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ArduCopter on Ice

Hi folks!

I have been tinkering with the ArduCopter since autumn 2011. While still being lightyears from perfection I do appreciate the possibilities it brings and the community spirit here around is inspiring!

Here is a video from yesterdays test/ demo flights on the frozen Lake Maelaren (Stockholm, Sweden).

I use 3DR frame, stock motors and ESC, carbon reinforced props 10x4,5, APM2, AC2.4.1 GIT 28 feb, and LiPo 3S4500mAh Nanotech. Ironically, when analysing this flight afterwards, it seems as the parameter Loiter P was zero, which of course impacts how the copter copes with loitering. Something must have gone wrong when I concluded the loiter tuning (using CH6) earlier that day.

I the end of this (long, feel free to use fast forward) I show my parameters, APM board o-ring suspension and how I set up six flight modes on my JR12X. The video is available in full HD. Enjoy!  / Tomas

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Marcy 2 parts


So after another $75, all of Marcy 2's brain finally arrived.  To be sure, Marcy 2 has gone through a lot of failed iterations & airframes.  This time, she's a Wifi monocopter.

As bad as it is for business, the cheapest way to get WiFi in a robot is the $5 USB dongle.  It's not as convenient as the Roving Networks products & no-one else does it, but we already reached the same conclusion years ago & implemented a USB dongle in another gadget.

It's amazing how persistent that conclusion has stayed.  The mane problem is these dongles are their 1 off, single manufacturing runs.  You have to write a new driver every time you order another set of dongles.

As for the Wifi dongle,


 It's the RTL8192CU.



It is built on top of the USB pads, so connecting it is hard.  It appears to use 3.3V & 1.5V inside.  A datasheet for the RTL8188CUS would be nice.

Also, it's finally time to use an ARM.  The last ARM attempt died in 2007, when our home made JTAG got it flashed, but it still couldn't toggle a pin.  This time, we tried as hard as possible to find an Arduino reference design, but there's still nothing & the chip they're targeting doesn't have nearly the horsepower we need.

ARM is definitely still a jump in complexity.  It still needs a ton of connections to get going.  It still needs paragraphs of registers to set a pin.  The mane improvements are only 1 power supply being needed & no external clock being needed.

So the camera interface on the STM32F407 uses a double buffer.  Software can massage small bits of data before storing it in a frame buffer.  If the transfer rate was low enough, it could JPEG compress 16 rows at a time.  It's going to take some 64 UDP packets to transfer an uncompressed 320x240 greyscale frame. There's not enough room on the aircraft for DRAM.


In the quest for Marcy 2's cross compiler, we found exactly 1 guide which worked:

The gnuarm toolchain we tried 5 years ago hasn't been updated since 2007.  People have moved to commercial tools on Windows.  The only build system for ARM we found was has a Makefile.

Marcy 2's camera is the 8 year old, famous TCM8230MD.  Low volume options in this department are still limited to ancient parts.





Now that the undocumented footprints for the camera & Wifi are available for measuring, we can finally lay it out.

Sparkfun forums told a tale of various attempts to use the TCM8230.  People have driven it with clockspeeds down to 12Mhz.  They don't know if it can go lower.  They get a framerate of 15fps when driving it at 12Mhz, but don't know if it can do full resolution at 15fps or only 1/2 resolution.

They don't know the output data rate with the 12Mhz clock & 320x240 video.  They've used discrete logic to store the output in SRAM.  1 guy used an AL440B to buffer the data.

There's also the TCM8240MD, which has JPEG compression but is 8 years old.  The hardware JPEG compression makes everything smaller.  The thing is no-one's using the JPEG compression.

According to the Sparkfun forum, they're buying it for the JPEG compression but just using it for uncompressed.  Neither do they know how fast the JPEG output needs to be captured.  It could be 25Mhz, just like the uncompressed data.  JPEG cameras are such an exception to the rule of what's sold, they're almost not worth it.

