"Set mission safe distance to ground and obstacles in each mission parameters, instead of vehicle profile. This is annoying to change if flying low one mission over a field, then over a forest. If you forget to raise the safe AGL then it will crash…"
"1. Have takeoff and landing point be the same (optional). Right now gets error regarding too close.
2. Have default view on new mission load be down with north up (or set as you wish). The current one I have to manually reset each time I load.
"make sure your settings for max altitude and above ground and distance radius and RTL are all set as you wish using the DJI GO App, then try again using the UGCS adn see if that makes a difference."
"arg, i've been trying everything to convert point clouds or geotif DEM into a Collada and can't figure it out. Any ideas appreciated. Thanks! Eben N. Broadbent said:
Hi, I collect .las point clouds using a laser scanner, first flying at a high AGL…"
"Hi, I collect .las point clouds using a laser scanner, first flying at a high AGL to ensure I don't collide with a tree crown, then fly lower to get denser understory of the forest. From the point cloud I was creating a raster geotiff to import into…"
Yes, but that doesn't work as I would want to be - for example - 60 meters AGL on the DEM, but 20 meters AGL on the DSM. Now, it would be possible to adjust this, however the DSM has gaps in it and if I were to fly over a gap then it…"
How could I include a Digital Surface Model (DSM) (with native Geotiff format) as a 3D Object to avoid hitting objects when creating missions at low AGL?
"Excellent, thank you! I also recommend UgCS. Thanks for sharing the tip and I will try this out. I'm curious how adaptive turning works with this approach and if it will produce nice smooth figure eight patterns, hope so! Alexey Dobrovolskiy…"
"Following recent updates, I've got the adaptive banked turn working well and no need for this feature at this time. I use a 25 m in between transect distance, and the M600 Pro is making now perfect turns between transects at the start and end. Nice!"
"Ok, I"ll try. I did try this with 10 m overshoot and 25 m between transects, and with adaptive bank turn it would fly half or all the transect sideways as it tried to adapt the turn and failed."
It would be very important (for me) to have the ends of each transect in the area scan use the 'stop and turn' functionality, and the interior waypoints (added by UGCS to maintain constant AGL) use 'adaptive banked turn'. The reason this is…