Global_Saffer's Discussions (15)

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Unstable Iris+

Hi All,

The copter had a compass error a few weeks ago, and I've just put it back together.  An arm needed replacing & the USB port on the exterior (body & PX4...couldn't believe it) is broken.  I recalibrated everything & took it out today.  It flies

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Fixed wing recommendation needed

Hi all,

I am ready to order all of what I think I need for a fixed wing UAV, and I am wondering if anyone with expertise can point me to a good set of instructions to follow for putting it together.  I would like to use the Skywalker x5 or x8 frame, w

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Basic mapping with Iris+ Canon S100

[UPDATE: Original title has been changed, as the thread has evolved.  Typos also removed]

OK, so I am ready to purchase the IRIS+ and start doing some small scale mapping.  Thank-you to everyone who suggested some DIY kits, but I'm not there yet.


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