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Indoor Flying Robot.

Let me start with my first post with thanking everyone on this site for their valuable info and enthusiasm

For a systems engineering unit we have been given the task of creating a flying robot that is capable of detecting letters on a structure (wall) and providing an aural alert once any letters have been detected. Being through the prelimanary design phase we have gone with none other than the aeroquad platform!
The configuration is as follows,

- Arduino Duemilanove

- IXZ500 + IMU 5DOF

- 2 x Xbee Pro

-Turnigy 2217 20turn 860kv 22A Outrunner

Turnigy 4000mAh 3S 30C Lipo

TR_P25A/2163 TURNIGY Plush 25amp Speed Controller

Actual waypoint navigation will be done using a VICON system almost identical to that of the famous aggressive manouver quadrotor video floating around this and other websites.

We are looking at using a camera similar to this for our Imaging system.

We are doing the OCR via MATLAB if anyone else is interested.

Will keep updating our progress as we go.

Any comments or questions happy to hear them,

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I found the Fuse to a Sky Fly Max at a local hobby store and was instantly forced to buy it. It's a great, but simple starter plane which I think will make a great UAV. All of the parts except for the fiberglass boom are EPO type foam, all thick and well made. Like always, I will not buy an RTF so I'll need to part it together, but that should be less than $65. for just the air frame. I have a few ideas to make it more me, but that's for later. Click here for more Sky Fly Max Details.

Below are a few more pics of the fuse as well as a few shots of "Stuff" I've kept for projects and thought I'd share...


Candy/Gum boxes seem to be great for small projects. I like to use them to protect some of the electronic components on my planes when they would otherwise be exposed. You can drill small holes so they are vented or keep lids off and be mostly covered but well protected.

Floaty Key Chain things...

I've not installed it yet but I'm using these for mounting wireless camera (like a helmet cam) on the boom or underside of my wings. These could easily be made articulated and in damp'ish conditions by using a small clear dome to protect the camera and silicone to plug the other end where connections/batteries reside. I plan to power mine seperate from the camera pod, but using smaller lipo you could easily store the bat inside the pod w/the camera and only have the lead running to the camera's transmitter...


Jello, Pudding, Tuna & Applesause... These are very handy and can be used from Cowls to Nacelles, to epoxy and everything in between.

Plastic sheets...

I use the thicker sheets for belly skids on my belly landers. It really helps keep the plane in good shape. I use recovered pop-bottle plastic (16oz/1ltr/2ltr) for lighter duty stuff like wing repair and reinforcement for weak designs. You can also use the pop bottle plastic as glue in hinges.

If you got the stuff around, use it...

Anyway, I'm cheap and this post shows it! But, I like to share so...

PS - The orange rectangle thing is one of those lighted magnifying glasses, cause I'm not blind, I just like stuff in bold!


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3D Robotics

T3-Round 8: The egg-drop round!


Inspired by the Outback Challenge's waterbottle drop challenge, we're happy to now announce the start of the 8th round of the T3 Competition.

Your mission this time: have your UAV autonomously drop an egg as close to your home/launch position as possible (heads up!).

(Note: Our contest judge, Gary Mortimer, reminds us that it is illegal to drop any solid object out of an airborne vehicle in some countries, including the UK, so please check your local regulations to determine if this is legal in your area.)

How you have your UAV carry the egg and what mechanism you use to drop it is up to you (maybe a good time to use the built-in relay on your new ArduPilot Mega board?). The only requirement is that the drop be AUTONOMOUS--you need to set your autopilot to initiate the release when it detects that it's the right distance from the home location. The aircraft must be in forward motion with a speed of at least 15mph at the time of drop, and at least 50ft high (ie, no unfair advantage for quads!)

Because this first "T" in T3 stands for "trust", we're going to trust you to mark your home position and measure the distance the egg landed from that--no need to strap a GPS logger to the egg. The path your UAV takes before and after the drop doesn't matter, as long as it was under autonomous control during the drop part of the run. You will get EXTRA POINTS for an unbroken egg. How you achieve that (parachute, whatever) is up to to you, but please document your method with pictures.

