"They are libraries. You should write your own code for your communication these libraries are for encode and decode the mavlink package. First it is hard to understand but you can find explanation for packages in code as comments they are very…"
Hi everyone; I harmed my ardupilots battery sensor(for ATTO pilot pin A1,A2) pins accedientally. I want to change these pin to use again my attopilot. I look for it in source files but I couldn't find a way. Does anyone who know how to do…
merhabalar;Ardupilot üzerinden çeşitli sensör verilerini seri haberleşme kanalı ile alıyorum. Seri haberleşme programını çalıştırır çalıştırmaz heartbeat mesajı bilgisayarıma geliyor ver veriler ardından akmaya başlıyor. Bunu mavlink protokolü…
"Hi Andy;
I was trying to compile and load your code on Apm but there are so many errors. I couldn't handle them I am using modified arduino for ardupilot to compile the code. I am really appreciate if you could help. I couldn't put errors because so…"