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Perseus AHRS + 3D Visualization App/Source

A short video of the Perseus AHRS using a small 3D visualization app I wrote this afternoon:

Full blog article is here:

I've been working on the Perseus Autopilot for the past few weeks and unfortunately didn't find the time to post any updates on the Andromeda Blog. I'm in the process of writing about a few things about the AHRS that I've been building as part of the project and I should hopefully post that within the week.

Also in case it might be of use to anyone, I wrote a simple 3D visualizer for the demonstration above. It will read quaternion values from the serial port in the following format:

w x y z;

But you can re-write it to accept any format. You just need to write your own custom GetRotation function. It's developed in C# and uses WPF3D for the visuals so the codebase is very small. Unfortunately it limits it to windows only (sorry). The source include the entire VS2008 project and you can do whatever you want with it.

You can download the code from here:

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3689363069?profile=originalPowered by a 48 Mhz Atmel AT91SAM7X512 Free tools, all open source code and hardware .NET Micro Framework Event-based programming, multi-threading, line-by-line debugging, and breakpoints.

Amazing price I think for only $34.95...mine is coming this toys. This will bring a lot of high level programmers into the embedded world, I believe. What would you do with it?

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Open ATC

This is a Swarm routing project based on the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm which I first played with some 10 years ago.

The essence of biomemetic algorithms is the realization of emergent behaviors above and beyond the programmed behaviors - for example in this case, Air corridors and cooperative flight patterns emerge with dedicated program to establish them

As an Air Traffic Control protocol it offers (or could offer):
  1. High Density routing for swarms of uavs - and manned planes.
  2. Real-time deconfliction - immediate reaction to changes
  3. Infinite scalability - with only local communication.
  4. Deconfliction over non-airport hot spots like traffic, crime and accident scenes, borders, ships or oil rigs, ad hoc disaster and military sites.
  5. Mixed types and sizes of aircraft with unique separation requirements, power, speed etc...
  6. Deconflicts airplanes on the ground as well as in the air.
  7. Listen and avoid potential (small devices without transmitters).
  8. Can be used for ground vehicle, boats, or subs (provided they have localization).
One can run the program from this page
Source Code (GPL) can be downloaded here.
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3D Robotics

The PixHawk team in Switzerland, which has been doing great work with quadcopters and ground stations (we're evaluating their GCS for the APM), is planning to release their IMU and autopilot commercially. Before they do so, they'd like some community feedback on what you'd like to use it for and which features you'd like.

Vote here!

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My UAV project in the works.

Hello all, newcomer here. I've been cobbling together some (mostly off the shelf) components together to make a FPV system, at least initially. Later on I plan on adding more goodies to get to "UAV" status, but for now it's all good.

Pictured is the mostly completed ground station, and some of the vehicle-side stuff.

The ground station consists of an Arduino mega, an SFE joystick shield, a Nokia 6100 LCD, and a cheap 4800 baud wireless serial modem, which is hidden behind the LCD. I plan on replacing the serial modem with an Xbee pro soon, but the TX/RX pair was only $10 total, so I figured it'd work for inital debugging and testing.

The plane components here are another arduino, with the wireless RX, elevator and rudder servos, and a 4DS TTL-level camera.

Everything works well, except for the camera. Hooked directly to the mega at 57600 baud and lowest RAW resolution, I averaged about 0.5 fps to the screen. I don't even what to think about what it would be like over a 4800baud connection, let alone an Xbee a hundred feet in the air. My question thus is - what would a good NTSC-output camera be, and what would be a good transmitter and receiver unit for that camera? The Xbee I plan on getting is 2.4ghz, so I would need something that would not interfere with that. Thanks!

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Updates on ArduCopter 3D Model


Today I started to wiring our ArduCopter 3D Model. So, I decided to do a little instructional image showing how to make a cable for the magnetometer board using the DIYD's GPS cable.

And, here go some other images that I want to share with you all. :)




I hope you like it! ;)

PS.:The location of XBee on the illustrations will be tested soon by Jani. We need to know if it will cause interferences on the magnetometer.