Please submit the following in the comments as your entry: KML track of your UAV, with drop point, egg impact point, and "home" marked. Distance measured and reported, along with autopilot type. Please include a picture of your egg after it's landed, broken or not.

Scoring will be as follows: competitors will be ranked in closeness of egg to home. You get a 10m bonus for an unbroken egg.

Deadline: about six week from now--Sunday, September 5th at 12:00 midnight PST.

Have fun!

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3D Robotics

FY-Tech, makers of the FY3ZT autopilot that we're testing, now have a new website/store with a great story of their origins.

Here's the whole thing for reading ease (Wei, I hope you don't mind me copy-and-pasting it all!), but check out their website for the products. And see the original post for the great photos, which didn't come through my pasting, I'm afraid.

"Hello. My name is Wei. I developed Guilin Feiyu Electronic Technology Co., or more commonly known as FY-Tech.

We are very happy that you came in here and checked us out. We are where we are today because of our customers (that's you).

I have two good friends with me in this company, Simon Yin and Mr. Lee. We are all graduates of Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET). Both Simon and Lee continued doing their studies after graduating, whereas I decided to work.

I started FY-Tech in August 2007. Simon joined me in 2008, followed by Lee after they got their Masters (Electronic Engineering). By the time they joined me I had already built my first Gyro stabilizer for RC Planes. But it wasn't very good.

So their first jobs were to go through every single article on gyros and accelerometers in the libraries of GUET. We used Matlab and other software to test our theories and stabilization system algorithms. If the coding worked, we would build PCB to test the software in the real world. Our first break was in the AHRS algorithm, followed by the AFSS stabilizer and integrated autopilot.

Those startup months were filled with many sleepless nights, heartbreaks and the early morning breakthrough laughter.

Life wasn't easy, as we were holed up in our small office doing endless research discussions, testing and development of both hardware and software. This went on seven days a week, for months on end.

Countless trips to our local RC field tested the autopilot system in the real world. I must confess that since most of our time is spent in R&D, we almost never get a chance to fly in Guilin. We thank our friends here who have always been supportive of FY-Tech to test our research units for us.

By working hard and testing prototype after prototype, we developed our first bestseller, the FY20A - our first `baby'.

Sales picked up very quickly. We had enough capital to move to our new office and manufacturing facility at Innovation Information Industry Park.

As the customer base grew, demands for more features, flexibility and reliability in the autopilot system increased. Each new request more challenging than the one before.

It has been almost three years of doing this day-in and day-out. We are very proud of what we’ve achieved so far. The technology developed in our lab has now been utilized in robotics, UAVs, water crafts and most importantly the everyday RC flier.

Sometime at the end of May 2010, we decided it was time to introduce our products outside of China. Our three main sellers, the FY20A, FY21AP and FY3ZT have matured enough for the international market.

Our initial attempt wasn’t very encouraging. People outside of China couldn’t understand us. Language was a huge barrier. But with the help of friends, our message and products are finally coming across.

Response has been overwhelming. Within a short two months period, our products have been sold all over the world.

Which is probably why you are now here, reading this. Our story is just beginning. New chapters are being added even as I write this. Do come again soon. I’m sure we have more to show and tell.

Thank you again and fly safe.

Elikes Wei, FY-Tech."

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2010 Kansas Unmanned Systems Symposium

What: 2010 Kansas Unmanned Systems Symposium
When: October 4-6, 2010
Where: Overland Park, KS
Who Should Attend: UAV enthusiasts, UAV OEMs, Payload System Providers,
Public Safety Officials, UAV Technology Enablers, and Emergency Responders,

The 4th Annual Unmanned Systems Symposium, hosted by the Kansas National Guard, is an excellent opportunity for industry leaders, academia, military and government entities to share and learn about the fast-paced unmanned systems world. Please join us for this exciting and informative UAS event.