Most important


is the Leo Laporte ball, $15 at Big 5.  Theoretically, it should keep us awake & keep us from hunching over while soldering.  Who knows how many soldering iron drops & xacto knife drops & it'll withstand.  It does transfer whatever is on the floor to your hands & make it hard to fart.



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The search for the holy bowl


After scouring most of the shops in my area for a cover/box/hat for my 3DR Quad I found the Orthex 140 0,75 liter kitchen bowl.


The fitting is so good it almost brings tears to my eyes.

It sits on the bottom plate just outside the nut on the arm and I could even reuse the nylon screws on the top.

Highly recommended!

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3D Robotics

APM 2 update -- Ordering reopened!

3689446587?profile=originalGood news: APM 2 preorders have reopened. You can now choose it with the onboard GPS or without, so can use an external GPS or any other supported GPS module (the Ublox GS406/407 can be used with this adapter, and other modules can be used in NMEA mode). 

All the necessary components for this batch of APM 2s will be coming in by the end of March, so pre-orders placed to today will be shipping in 4-6 weeks. After this pre-order period we will be in full APM 2 production, so the product should be constantly in stock by the middle of April.  At that point, we'll probably also offer versions with external magnetometers, and with an option for different connector pins, including right-angle pins.

We also now offer a version with no pins pre-soldered at all, for those who want to configure it to taste themselves. 


You can always follow the 3D Robotics Twitter feed for more regular updates.

On the code front, the current ArduCopter and ArduPlane supports APM 2, but has not yet been optimized for its sensors. Optimized code will be out in the next couple weeks, and further enhancements will be coming in the months to come. There's a lot of power in APM 2's MPU-6000 sensors, and you'll find that each software update taps it more. 

The first code enhancement, coming in the next week or two, will address the "lean" issue that some people are experiencing on multicopters. This is due to vibration. With the current code, the APM 2 board is more susceptible to this for two reasons: first, because it's a lighter board than APM 1 and as a result has less mechanical damping even when mounted on vibration-insulation, and second because we have not yet implemented software filtering of accelerometer noise.

The reason for that second issue is that in the current code, most software filtering is done in the ADC library. But because  APM 2 uses digital sensors, unlike the analog ones on APM 1 (which go through an ADC), it doesn't use the ADC library. This week we're going to move the filtering to the main ArduCopter code, which is shared by both APM 1 and APM 2, and we'll be able to optimize the settings for APM 2. This should resolve most of the "leaning" issues with a simple software update, which should be out by mid-March. 

There are a bunch of other improvements we're doing to improve filtering, including new test processes and easier ways to adjust the filters, both for the dev team and end-users. We're also preparing to use the MPU-6000's internal DMP processor, as an option to replace the software DCM sensor fusion algorithm we now use, but are still working with Invensense on a legal path to distribute the source code, in keeping with our commitment to open source. Look for that update to be out in a few months. 

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Arducopter Hexa 3DR Frame Now on Pre-Order!



The rugged Arducopter 3DR frame is now available in a Hexa version capable of supporting larger payloads and longer flight times. With the stock 850kV (purple) motors, a basic Hexa with ESCs, APM, GPS and an RC Receiver weighs in at 1356.3g and can lift more than its own weight.


This version supports a fancy new feature allowing easy access to the power distribution board. The entire stackup can be removed with thumb nuts to allow access to the central area between the base plates.






Lifting tests were performed with the following results:


Frame Weight: 1356.3g

Battery Weight (4S 5000mAh): 534.0g

Misc. Payload: 533.7g

All-Up Weight: 2424g

Flight Time in Hover: 12:10

Over 24 minutes endurance is possible in this configuration! (Using Misc Payload for a second battery)


Frame Weight: 1356.3g

Battery Weight (4S 5000mAh): 534.0g

Misc. Payload: 843.7g

All-Up Weight: 2734g

Flight Time in Hover: 10:00


Maximum Take-Off Weight Test Performed at 3190g


Tests with the larger motors are awaiting arrival of stock, expected around the end of February. You can order your kit with either motor set but the 880kV versions won't ship until February 29th. 850kV orders and orders without motors will ship next Friday, February 24th.


