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3Dlabprint planes

I have been printing the 3DLabprint planes since he started out with the spitfire. I have actually printed quite a few of them, and although they are heavier than a foamy they still fly very nice. We asked Stepan from 3Dlabprint if it was ok to print

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Joystick support

I have been trying without success to get the joystick option to work in Mission Planner.   I have tried connecting first and not connecting.  Nothing works. The program recognizes the joysticks, but does not save the settings.  Whenever I quit MP an

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4 Replies

Bad AHRS, Alt act funny

Hi all,

I have a problem that I see in my Pixhawk running ver 3.3.3 once in a while.
The altitude reading start to oscillate at some point as in the inline picture.
Throughout the log the pixhawk was static and connected through USB to a computer indoor

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Issues with gentwire 181

Yo Comunity. We have a Sony FDR AX53 mounted on our gimbal on our big quad. The stabilisation is fantastic. We purchased a gentwire 181 interface to control zoom and record and photos and video.

It doesn't work.

We tested the cable on a the Sony FDR –

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IRIS+ System Error

My IRIS+ had an issue where the motors got "saturated" and fell out of the sky.  I sent it back to 3DRoboctics and they "fixed the issue".  They replaced all the motors.  I get 15 okay flights out of it and start getting a system error.  Now the IRIS

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