Join us for an intensive sharing and learning symposium that delves into the challenges and opportunities surrounding Unmanned Air Vehicles. Come and see how Kansas through a partnership with the Air National Guard and many of our accredited Academic Institutions are addressing the future through evaluation, demonstration and integration of technology to assist in Disaster Management and Homeland Security issues.

With emphasis on emergency response, public safety, and next generation system payloads, this premier event is a must attend for UAV enthusiasts, OEMs, payload system providers, public safety officials, technology enablers, and emergency responders. A live UAS demonstration will be conducted on October 6th at Kansas' own Smoky Hill Range near Salina, KS. Transportation will be provided.

For more information on the show visit or contact me at

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Roll and pitch estimation corrected for coriolis forces

(10% to 25% improved roll and pitch estimates)


According to

\boldsymbol{ a}_C = -2 \, \boldsymbol{ \Omega \times v}


assume aircraft diving at 20m/s in earth reference frame


assume we have 16bit ADC which covers 100% range of the useful voltage (overly optimistic),

and the accelerometer is quite sensitive with 6G full span (+/-3G) (overly optimistic, procerus claims +/-10G).

Therefore 6G is divided into 65536 counts.

3e-4G equals then to around 3 ADC counts which is below noise level of most

accelerometers which would be around 2^4, by eye.

Therefore coriolis acceleration is barely detectable (you can attach a plane to the rails, push it down, and the only deviating force will be at most those poor 2-4 counts on extremely sensitive ADC, overswamped by natural sensor noise).

How did they come to 10%/25%?

Where is an arorr in my calculation?

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Rudder vs. Aileron

I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but past posts seem pretty well buried now.

I've been giving some thought as to whether rudder or aileron (in isolation of each other) is better for initiating turns via autopilot control. As a bank-and-crank RC flier (it wasn't until relatively recently that I learned that the left stick on my transmitter could be used for more than two things, idle and full throttle), my initial thought was to use aileron. But the more I thought about it, the more I realize that rudder is probably a better way to actually turn a plane with anything less than a 60º bank. (Just in case anyone reading this is not familiar with sport RC flying, the elevator actually makes the turn when the plane is in a steep bank. If rudder is used at all, it's used in the opposite direction of the turn just to keep the nose up. Indeed, some jets started coming out without any rudders at all, just fixed vertical fins. The AMA, I believe, now has a rule that functioning rudders must be present.)

So, I'd be interested in hearing what others have to say. Right now, I believe ArduPilot will give you either rudder or aileron, not both (correct?). If it gives both, it seems it would be based on a single, but mixed, signal. Would there ever be a need or benefit to having independent rudder and aileron control? I'm sure full-scale UAVs have this, but it might be a bit too much for an amateur UAV.



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A few people have been wanting to look at the path i took to get telemetry data from the above combination of hardware.

I used the ArduIMU v1.7 code, and the ArduPilot 2.6.2 code (it was freshest at the time).

#define BOARD_VERSION 2 // 1 For V1 and 2 for V2
#define GPS_PROTOCOL 2 // 1 - NMEA, 2 - EM406, 3 - Ublox We have only tested with Ublox
//yes i set the EM406 here

#define PRINT_GPS 1 //Will print GPS data
#define PRINT_BINARY 1 //Will print binary message and suppress ASCII messages (above)

in void setup..

#define SHIELD_VERSION 1 // Old (red) shield versions is 0, the new (blue) shield version is 1, -1 = no shield
#define AIRSPEED_SENSOR 1 // (boolean) Do you have an airspeed sensor attached? 1= yes, 0 = no.
#define GPS_PROTOCOL 3 // 0 = NMEA, 1=SIRF, 2=uBlox, 3 = ArduIMU, 4 = MediaTek, 5 = Simulated GPS mode (Debug), -1 = no GPS
//yes i set to 3 for the IMU here (you would think they would have made them common, oh well)

//0-4 Ground Control Station:
#define GCS_PROTOCOL 0 // 0 = Standard ArduPilot (LabVIEW/HappyKillmore), 1 = special test, 2 = Ardupilot Binary(not implemented), 5 = Jason's GCS, -1 = no GCS (no telemtry output)

Simply compiled, and loaded to each board using a FTDI basic board, then assembled per ArduPilot manual (wiki), using the optional IMU instead of thermopiles link (second pict, with shield one).