NEW TEST with the 880kV motors: (hovering in gusty winds)

Frame Weight: 1508g

Battery (4S 5000 mAh): 531.2g

Payload: 986.3g

Flight time: 10:17

All-Up Weight: 3025g

 -- only about 140g extra payload for the same duration flight but conditions were considerably more turbulent for the 880kV test flight

Frame Kit: $199.99

Frame + Motors: $419.99

Frame + Motors + Electronics: $649.99


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3D Robotics

A REALLY DIY quadcopter

3689446610?profile=originalWow. Florian did his own motor controllers, RC (via Xbee) and everything else. From Hackaday

We think [FlorianH] did a bang-up job of prototyping his Minima Quadcopter on the cheap. The total bill comes in right around $200 and we’re very happy with the quality of parts as well as the results.

Here you can see the top of the double-sided board which he etched to host all of the components. At each corner there is a power MOSFET which drives the brushless motor. At first glance we thought that the Xbee module was acting as the radio control and processer as well. But on the underside you’ll find an ATmega32 which is responsible for reading the Gyroscope sensor and Accelerometer, processing these signals and driving each MOSFET via PWM lines to provide stability.

You can see some flight tests after the break. [FlorianH] mentions that there is some oscillation in the feedback loop when both the gyro and accelerometer are used. But cut the accelerometer out of the equation and the platform is rock-solid.

This build uses carbon tubes to mount the motors, which we think will be a little more robust than the all-PCB designs are.

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Monument Valley (TBS @ USA Road Trip)

Part 6 of the series takes us to Monument Valley in Utah. We had the coolest guide ever. Quickly explained him the concept, where he needs to take us so we can take shots, and then off we went in an old rusty bumpy vehicle. Great fun, great scenery and I think none of the "random tourists" that were there with us will ever forget the views ...

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Full article Here

Heads up: Drones are going mainstream.

Civilian cousins of the unmanned military aircraft that have tracked and killed terrorists in the Middle East and Asia are in demand by police departments, border patrols, power companies, news organizations and others wanting a bird's-eye view that's too impractical or dangerous for conventional planes or helicopters to get.

Along with the enthusiasm, there are qualms.

Drones overhead could invade people's privacy. The government worries they could collide with passenger planes or come crashing down to the ground, concerns that have slowed more widespread adoption of the technology.

Despite that, pressure is building to give drones the same access as manned aircraft to the sky at home.

"It's going to be the next big revolution in aviation. It's coming," says Dan Elwell, the Aerospace Industries Association's vice president for civil aviation.

Some impetus comes from the military, which will bring home drones from Afghanistan and wants room to test and use them. In December, Congress gave the Federal Aviation Administration six months to pick half a dozen sites around the country where the military and others can fly unmanned aircraft in the vicinity of regular air traffic, with the aim of demonstrating they're safe.

The Defense Department says the demand for drones and their expanding missions requires routine and unfettered access to domestic airspace, including around airports and cities. In a report last October, the Pentagon called for flights first by small drones both solo and in groups, day and night, expanding over several years. Flights by large and medium-sized drones would follow in the latter half of this decade.

Other government agencies want to fly drones, too, but they've been hobbled by an FAA ban unless they first receive case-by-case permission. Fewer than 300 waivers were in use at the end of 2011, and they often include restrictions that severely limit the usefulness of the flights. Businesses that want to put drones to work are out of luck; waivers are only for government agencies.

But that's changing.

Congress has told the FAA that the agency must allow civilian and military drones to fly in civilian airspace by September 2015. This spring, the FAA is set to take a first step by proposing rules that would allow limited commercial use of small drones for the first time.

Until recently, agency officials were saying there were too many unresolved safety issues to give drones greater access. Even now FAA officials are cautious about describing their plans and they avoid discussion of deadlines.

