"I am trying to configure this zubax gps and am having problems. While looking at the Params list in Mission Planner I can not locate the BRN_CAN_ENABLE parameter on the latest firmware. Please help."
Hello everyone,I have been working on a heavylift quadcopter for some time now. I have used U8 Tmotors on 6s and had good success with flight time but suffered in stability. I have been looking to change to the U10 Tmotor or the KDE 7208 or 7215…
"I found the the was a glitch with the firmware. I flashed the firmware to use qground control and then flashed back to use Mission Planner and the problem went away. You do not need to do what I've done but I would try a clean flash of firmware.…"
"In my case (I don't have a clue, lol) I have a four station battery charger. I plug one battery in to one port. I guess everything is entitled to an error or two.
At this point with these batteries it is a moot point. if you follow one of my other…"
"Well I found the problem to be that the charger stopped mid charge. I restarted the charger and it finished within a couple mah of the other one. It doesn't give me warm and fuzzies for it to do this.
"I use castle creation 50A esc's. I have yet to pull the log information from the esc's. Right before the quad flipped I heard a distinct sound of signal sync stall. T u is I a sound I've heard on YouTube when people tested different esc's with the…"
"Do not tie on the ground out of the battery lead to the ground of the leads the go to the pixhawk. Imagine everything that goes to the Pixhawk only needs to be tied into the small diameter wires to the right of the of the attopilot and BEC. The…"
I would hope so. To pull more than 90a you would have to be swinging logs (tree Logs, LOL) on the motors. I looked at the spec. sheet for the motors. If you pull 100% throttle yes you could exceed the 90a max (AttoPilot Voltage and Current…"
This configuration will not work. The connection from the attopilot board is a metered signal not a power sorce. You will need to pull power from the battery. Make sure the bec can handle the 6s voltage. If you want to eliminate the weight…"
Hello everyone,I know that large, heavy lift quadcopter might be a nitch in this community but I see that there are several here building these.From all that I have read and experienced when building them with low kv, large motors there are some…
I hope you are ready for a challenge. Once you start to get it right it is very rewarding. The first thing I can say is frame ragidity is most important. Check vibration levels using your logs. X and y axis should under 3 g's. The z axis…"
I hope the charger had a bad day. I use anti spark plugs for the very reason of reducing spark when connecting the batteries. I am trying to come up with a reliable way of logging power consumption of the batteries…"