"Thanks Mark !
Yes UBX-NAV-SVINFO is off, here is a capture of the serial port (Logfile.ubx attached) you can open it in u-center to check.
Logging settings are 38400,N,8,1
I have the magnetometer enabled and compass declination is set.
"Yes, it is not a problem of acquisition, AssistNow offline data available during all the tests, a couple of seconds to get a fix... Problem must be elsewhere... Maybe different protocol with NEO-6 chips ? More options to add in config when uploading…"
Hi, I'm trying to connect an Ublox receiver to the APM2 (ArduPlane 2.34), here is what i've done so far :I've configured the serial port on the chip to only transmit the following messages at 38'400 baud and 4Hz…
"Anything new about this topic ?
I've sent back my board to 3DR, it came back with a new shield, the dataflash card doesn't seem to move in its slot anymore. We had a successful mission, and on the second one, GPS fix problem appeared again. 3 hours…"
"Yes exactly Vernon... Then it must be a misunderstanding, i must have missed the fact that you were talking about the SAME battery... Of course i assumed when i talked about independent power source that the BEC must have been powered by a separate…"
"Michael, i think i'm missing something about the antenna tracker... How does it know the GPS position of the antenna in order to follow the plane turning around it ? Is there a setting to define the postion of antenna ?"
"Either the wiki is wrong, or we both have defective boards... i've never seen the red led going solid, and since there is a dedicated blue led for GPS 3D fix..."
"So... very unpleasant day to the field today... we've encountered some of the problems we had before... even bricked the XBees once (this haven't been happening in a while, still painful having to unmount everything to unbrick them)...
BUT... we…"