"The thing we care about is doing that in an orderly and safe way and finding the appropriate ... balance of all the users in the system," Michael Huerta, FAA's acting administrator, told a recent industry luncheon in Washington. "Let's develop these six sites — and we will be doing that — where we can develop further data, further testing and more history on how these things actually operate."

Drones come in all sizes, from the high-flying Global Hawk with its 116-foot wingspan to a hummingbird-like drone that weighs less than an AA battery and can perch on a window ledge to record sound and video. Lockheed Martin has developed a fake maple leaf seed, or "whirly bird," equipped with imaging sensors, that weighs less than an ounce.

Potential civilian users are as varied as the drones themselves.

Power companies want them to monitor transmission lines. Farmers want to fly them over fields to detect which crops need water. Ranchers want them to count cows.

Journalists are exploring drones' newsgathering potential. The FAA is investigating whether The Daily, a digital publication of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., used drones without permission to capture aerial footage of floodwaters in North Dakota and Mississippi last year. At the University of Nebraska, journalism professor Matt Waite has started a lab for students to experiment with using a small, remote-controlled helicopter.

"Can you cover news with a drone? I think the answer is yes," Waite said.

The aerospace industry forecasts a worldwide deployment of almost 30,000 drones by 2018, with the United States accounting for half of them.

"The potential ... civil market for these systems could dwarf the military market in the coming years if we can get access to the airspace," said Ben Gielow, government relations manager for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, an industry trade group.

The hungriest market is the nation's 19,000 law enforcement agencies.

Customs and Border Patrol has nine Predator drones mostly in use on the U.S.-Mexico border, and plans to expand to 24 by 2016. Officials say the unmanned aircraft have helped in the seizure of more than 20 tons of illegal drugs and the arrest of 7,500 people since border patrols began six years ago.

Several police departments are experimenting with smaller drones to photograph crime scenes, aid searches and scan the ground ahead of SWAT teams. The Justice Department has four drones it loans to police agencies.

"We look at this as a low-cost alternative to buying a helicopter or fixed-wing plane," said Michael O'Shea, the department's aviation technology program manager. A small drone can cost less than $50,000, about the price of a patrol car with standard police gear.

Like other agencies, police departments must get FAA waivers and follow much the same rules as model airplane hobbyists: Drones must weigh less than 55 pounds, stay below an altitude of 400 feet, keep away from airports and always stay within sight of the operator. The restrictions are meant to prevent collisions with manned aircraft.

Even a small drone can be "a huge threat" to a larger plane, said Dale Wright, head of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association's safety and technology department. "If an airliner sucks it up in an engine, it's probably going to take the engine out," he said. "If it hits a small plane, it could bring it down."

Controllers want drone operators to be required to have instrument-rated pilot licenses — a step above a basic private pilot license. "We don't want the Microsoft pilot who has never really flown an airplane and doesn't know the rules of how to fly," Wright said.

Military drones designed for battlefields haven't had to meet the kind of rigorous safety standards required of commercial aircraft.

"If you are going to design these things to operate in the (civilian) airspace you need to start upping the ante," said Tom Haueter, director of the National Transportation Safety Board's aviation safety office. "It's one thing to operate down low. It's another thing to operate where other airplanes are, especially over populated areas."

Even with FAA restrictions, drones are proving useful in the field.

Deputies with the Mesa County Sheriff's Office in Colorado can launch a 2-pound Draganflyer X6 helicopter from the back of a patrol car. The drone's bird's-eye view cut the manpower needed for a search of a creek bed for a missing person from 10 people to two, said Ben Miller, who runs the drone program. The craft also enabled deputies to alert fire officials to a potential roof collapse in time for the evacuation of firefighters from the building, he said.

The drone could do more if it were not for the FAA's line-of-sight restriction, Miller said. "I don't think (the restriction) provides any extra safety," he said.

The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, north of Houston, used a Department of Homeland Security grant to buy a $300,000, 50-pound ShadowHawk helicopter drone for its SWAT team. The drone has a high-powered video camera and an infrared camera that can spot a person's thermal image in the dark.