Same setup, just replaced the xBlox with a EM406A.

I did use X-CTU to configure my xbees per the blog post Chris had done (along with note gleened from ladyada).
(i will upload these also, rx is computer side, tx is plane/whatever side)

I am also uploading my putty.log
Yeah, silly me, i just set putty to serial with 38400,n,8,1,none and enable logging (heck i run a 50k line scroll back usually <G>).

Disclaimer: I have a plane with only 1 wing, it does not fly, this code untested in flight. If you load and your bird ends up looking like a pug-nosed dog (or worse).. "use at your own risk..".
It is meant to show that even guys with older hardware can still play (especially the EM406 guys).

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Wing span vs takeoff weight

I'm new to rc planes.In a previous post I expressed my opinion about Muliplex EZ Star.Now I'm ready to upgrade to something more durable.

I see people fly all kind of airplanes:slowflyers, acrobatic, gliders,hotliners,etc.

I felt in love with fiberglass hotliners.But they come in different sizes:1.5 to 3 meters span(even more).
I almost bought the plane shown here.It's a custom made 2800 mm by 1250 mm long.

My first concern was the wing span.Is it too long for me?Will it be difficult to fly?
Because I saw a relation between wing span/vs plane weight my questions are:
What is the best ratio wingspan/weight for an all purpose glider(plane) and what is the optimum wingspan to liftoff 1kg of payload(video camera and accesories)?

My conclusion is:2800mm is too much for me.The best size is around 1500mm.

Of course this is only my opinion.

To be more rigorous I found a link on wiki describing relation between wing span and plane weight:

The aspect ratio of a wing is the length of the wing compared with the breadth (chord) of the wing. A high aspect ratio indicates long, narrow wings, whereas a low aspect ratio indicates short, stubby wings

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After having had some performance issues with 2.4ghz Xbee modules I just finished up a quick project for long range two-way communication. The system is based on HACCOM HAC-LM96 500mW 433mhz 9600 baud radio modems. Range is 2km (1.2 miles) ground level, so the system should be good for really long range communication when the plane is up in the air.

Components used:
HAC-LM96 radio modem - $52
Turnigy UBEC - 3A switched DC-DC converter - $8
Teensy 2.0 - Arduino compatible board - $19

To make it plug-and-play with my Futaba 9C radio I took the casing from an old defect RF transmitter module and put the UBEC and Teensy board inside. The UBEC is connected to the 9C V+ pin (9.6-12V) and supply 5V for the Teensy board and the HAC radio modem. Sadly the HAC modem is slightly to large for the transmitter module casing, so i had to use an extra box for the HAC modem.

The Teensy MCU converts 8 channel PPM from the 9C radio into serial data for the HAC modem. The Teensy board is my favorite Arduino compatible board, has more i/o in a smaller formfactor and a proper USB interface.

In the airplane the serial data is received by the HAC modem and either transmitted directly to the autopilot or converted back into servo PWM pulses using another Teensy board. This way I can use the HAC modems as a pure R/C control system if I need to, freeing up the 2.4ghz band for live video link etc.

To use the system as a two-way telemetry system you connect the Teensy board in the RF transmitter casing to a computer using a USB cable and either talk directly using the USB interface or use a virtual serial driver for normal two-way serial communication.

Edit: Here is the source code for the Teensy PPM decoder and rf433 transmission system.
Teensy_PPM_Decoder.pde rf433.h
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Improved Wind/Position EKF

I posted this earlier but did some tweaking on it to compare the Extended Kalman to my Fixed Gain Observer filters. I haven’t finished the FGO position filter but am really starting to lean more on EKF because the performance really is significantly better.

