I have a Spektrum Dx6i transmitter, and a ready to fly hexacopter from 3d robotics. If I make the mistake of turning off my transmitter before the lipo battery on the hexacopter is unplugged, the hexacopter will rev up to full throttle and take off
So I've been building a hexacopter. Today, after 4 semi-successful flights (only small crashes) my APM2.5 suddenly can't connect to the software anymore. I've done all the normal troubleshooting (restart, trying different USB ports, disconnecting a
Long story short, I'm in the field trying to gather imagery with my hexacopter and I broke one of my motors. I can't ship a new motor out before the field season ends, do you think the hexacopter will compensate and still fly with only 5 motors? Or
I've finally got my hexacopter up and running, and I'm having trouble flying it straight up and down. When I give the copter a little throttle, it lists in one direction without me touching any of the other controls. Any suggestions?
Right now, I've got my battery hooked up to my PDB with a deans connector. Then, I attach the red and black wires running off the center of my PDB to the APM, in the output space. This does nothing. Isn't it supposed to make my APM light up and tu
I've recently assembled my 3d robotics hexacopter kit, and I'm trying now to calibrate the ESCs, which are 3d robotics brand. When I plug in my Lipo, they make the musical note and beep, and the propellers jerk slightly. And then the beeping
The battery cables that go to my PDB on the hexacopter have a male deans connector, but this battery seems to have bullet connectors. Can I just cut them off and solder a
Hello all,I notice that on the page for the Ready to Fly hexacopter Arducopter, there is an option for $55 sonar. I do not see this sonar anywhere for the full assemblage kit of the same hexacopter-style arducopter.Is this sonar actually included? Is
Hello, I want to take infrared aerial photography using a UAV. Does anyone have any advice about what sort of camera/lens I should buy in order to do this?