"Public-safety agencies are beginning to see this as an invaluable tool for them, just as the car was an improvement over the horse and the single-shot pistol was improved upon by the six-shooter," said Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel, who runs the Montgomery drone program.

The ShadowHawk can be equipped with a 40 mm grenade launcher and a 12-guage shotgun, according to its maker, Vanguard Defense Industries of Conroe, Texas. The company doesn't sell the armed version in the United States, although "we have had interest from law-enforcement entities for deployment of nonlethal munitions from the aircraft," Vanguard CEO Michael Buscher said.

The possibility of armed police drones someday patrolling the sky disturbs Terri Burke, executive director of the Texas chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

"The Constitution is taking a back seat so that boys can play with their toys," Burke said. "It's kind of scary that they can use a laptop computer to zap people from the air."

A recent ACLU report said allowing drones greater access takes the country "a large step closer to a surveillance society in which our every move is monitored, tracked, recorded, and scrutinized by the authorities."

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which focuses on civil liberties threats involving new technologies, sued the FAA recently, seeking disclosure of which agencies have been given permission to use drones. FAA officials declined to answer questions from The Associated Press about the lawsuit.

Industry officials said privacy concerns are overblown.

"Today anybody— the paparazzi, anybody — can hire a helicopter or a (small plane) to circle around something that they're interested in and shoot away with high-powered cameras all they want," said Elwell, the aerospace industry spokesman. "I don't understand all the comments about the Big Brother thing."

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Six modes with Graupner MX-16

Maybe there is a better way to do, but this one works fine...

I'm using channel 8 of the radio and the following switches : SW8 (2 positions) and CTRL9 (3 positions)


In the main menu, navigate to “controller settings”


Go to channel 8 and activate the CTRL19 (3-pos switch) as shown here :


Then adjust the following values (+32% and +32%) :


Now back to the main menu, choose “Free mixer” and set the following values (i'm using the third mix in this example you can choose M1 if you want). First S => 8, then select the SW8 (2-pos switch) and then go to the arrow on the right to set the travel and offset.


Set travel and offset according to the following screen :


And that's it you're ready to go... I have the following values, which works fine.



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Awhile ago we (Centeye) started ArduEye, a project to implement an open source programmable vision sensor built around the Arduino platform. The first ArduEye version used a simple Tam image sensor chip and a plastic lens attached directly to the chip. After much experimentation and some feedback from users, we now have a second generation ArduEye.

The second generation ArduEye is meant to be extremely flexible, ultimately allowing one to implement a wide variety of different sensor configurations. A basic, complete ArduEye is shown below, and contains the following basic components:


An Arduino- Currently we are supporting Arduino UNO-sized boards (e.g. UNO, Duemilanove, Pro) and the Arduino MEGA. When the ARM-driven DUE comes out, we will surely support that as well.

A shield board- this board plugs into the Arduino, and has a number of places to mount one or more image sensor breakout boards. This shield also has places to mount an optional external ADC as well as additional power supply capacitors if desired.

A Stonyman image sensor on a breakout board- The Stonyman is a Centeye-designed 112x112 resolution image sensor chip with an extremely simple interface: 5 digital lines in, which are pulse in predefined sequences, and one analog line out, which contains the pixel. The Stonyman chips are wirebonded directly to a 1-inch square breakout board, which can plug into the shield.

Optics- Possibilities include printed pinholes, printed slits, and cell-phone camera lenses, depending on what you want to do.

Example application- The "application" is an Arduino sketch programmed into the Arduino. This sketch determines what the ArduEye does. One sketch can make it track bright lights, another sketch can measure optical flow, and so on. We are releasing, initially, a base sketch that demonstrates light tracking, optical flow, and odometry. Let us know what other example applications you would like to see.

ArduEye libraries- These libraries are to be installed in your Arduino IDE's "libraries" file, and include functions to operate the Stonyman image sensor chip as well as acquire and process images, including measuring optical flow.