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51MHstcCOTL._SL75_.jpg on his Sunday CNN Show, Fareed Zakaria recommended this book and said it was relevant to the modern discussion of Ideas as Property (Patents). I should very much like to hear the perspective of DIY thinkers on the relative merits of Idea ownership, Idea sharing, and how they might reform the current Patent system. Is it still a tool for social mobility - and impetus for the Industrial revolution - as it was for Watts and his Steam engine - or has it been captured by static institutions in a way that precludes growth - especially from new entrants? Has the narrative of a man, a plan, a steam engine - become overwhelmed by patent sweatshops at MS and HP patenting the obvious and mundane, as a means of pulling up the ladder?

Open Source is in many respects a new paradigm of Intellectual Property, but is there a baby in the bathwater?

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3D Robotics

Congrats to Bill Premerlani and the rest of the UAVDevBoard team for a great writeup on the Sparkfun front page!

Here's how it starts:

"The UAV Development Platform has been available on SparkFun's website for almost four years now. In that time, much progress has been made. A group of UAV pilots from across the globe have assembled and put their heads together to develop an extremely powerful control platform for RC airplanes and RC helicopters."

...and then it goes on to talk about the acrobatic potential of the platform and to hint of new hardware in the pipeline.

And for an animated view of the above mission (if you have Google Earth installed), click here.

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Anti-crash mode in AUTO

This was a really simple addition to the code; maybe 6 lines. But the effect was quite dramatic. AUTO, RTL, and LOITER now sense if the plane is in a dive and enter a simple stability mode for 4 seconds. Enough time to recover from the worst dive.

I fly an EZ Star and this has always been my biggest safety concern and need to flip to manual control. Now I don't need to.

In the video you can see me put the plane into a dive. This can happen when the plane turns too hard and the GPS refresh can't keep up. Once the plane begins to stall, it drops like a rock.

Update is on the SVN in Ardupilot 2.7 for Beta testers.
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3D Robotics


Now that the DIY Drones community is more than 20,000 people, we're getting a lot of requests to participate in our various projects. That's terrific and we absolutely love and depend on the work of volunteers here. It's also a fun and rewarding experience for the dev team members: they get to help determine the path of these projects along with inventing new ones, see their contributions used by thousands of people, work with other awesome talents and get all the free hardware they need, along with prototypes of new products.


But it's often hard to figure out exactly what jobs are right for which people, and how to add people to existing teams without causing disruption and slowing everything down with training and communications (the "Mythical Man Month" problem).


We currently have more than 40 core developers working on ArduPlane, ArduCopter, ArduRover, various ground stations and hardware spin offs, along with several dozen other contributors. That's nearly fully staffed, and requires nearly full time coordination of the various mailing lists, code repositories, wikis, Google Docs planning documents and weekly Skype dev chats. But we do want to have a path by which new contributors can join, in a way that slots them in best both for their own interests and skills and the projects' needs. This ensures that we're constantly refreshing the dev teams with new ideas and energy, and taking the load off core developers as the projects expand and life occasionally intrudes.


The best way to participate is to do something cool on your own and share it here. All of our code bases and hardware design files are open. If you see an opportunity to improve something, just do it, post it and then tell the community about what you've done. If it's good, people will use it, help improve it, and we'll get a sense of what you can do. That makes it much easier for us to figure out what your skills are and where you'd fit in best.


Here's a list of project you can get started on now.


So bottom line: see something you think you can improve? Just do it. If it's cool, your reputation here will grow and you'll be much in demand. It's as simple as that.


[photo at top taken by me of the Arduino team, which operates similarly]

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Everything was normal with the landing. For a long time, we noticed a lot of airplanes coming real close. Then right near the runway he firewalled the throttle & pulled up harder than any commercial pilot ever did. Thought he came in too low, aborted & we were probably going to die like our aunt. Thought about Major Marcy harder than we ever did before as the Air bus roared & fought for altitude.

As we rose above the clouds, it became clear we weren't going to be destroyed, it really was an aborted landing, & it was probably a near miss. Got a photo right before the abort & right after, containing the offending aircraft. The pilot announced it was a near miss but tried to play it down.

This was right before the abort. Was thinking how big our neighbor looked when...

