After my plane has flown its waypoints it returns home, as it should. But how can I get it to start the mission again, without having to land and restart ?
So what I want to do is be able to toggle out of auto mode into say manual, then toggle back t
Ive been using ardupilot for a while now. I had the original working well, and had flights out to 9km with great success. But then I updated the software and had to start all over. No problem I thought, a good excuse
On my first power up for some reason RTL is messed up. I always check that this feature works befor I go off flying. But it gets home wrong the first time. If I then disconnect the battery and restart it gets it right.
I was hoping to setup my mode switch so I have STABILIZE instead of MANUAL mode, so that the IMU helps normal flight. But it doesn't work if I change the code. Can it be done any other way?
Tonight I had my first fully successful auto flight. What a rush! This is my first foray into autopilots and a rather steep learning curve to start with, but I'm happy to say it was all worth it.
I flew a circuit of 8 way-points, some of different he
I have managed to get my model (skywalker) flying quite well in both stabilized and fly by wire mode, but I have a problem with the throttle. It doesn't seem to work.
For testing purposes I wired the throttle direct to the rx so I could control it.
I finally got to try my new airframe yesterday. Its the skywalker foam plane that is gaining some popularity especially with the FPV crowd. It seems really stable and a big pussy cat to fly.
Anyway I have a few, probably quite basic questions, on s
I'm trying to get GPS lock with my new U blox GPS. I'm using the default 1.7 software. Labview works fine, but I don't get a blue light to indicate GPS lock, and of course no data.
I ordered the GPS from DIY and asked for it to be programmed for ardupi
Is there a version number in the code somewhere? Its not immediately obvious to me.
Also I am using the demo prog, and I understand it doesn't yet work with ver 1.7, but it does with 1.6. In the download section there is no 1.6 as such. It seem to be
Not having much luck here. I finally got my arduimu programmed right, but when I plugged back in the power wires after removing the programming cable I had the one pin over to the left.
As soon as I attached the batter to the ardupilot ffzzt!!! somet