GUI- Finally, we created a basic GUI that serves as a visual dump terminal for the ArduEye. You can now communicate with the ArduEye via either the GUI or the basic Arduino IDE's serial terminal. The GUI was written in Processing.

We designed the system to allow easy hacking to implement a wide variety of vision sensors by exploring combinations of optics, image sensing, and image processing. I personally find it useful, and actually use this system for prototyping things at Centeye- I can prototype a new vision sensor in just a couple hours. The target applications are quite broad and include just about anything that may use embedded vision, whether robotics, sensor nets, industrial controls, interactive electronic sculptures (yes this has come up), and so forth.

The video at the top shows some of the basic things you can do with this ArduEye. You'll see the ArduEye interfacing with a host PC using both the Arduino IDE's serial terminal and the ArduEye GUI. For more details, including links to the hardware design files and source code, go to the ArduEye wiki site. The site is a work in progress, but is adequate to get people started. The sample "first application" and GUI is what was used to generate the above video.

Right now we are having 200 Stonyman breakout boards being assembled- they should be ready within a month. We'll make more if this is well-received. We can assemble a few in-house at Centeye- I'll do this if enough people twist my arm and promise to really play with the hardware. :)

Please let me know your thoughts. In particular, are there any other "sample application" sketches you'd like us to implement?



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Successful Auto Takeoff!


This week I tested and mastered the auto takeoff feature on the APM I've installed on my Nova. It took a few tries and a cracked fuselage to get it, but once I got it performed very well; I set the flight mode to auto, I run down the field, and the motor kicks on without me telling it to, I throw it, and it takes off on it's own. Very cool. 

Seems to be working well, am I doing it right?

Next week I'll be testing the auto land feature, which will be just as exciting. 

Equipment Used:
Airplane: Scratch-built Nova, see for plans and build instructions
Main Camera: iPhone 4s
Airplane Camera: FlyCamOne2

Weight: 32 oz
Thrust: 21 oz
Wing Area: 3.33 square feet
Wing Loading: 5.3 oz per sq ft

If you're interested in building the Nova, I've got free build instructions and plans on my website:


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New Build, arducopter V2



After the crash of my stock arducopter due to a dying battery on my controller I had to rebuild.

The result of my rebuild pleases me a lot, for one I decreased the weight by almost 500 gr. The total weight with a camera and battery (not shown) is ~1400 gr. Adding telemetry will increase the weight only marginally and there is still plenty of space in the canopy for FPV gear.



standard jDrones arducopter electronics but with the new APM 2.0 (it arrived :) ).

Motor AC2830-358, 850Kv

jDrones ESC 20 Amp

and power distribution board.

4S 3000mA 25C battery pack

sexycopter black crow 4 fibreglass frame

50mm sexycopter landing legs, the landing legs are not compatible with the black crow frame but this was easily solved with an additional aluminium frame (with minimal extra weight).

Finally, a very strong DVD spindel.

All adding up to ~1400gr !!! if my final spinner and propeller / telemetry arrives next week I will start test flights.




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A University of Colorado Asst. Professor is transitioning his GoJett Supersonic UAV project into a business.

From University of Colorado News:

"The UAV is intended to shape the next generation of flight experimentation… Its thrust capacity makes the aircraft capable of reaching Mach 1.4, which is slightly faster than the speed of sound. Starkey says that regardless of the speed reached by the UAV, the aircraft will break the world record for speed in its weight class.

Its compact airframe is about 5 feet wide and 6 feet long. The aircraft costs between $50,000 and $100,000 -- a relatively small price tag in a field that can advance only through testing, which sometimes means equipment loss.

Starkey’s technology -- three years in the making at CU-Boulder -- is transitioning into a business venture through his weeks-old Starkey Aerospace Corp., called Starcor for short. The company was incubated by eSpace, which is a CU-affiliated nonprofit organization that supports entrepreneurial space companies. Starkey’s UAV already has garnered interest from the U.S. Army, Navy, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and NASA. The acclaimed Aviation Week publication also has highlighted Starkey’s UAV.

