I currently live in South Dakota, and the winter weather is not all that conducive to flying. I am seeing a lot of good Solo deals (new and second hand), and I am wondering if I should jump on a deal now (knowing that I can't really fly for t
The copter had a compass error a few weeks ago, and I've just put it back together. An arm needed replacing & the USB port on the exterior (body & PX4...couldn't believe it) is broken. I recalibrated everything & took it out today. It flies
I have an Iris+ which I've been using pretty successfully for mapping. However, it had a bit of an accident a few weeks ago & I am thinking of a replacement. I was going to get a Solo, but 3DR tells me that I voided my Iris+ warranty by attaching a
I am ready to order all of what I think I need for a fixed wing UAV, and I am wondering if anyone with expertise can point me to a good set of instructions to follow for putting it together. I would like to use the Skywalker x5 or x8 frame, w
I've been very happy with my IRIS+, and it's taught me a lot. I now want to try my hand at a fixed wing, for mapping/modelling purposes. I want something that is fairly DIY, and can carry a decent amount.
I have the charger and parallel board shown below. Was planning on charging 3 batteries. Plugged in the first 2 just fine, but plugging in the 3rd got a 'poof!' One of the connectors came off the board, and the
I just don't seem to be getting very good range with the stock radios, and I would like to try longer antenna. I know/think that they currently have 2dbi antenna, so must I look for something with the same dbi? I'm just looking for a cheap'ish, off
Went out for my 3rd flight today, and could not get DP2 to connect. Constantly got MAVlink error: No devices found. It worked fine yesterday. I was using Mission Planner yesterday to extend the geo-fence to 1000m.
[UPDATE: Original title has been changed, as the thread has evolved. Typos also removed]
OK, so I am ready to purchase the IRIS+ and start doing some small scale mapping. Thank-you to everyone who suggested some DIY kits, but I'm not there yet.
I am a grad student who is starting some basic research on UAV/Drone technology. I am looking for some insight on the best setup to buy. My budget is around $2500 for the whole setup.
I would like to produce quality aerial images/maps. This is my prim