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GPS guided drone



Prototype for a later build that will use GPS inputs to position the drone.....not going for aesthetics on this one.

Having some issues with the HM-10 bluetooth (not as capable as I thought) so switching to an XBEE.


Motors-AirGear 350 Kit (include

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Where to start?

Hello everebody.

I am a future engineer, studying Mechatronics engineering.
For the next year I have to make a project to finish my graduarion, and I am interested in doing a drone.
Since I am ney to this world of drones, could you give me some advices,

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MultiWii Fixed Wing Quad Hybrid

Basically I'm developing a VTOL UAV equipped with a fixed wing that would pitch at 90 degrees once I turn on the AUX1 switch and then translate the new controls once the gyro reads 90 degrees.I've literally done all the hardware but I'm having troubl

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Naze32 Rev6 need help identifying part

Hello people,

A month or so ago I built by first quad. I spent a while learning how to fly. Just when I was getting used to the transision from angle to rate mode, I crashed hard. After that, channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 were no longer received by the naze3

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Hi all im still new at this making drones thing but i just wanted to ask everyones opinion on my drone to see if there is something im doing wrong.

ok so to start with i have the

 Flywheel 550mm frame

 Turnigy 35 amp 100kv motors x6 with 10x4.7 proppell

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Pixhawk AutoTune crash



My hexacopter crashed a few days ago and I cannot find out why exactly. It was after I tried to autotune it, I don’t know if it could be the reason. Here is a list of things I found out during the flight and in the flight logs:


1: At the end o

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Error when launch MP

Hi, I have this error now when I launch MP. Before it worked ok, but I long time that I didn't use it and made some optimization of my Windows10. Maybe I stopped some autolaunching services. Anyway, anyone has already had the same error?

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