Starkey says technology transfer is important because it parlays university research into real-life applications that advance societies and contribute to local and global economies."

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3D Robotics

All-PCB quadcopter


Another cool one from Hackaday today.

[Frank] managed to pull together an impressive collection of features when developing the project. First off, the quadcopter itself uses all-PCB construction. Even the supports for the motors are PCBs with keyed slots to mate perpendicular to the main control board, then held firm with solder joints. We think this will be a more resilient option than this other all-PCB build.

The control board seen in the foreground has an edge connector which mates with a Wii classic controller connector. This is what you use for flight control. But there’s even more. The pinheader just visible on the left side of the controller mates with a socket on the ‘copter board. This allows you to sync the two so that there’s no radio frequency interference, and recharge the batteries from a USB connection. Speaking of those wireless communications, [Frank] chose to use an ATmega128RFA1. This is a newer microcontroller from Atmel that has a radio built into it. Add a gyroscope sensor and some motor control and you’re in business.

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3D Robotics

Variable pitch quads fly upside down

Check out those flips! From Hackaday

Straight from the Aerospace Controls Laboratory comes a variable-pitch quadrocopterdesigned by [Mark Cutler] and [Jonathan P. Howe]. While real, full-sized helicopters always have variable pitch rotors, changing the pitch of the blades on remote control aircraft is a fairly uncommon modification. When it’s done right, though, being able to easily change the thrust direction of a propeller leads to very cool flights, like having an airplane hover nose down.

[Mark] and [Jonathan] identified two interesting techniques that a variable pitch quadrotor can bring to the table. The first is trajectory generation  - because of the added maneuverability, their quadrotor can perform more aggressive banking turns when following a preprogrammed path. The second benefit to their design is quick deceleration. In the first video after the break, you can compare the deceleration rates of a variable pitch and fixed pitch quadrocopter. While the fixed pitch quad continues climbing after being commanded to stop, the quadrocopter outfitted with variable pitch rotors can stop on a dime.

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3D Robotics


Not legal yet in the US without a COA, but apparently allowed in Australia. FromMakezine:

The emerging story of entrepreneurs using drones to provide marketable services is fascinating to me. Small businesses have been making money by making drones themselves for quite awhile, now, but I’m just now starting to see start-ups using drones to sell services.

Aerial photography is maybe the most obvious opportunity—surveying real estate, covering sporting or other events, stalking celebrities, assessing damage after fires or other catastrophes—but there are also all kinds of potentially lucrative (and annoying) advertising and/or promotional possibilities. And that’s just scratching the surface of the possibilities of airborne drone-based services, never mind those of land-, water-, and underwater-going

An interesting case in point is Australian Simon Jardine, whose bouncing baby drone business is called Eye in the Sky. Australia is prime country for private aerial imaging services, with its relatively low population density, ongoing development, and vast, open spaces. Jardine’s photography was recently featured in a (surprisingly upbeat) Atlantic article about drones and privacy issues, and he’s got a Flickr stream full of great drone photography. [via Boing Boing]

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3D Robotics

Arduino control of a camera lens


If your UAV is big enough to carry a DLSR, here's a great way to control the lens. From Hackaday:

[Vladimir] built an Arduino-based pass-through ring (translated) which intercepts automatic lens controls. It’s meant for use with the Canon EOS lenses which have their own electronics allowing control of things like focus and zoom.

It seems like part of the motivation here was to uses the lenses with other brands of cameras. But [Vladimir] does also talk about the possibility of improving on some of the sensors that don’t perform well in certain climate conditions (think of how crystal oscillators will drift as temperature changes).

The machine translation is a bit rough to follow, but it seems the adapter ring still uses the settings sent in from the camera but has the Arduino clone to translate them into a format that the lens is expecting. In addition to this there is a set of buttons on that small PCB beside the lens which allow for fine tuning the aperture.

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