Just wanted to share that I learned through Twitter communication with 3DR that the SOLO app doesn't support survey mapping; however, you can use the Tower app but apparently that voids your warranty, or at least the flight with Tower won't be covere
It sounds like you will be required to keep your mobile device with the controller during follow-me. This means you can't just throw a phone in a mountain biker/skier's pocket and tell them to go (while you keep the controller to take back control i
It would be nice if they released the documentation so that we can at least prepare for the release. That would also probably boost sales as we could see what it will really do.
It would be nice to have some more detailed specs on the Solo.
What is its max altitude above sea level? There aren't enough specs available to use ecalc to figure out max altitude. At least I don't think there are... I've never used ecalc myself.
It sounds like the Solo App doesn't have waypoint/ROI mission planning capability. We will still need to use the Tower App for that. (Or Mision Planner, APM 2.0, etc)
After upgrading to an Iris+ from a DJI Phantom, one thing I missed about the Phantom was the ability to hand catch instead of landing on the ground. Sounds crazy I know. I don't recommend anyone do it, but if you spend some time with Phantom user g
I haven't been able to pull up any information on the props or the motors. I need to be able to fly at 9 to 12 thousand feet above sea level. On an Iris+ this requires some small modification (longer props).