A push broom line scanner application for android smart phones. Stitching is done on the device with OpenCV. Small movements really effect the stitched image so a gimbal and slow, stable forward flight will be necessary for a good image. There is an
Just got a open box f210 3D have to batterys using a balance charger at 1 amp one battery is walkera the other brand new turnigy 1300mh both only gave me 2 minuts and 33 seconds give or take of flight time.
Ascent AeroSystems is one of the most exciting new players in the UAS (drone) industry, and having just received additional funding to grow our business, we’re hiring!
Our unique designs provide the foundation for the most portable and durable vehicle
Hey ya'll! Im back! Hope you guys have been having a good day> I am currently building a racing FPV quad, and I need a bit of help choosing a competitive frame for under $80. I know there are a lot of frames out there, but I am unsure of a competitiv
i have copter my using arducopter 2.8. it flip as just fly. durring calibration i could not do calibration of compass. is that due to this? when compass calibration section start i do not see any start points to get samples.
Arducopter 3.4.4 (PixHawk) bugs in altitude or yaw controllers?
So I've been using copter 3.4.4 since January2017 and have had this mystery problem the entire time with the drone descending at random after being completely stable for 5 to 8 minutes.
Hi, My underwater ROV team is working on building a vehicle with a vectored motor configuration with an Arduino Due. The Arduino is fed by two 2 axis analog joysticks (one for x,z plane of motion, the other for the y plane or vertical motion). The pr
Hey Boris and the gang, why have you taken away 1 wire, 4 wire flashing and pretty much forcing ppl to buy something that isn't as useful and versatile in a unilateral, bullshit way?
I am trying to work out a configuration to where i can interface the new Flir Duo camera into the 3DR Solo. Has anyone had experience with this? Is there a 3rd party interface that I could use? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. ~Chris
Hi everyone, Im a newbie on this marvelous site (and maybe a nummie as well) I amm build my own quad with the Spektrum AR7700 rx and the KK 2.1 controller, I have read the instructions but carnt seem to follow the connections from the SRXL output to
I have a Carboncore copter flying with Pixhawk. It has no problem with manual control flight. Then I designed a simple flight path using Mission Planner.It went well at the beginning, however, after reaching the first waypoint and on its way going to
I want to develop a bigdata mechanism to detect failures scenarios , analizing tlog on real time. Is there any tlogs repository with typicall failures (crashes, gps llost, ...) or any SITL script that emulates this situation ??
Hey guys I'm having a bit of a problem with my hexacopter build and hopefully it's just a small issue that we can resolve. My problem is that when I power up my set up 5 motors beep and run their start up sequence but one motor acts like it's getting
I want to use simulation with XPlane 10 and pixhawk. For my purposes i tried to use some of QGC classes (QGCXplaneLink, Vehicle, FirmwarePlugin and others) and wrote my own xplane2mav proxy, which converts MA
I'm working on a school project that uses a 3DR Solo and Rededge camera to capture images of local crops to calculate the NDVI. We would like to remotely trigger image captures then transfer files to a ground station for processing. The camera has