"@ThomasB like some others have eluded to - there are lots of words surrounding the capabilities of the MPU chips. The 6000 and 6050 both are advertised as 9DOF capable but the only chip that it might work with is the AK8975. Based on all of the…"
"Does anyone know what the native crystal frequency for the v3 board is? The value I'm looking for is F_CPU which is used by delay.h and others for proper timing calculations.
"Do you all have any plans of utilizing the MPU-6050 on this board? According to Invensense 9DOF fusion is only supported on the MPU-6050 Rev. B. We can obviously code up some "fusion" of our own but this isn't really optimal."
"@Eric Well, I would like to pre-order! It appears this is not possible since it is listed as out of stock and thus cannot be put in a cart. This is why I'm asking..."
Also, Jordi or Chris, does this IMU provide a solid reading during single axis straight line acceleration? One of your previous efforts, the sparkfun Razor IMU was not able to produce a constant pitch or roll reading…"
I have been working with the sparkfun 9DOF IMU. I have found and issue for which I do not know the source.I have a 12/28/09 rev. board and I have tried both Jordi's firmware and the GKE firmware. Both of these boards show changes in pitch and roll…
"I'd recommend a DCMA take down. Keep in mind that your code is ever evolving and that unless someone really takes it up and continues to work it - it probably will be less interesting that what you have to offer in the future. The way you stay…"