Real steep angle of attack & full throttle. Those flaps retracted faster than we ever saw.

Makes you wonder what autonomous passenger planes will be like. The pilot said the panic climb was a standard maneuver in response to a computer warning & not a human call.

Suspect there would be a lot more panic aborts if a computer was unconditionally responding to radar. Maybe a computer could figure out if the near miss required a panic climb or a gradual increase in speed.

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Early stages of a TiltCopter

Today everybody and their dog seem to be working on a quad project. And with my own quad having reached a relatively mature stage with stable flight some time ago, I thought it would be nice to try something different.

So inspired by the full-size Osprey tilt rotor design I just started an experimental duo/tilt copter build. Frankly I am far from sure if it will ever fly, but that is what makes it fun!


My tilt design is one I used in an earlier tri-copter build. I insert a 8mm CF rods into a 750x10,5mm CF square tube and glued then together. A modified T-Rex 600 blade-holder is then inserted on the 8mm tube and fastened using glue. Finally a servo is epoxied at the side of the square tube and linked to the 600 blade-holder. Motor and ESC is a cheap TowerPro combo from HobbyKing. Cheap and easy to replace when experimenting, and the ESC has no problem handling 333mhz PWM pulses.

Hardware / software:
For control and stabilization I will use the same hardware that I used in a Quad I built earlier. A FASST R617FS receiver modified with PPM output, and the ArduIMU V2 board with custom software for stabilization and servo/ESC control.

Main body / tail:

I have yet to decide what I will do for a main body. At the very least I will need some kind of tail with a lift surface to get some balancing momentum in the pitch axis, and tail drag when in forward flight. Lots of fun experimenting to be done!

Carbon Fiber Square Tube 750x10.5mm
Carbon Fiber Tube (hollow) 8x750mm
Align T-Rex 600 Blade holders and bearings
Turnigy S3101S Servo 17g / 2.5kg / .14sec
TowerPro BM2410-9T / 18A BEC/ 1047 Prop Combo
Futaba FASST R117FS receiver
ArduIMU+ V2 (Flat)

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This is my first post to

I think that it would be very nice to use same ArduPilot software in real life and with simulator.

So, according this blog post

I have modified ArduPilot so it can be used with Flight Gear Simulator.


Here are some instructions, how I got everything work with Windows.

- You only need to connect power source and FTDI cable to ArduPilot.
- Simulator does not work with shields and GPS installed. So remove them from ArduPilot.
- Install code to ArduPilot with Arduino IDE

Installing FlightGear in Windows
- Download and Install FlightGear Simulator

Create batch file


cd C:\PROGRA~1\FlightGear\BIN\win32

SET FG_HOME=c:/PROGRA~1/FlightGear

SET FG_ROOT=c:/PROGRA~1/FlightGear/data

SET FG_SCENERY=C:/PROGRA~1/FlightGear/data/Scenery;C:/PROGRA~1/FlightGear/scenery;C:/PROGRA~1/FlightGear/terrasync;c:/terrasync

fgfs.exe --aircraft=c172p-2dpanel --control=mouse --disable-intro-music --disable-random-objects --prop:/sim/rendering/random-vegetation=false --disable-ai-models --geometry=800x600 --bpp=32 --timeofday=noon --native-fdm=socket,out,10,,5500,udp --native-ctrls=socket,in,10,,5600,udp --native-ctrls=socket,out,10,,5700,udp --fg-root=C:/PROGRA~1/FlightGear/data --altitude=9999 --atlas=socket,out,5,localhost,5505,udp

- Download ArduFGcontrol from here
- Edit settings file as described in Readme.txt

Upload Waypoints to ArduPilot
- Download a sample mission file for the ArduFGControl from here (

- Install waypoints to ArduPilot with ConfigTool. Download it from

Ready for Takeoff
- Start ArduFGcontrol
- Start FlightGear by running BAT you just created

If you want install RC plane model to Flight Gear, you can download from here. Save unzipped files to Aircrafts-folder.

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Easystar build.... rudder upgrade

The next mod to my Easystar, a larger rudder made out of balsa and installed with dubro hinges.

