"Mine is breaking..no glue at all.. the bad news led pad is broken and imposible to re-solder. This happen when i remove gps connector. Very fragile. Pay attention on GPS1 connector.. why there is a hole exactly on gps1 connector holder?, so only…"
"+1 Craig Elder, I completely missing all param descriptions. How to show up all param descriptions? I already re-install mission planner but still nothing.."
"@Yudha Angkasa Putra : Salam kenal pak Yudha..Untuk software banyak kok pak Yudha, tergantung kebutuhan. Klo hanya mau menggabungkan saya kira PTGUI atau Microsoft ICE..Klo Orthophotomosaik bisa pake Photoscan, Menci, Enso, Nimpho, PCI, dll.."
"Nowdays microcontrollers and sensors are growing rapidly. Not only in our hobby, but in everything. smartphone, self park car, self driving car, segway, etc. They are going cheap. I never image flying autonomously my RC Airplane 10 years ago! The…"
"Wow it's awesome! He's flying really inside, fantastic! I just curiuos how loud big bang from exploded fireworks not affected the IMU? Anyone confirm of this?"
"Hi Rai,
Better you use SW 1900 (fx series airfoil), higher lift capabilty so it can bring more battery amps. Do you mean endurance (90min) or Long distance? it's different terms in between. If you want to fly endurance choose high aspect ratio…"
"Hi Andrian,
Please check your motor thurst. I think it's important to make correct motor thrust on pusher airplane type. Fly in manual mode then full throttle, and notice if it has tendency nose dive. I have similiar problem with SW1880, it…"
"Hi Khairul,
I have same problem with my SW1880, bank and dive with full throttle. My SW1880 a bit nose heavy, AUW 2,7kg. My guess SW1880 hate to bank more than 45 degree to turn with a bit nose heavy caused nose drop down. I set Roll Limit…"