The idea for this filter is to fill in the gaps of the GPS position between the 1-4 Hz range for something like a quadrotor or just overall improved lag free navigation. You can clearly see how the fusion of more sensors can really increase your UAV's perception of reality!

**Edit, I improperly emulated GPS in the first pic so I added the correct pic. This shows how GPS comes in at 2Hz with noise and using a little logic and deadreckoning you can not only fill in the gaps but be more accurate than GPS is actually reporting. The GPS acts kinda like the accelerometers in the DCM algorithm, they keep the solution constrained.



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Easystar build.... motor mount

Just spent the afternoon glueing the easystar together, I decided to cut off the foam motor mount and build something that was a little more accessible for the brushless motor.

Mount was built out of balsa, 28mm pipe clips and gorilla glue. My only concern is that it has raised the motor by about 10mm and it isn't very aero dynamic, hopefully it won't effect flight.

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Funny how the web works

This video that includes some very dubious characters has just been flagged up as new by Google, someone has blogged it. But clicking it and watching it reminded me just how much things have moved along in the last couple of years.

I wonder what things would look like if it was repeated.

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Ardupilot 2.7 Beta

I was going to call it 2.6.3, but so many changes have been made, updates added, I think it requires a full point. Also, the header file has been streamlined a bit and some defines have changed. The PID gains have not, so if your plane flew well with 2.6 it will fly well, or even better with 2.7. BTW, this is the first release that has only been tested via HIL. I've never flown it for real because of the strong winds in the bay area right now. We'll see, but I think this will be the most stable release yet.

What's changed:

I've included a folder for connecting your ardupilot hardware to X-Plane. There are PNG files showing the configurations to make in the menus.

X-Plane supplies IMU data and airspeed data to Ardupilot so you must select the GPS_IMU option to connect.

New altitude estimation - Thanks to Ryan Beall for this one. This smooths out noisy altitude readings from GPS.

Takeoff and landing are now full features. Their use has been simplified and are assigned full flight modes which can be seen with a ground station.

New Fly by wire throttle command by Christof Schimd.

Updates altitude hold for those with airspeed sensors. Airspeed is now recorded in m/s instead of air pressure value. Since calibration for your particular pitot tube setup could be needed there is now a calibration value in the header file.

Improved stick mixing response for all modes.

Waypoints will be skipped if you miss them after one loop around. The number of degrees can be changed in the code so let me know how many is good.

Loiter hold has been improved.

Cross track gain now on by default.

Numerous bugs are gone.
Old, unused code and vars have been removed. Code has been reformatted and commented.
If you have any issues, please comment here and I'll get them fixed in the final release.


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My First ArduCopter


This is my first attempt at building an ArduCopter. I started with franticly searching the web for parts. I had no idea what I was looking for, but I was looking. Between DIY Drones and AeroQuad, I was able to come up with a list. I have a little background with the arduino. But nothing like this. Mostly would work with LEDs, LCD screens, and Temp sensors.

Ok on with the build. Here are some pictures of what I have so far.

I have a thousand questions, that I don’t even know I need to ask yet.

Thanks to all on this site....

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Here is a video with some airplanes that use Dynamic Soaring to fly close to 400 mph
Location:Weldon, California.
RC Gliders
reach close to 400 mph without any propellers or motors.

Dynamic soaring is a flying technique used to gain energy by repeatedly crossing the boundary between air masses of significantly different velocity. Such zones of high wind gradient are generally found close to obstacles and close to the surface, so the technique is mainly of use to birds and operators of radio-controlled gliders, but glider pilots have occasionally been able to soar dynamically in meteorological wind shears at higher altitudes.


I initially thought they build up a "centrifugal force" and turn tightly to make the plane go faster.But it has nothing to to with any centrifugal force.

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