything now looks good, no range problems and signed integers :), thank you Gabor. Next target - Moon :D
"I can fully agree with that, MAX7456 OSDs was great and well served for many years, but it's about time to think about some graphic osd. It can be relatively easy built on arduino or pic platform."
"Dont know is it already fixed, but catched one more unsigned integer problem for crazy fpv people like me :D
This time distance from home.far1.jpgfar2.jpg"
"Yes, it can, I just covered 42km forth and back (total flight path 91km) spending 9900mah and still 3000mah left in batteries wich allow about 30km flight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIv6aQr38nc"
"Ok, just checked that nothing wrongs happens when you get over 65km total path, at least not some " integer overflow" over the screen :D
But one more thing to fix, flight time only shows to 60min and than start again (Am I only one to fly more than…"
"Looks like there are some minor bug or maybe I can call it issue with total flight path. In the summary table it shows total path as signed integer, and so, if it is grater than 32km (32,767m), it shows negative. for ex, today I got 49.23km total…"
"I got mine work today, and all I done is turned off compass (magnetometer). Plane is rock stable, RLT, FBWA and loiter works, APM don't want to kill my plane anymore, I'm happy again :D
But then another question rises, If my board is yaw180, do I…"
"That's great, now I can try RSSI, because ports A0,A1,A2 is already used for airspeed and attopilot and only port left for RSSI in mission planner is "mystery" A13. Now I know where they hide it :)"
"Can't agree more, I fried two of them by accidentally making common ground btw input and video power. Also, with this problem it's impossible to use minimOSD in tiny FPV/UAV projects, where only one battery can be used."
"I also can't install firmware with OSDConfig, so I use Usbasp to program directly in chip. Most likelu something is wrong with bootloader. Configuration and fonts I can upload then with OSDConfig"