There seemed to be 2 main ways to increase the performance of the rudder on the Easystar the first would be to just extend the length of the current rudder and the second would be to increase both the height and the length by completely replacing the rudder surface, for my mod I opted for the second option.

I started by cutting the old foam rudder off the airframe and then continued the cut up to the top of the vertical fin this will allow me to make a rudder that would have a full height control surface.

I decided that I would make the new rudder out of balsa and would attach it with dubro nylon hinges. I made a paper pattern from the foam rudder and fin part that I cut from the Easystar I then extended the length so that the new rudder reached out as far as the elevator trailing edge.

I cut 3 identical patterns from a sheet of 2mm balsa, on one of the patterns I marked out and notched cutaways for the hinges, this will be the centre layer. I decided to make this a laminate part so that I could neatly install the hinges and then sandwich all the parts together. Next I glued the centre and the first of the outer parts of the balsa together, this can been seen in the picture above. I left the join to cure over night with 20 hardback books stacked on top.

The hinges were then glued into the notched area's with CA before finally gluing the balsa part on top, again this was compressed and left to fix over night. It is worth while to tape around the exposed hinges while doing any gluing.

The picture above shows the parts laminated together with some initial shape sanding done. I also drilled the rudder at each of the hinges and pinned through each hinge with a cocktail stick to secure the hinges.

I completed the shape sanding by checking the shape and clearances against the airframe and adjusted where necessary. I applied 4 coats of sanding sealer rubbing down with fine sandpaper between each coat and then 2 coats of red paint. The final task on the rudder was to install a new control horn and I decided to fit a bolt on version instead of the glue on version that came with the Easystar kit.

For installation onto the airframe I marked the 4 hinge positions on the vertical fin and using a sharp blade made incisions into the foam for each of the hinges. After a test fit and a few dry runs I glued the hinges in with CA, you must be very careful not to get glue on the actual hinge area!!

Now i need to get some practice flying in while I wait for flyable APM code to be released.

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Dark Star on runway - - - motors running !

Madden AMOST flight of Dark Star.

Finally. my quad is running and being monitored with configurator.

2 x 2200 mah lipo
2 x 90503 props
2 x 90503R prop
My frame
900mhz A/V TX out on one arm.
Video cam in bubble on bottom center.
4- 30A ESC
1- 10A BEC
APMega board
Oil pan Shield
4- EMAX 2822 Motors
AeroQuad software V406
Configurator V2.4

AND REMEMBER there are 4 props turning at once! They are EVERYWHERE !

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3D Robotics

News from our underwater cousins, thanks to the always great BotJunkie:

"The 2010 International Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Competition took place last week, and the very first thing that happened was that everybody decided that they’d much rather spend their time building robot subs as opposed to gasping out the name of the competition, so it’s now just called “RoboSub.” These RoboSubs are autonomous (not remote controlled), so the competition operates kinda like the DARPA Grand or Urban Challenge: you push the go button, and then your robot is on its own, and you can do nothing but sit back and have an anxiety attack.

As you can see from the vid, the bots have a lot of fairly complicated tasks to perform, and I imagine that being underwater causes a whole host of sensor issues… For example, several tasks require the robots to differentiate colored objects, and colors change underwater depending on depth as the red light gets filtered out. Not to mention the whole water not mixing with electronics thing…"

Day 2 and 3 finals below:

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3D Robotics

Update on ArduQuad progress

ArduQuad, the quadcopter part of the ArduCopter family, is nearing production. The first prototypes are going to the dev team next week, and Jani Hirvinen, who is manufacturing them, says retail availability should be in about six weeks.

Awesome render by Sandro Benigno above (this is just an alpha; parts will be moving to other places in the production version). Photos by Jani below:

The package will most likely include:
  • ArduQuad platform hardware (airframe, motors, ESCs, props, power distribution board, cables, etc)
  • ArduPilot Mega + Oilpan IMU shield
  • MediaTek 10Hz GPS
  • Magnetometer
In other words, everything you need for a complete quad! Pricing not decided yet, but should be the cheapest full UAV quad in the world, by a long shot.

That's a shot of packaged motor mounts getting ready to go out. Check out Jani's photo stream for more shots of the prototypes.
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