I damaged the red pushbutton switch on my Pixhawk build today.
I called 3DR to order a new one, and I learned that they don't sell the switch any more, unless you buy a complete Pixhawk kit to get a switch. I gather that when as they sell out the misc
I'm using a T8FG Radio and a R6208SB Receiver and I want to setup AUX ports to operate Retractable Landing Gear, Gimble Pitch, and Lights on a Hexicopter , after setup up in
I have been to github to get software for the RFD 900+ but there so much software, I don't know what Firmware I need two get my Two RFD900+ to work together, One on my Hexicopter and one as Base Station.
I have Ubuntu-15-04 installed on my Laptop and i went to install Qgroundcontrol and discovered that when I followed instructions it went to install packages off Ubuntu website that it was coming up with Ubuntu-14-04 packages to install, do I need to
I'm building a Tarot-680Pro with 3DR Pixhawk and I will be using a Fatuba T8FG Radio, And I'm going to be setting up S-Bus, will the FrSky X8R Receiver work with the T8FG Radio without anymore hardware, connected to PixHawk ?