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Enlarging the WildHawk Fuselage

I use my WildHawk for testing UAV code as well as just for fun flights when I am out and about (where I don't mind a crash here and there). I am now working on finding a battery system that will give me huge flight time and I was in need of expanding the fuselage to hold these new batteries as I test. This is a simple mod with function over design in mind - but I figured I would post this since the WildHawk is a popular platform and this is a easy modification. The added weight ended up being 18.6 grams.

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The day started with an hour working on the airframe. Doubled the mounting tape to try to stabilize the round rods.

But this time, GPS dropped from 9 to 7 satellites in a roll, causing her to fly into the sun. This module dates from when patch antennas were the gold standard & no-one knew omnidirectional antennas were required. Also note we didn't have the standby power cable, so GPS reset during battery changes.

There's the sudden trademark S-N shift of a GPS glitch.

Noted with the A480:

1) Auto exposure is disabled in continuous shooting mode.

2) GPS Patch antennas are going away for a reason. We've done everything possible with the patch, but angles of attack in the wind are too steep.

Another camera joins the crash graveyard.

That brings this flight to

battery: $100
camera: $100
GPS: $50
Props: $6

Just going to keep driving to Sunnyvale & repeating the mission until it works. It seems to be the unique weather.

Now the low bandwidth preview cam was the only thing that got some video.

Then, started thinking about re-enabling the accelerometer. 3 DOF IMU flight was intended for indoor vehicles. It worked real well & it felt more like a space program, so it got used for everything. The problem is the angle of attack is too steep & GPS too slow to get fast turns or tight hovers. Also want an attitude hold mode.

Finally, started thinking again about upgrading to the mighty rangevideo system. Analog video is so ancient & capturing it is so expensive, it's not really worth it. Despite being over 10 years old, 802.11 video is still insanely expensive & there is no digital 900Mhz video.

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Mugin 3 meter UAV platform

Big platform available for UAV flying.

2 UAV versions.

V tail version and T tail version

See more about the Mugin UAV platform


Test flight












Still "Low cost" platform made in light wood and Alu. I know it's a big ship and Weight are getting close to maximum without special license.

The platform are still in testing - When I have some video documentation I will post.

Wingspan 3 meter.

Motor Twin 53 CC

Mugin UAV platform will soon also be available with T tail.


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Wifi hacking with a radio control plane

Some guys have put together a radio contol airplane that can detect Wifi networks. I am posting this here since in there 'How do I put this together'-section, they mention diydrones because they use an ArduPilot:

Source (Dutch):

Translate with Google: http://translate.googleusercontent.c...3yaqQ7Sj-MXRaA


Defcon interview:
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Buggy GPS code for the EM406

Hi all.

I was messing around with my simulator some time ago, and found that the ground course, returned from the binary GPS decoder, in GPS_EM406.pde returned false heading between 300 and 360 degrees. This is also mentioned in the comment.

The problem is that the number returned from the GPS module is returned times 100, as the comment suggest, this means values between 0 and 36000.

if(ground_speed >= 50){

//Only updates data if we are really moving...

intUnion.byte[1] = gps_buffer[j++];

intUnion.byte[0] = gps_buffer[j++];

ground_course = intUnion.word; // degrees * 100

ground_course = abs(ground_course);//The GPS has a BUG sometimes give you the correct value but negative, weird!!


Since the integer used in the intUnion is a 16 bit signed integer, only numbers up to 32768 is supported, this fact yields negative values when the value is above, from the bit pattern interpretation.

The solution is to use the longUnion instead of the intUnion. This solves the buggy ground course.

if(ground_speed >= 50){

//Only updates data if we are really moving...

longUnion.byte[1] = gps_buffer[j++];

longUnion.byte[0] = gps_buffer[j++];

ground_course = longUnion.dword; // degrees * 100

//ground_course = abs(ground_course); //The GPS has a BUG sometimes give you the correct value but negative, weird!!


I hope that this helps somebody.

Best regards


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Optical Flow and New IMU board

Geof Barrows of Centeye sent me some raw sensors so I can develop for them. These are great sensors due to inpart there flexibility, low external part count (you can see the board has two capacitors), and the use of chip on board technology. They are fairly easy to use.
As of right now, I am able to read the image in log mode. Once I get a lens, then I can start some image processing code. First full image (8 bit greyscale):



I am streaming pixel data via a wireless modem as the USB connection on the XMOS is VERY slow, limiting the frame rate I can use it at. I am grabbing one frame in around 32 milliseconds, but I should be able to bring that down with tuning of delay values. The whole image only takes 32K RAM, meaning I can work with the whole image, and have 32K RAM for processing capabilities. Final plan consists of a scalable architecture with add on modules to support any number of sensors. The sensors will be trained via IMU.
In the world of IMU's, I ordered another board as the other was messed up beyond recovery (port mappings). I also messed up this time (Flipped two ports...), but it is usable.


I am using Bill's DCM algorithm, and I need to tune the PI values. Current output isn't very usable:
10,000 points:

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3D Robotics

We've changed the channel that reads the throttle on basic ArduPilot from pin 13 to pin 11. That's because pin 13 shares an LED, and it's causing problems with some low-voltage RC receivers. Pin 11 is clean.

The above picture shows the correct jumper wire configuration. If you've been using pin 13, please switch it to pin 11.

In the code, you tell ArduPilot which pin you're using with this line:

#define THROTTLE_PIN 11 // pin 13, or pin 11 only (13 was old default, 11 is a better choice for most people)

Sorry about this messiness, but it's all in the service of extracting as much utility as possible out of the basic ArduPilot board (which was originally designed not to control the throttle at all--those were simpler days!). Later this year we'll release a new version of the ArduPilot board which will clean up everything nicely (same features, so nobody will be left behind), but for now, please whip out your soldering iron and switch the jumper.

The manual has been updated with the new instructions.

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3D Robotics

Scenes from the ArduCopter factory

Jani sent over some pictures of the first beta ArduCopter retail units going out to the dev team. Yes, the dev team is that big now!

We'll announce pricing, package options, pre-ordering procedures and final specs within the month. I'm guessing that we'll be able to start shipping retail units by the end of September. We want to make sure that the code is pretty bulletproof, so the contents of those boxes will have to do a lot of flying between now and then!

Initially, we will be selling via our affiliate, PhiFUN (note: that site is not ready for ordering yet. Ignore the preorder offer for now--it doesn't work yet!) and directly via the DIY Drones store.

Please understand that ArduCopter is a full UAV, not a RC toy, so we have to comply with export and other regulations. So, for example. sales via the DIY Drones store may be US-only and require compliance with a no-export agreement. For those outside the US, PhiFUN will be the primary distributor, although we'll be looking for a European partner, too.

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3D Robotics

ArduCopter unboxing!!!

It's here! The first beta of the retail ArduCopter frame arrived today, and it's GORGEOUS. Jani has totally outdone himself. Above is the box, which is surprisingly small--just 13" x 4.5". Nice label, tells you what's inside. (This box is just the frame. If you'd ordered the other bits, such as the APM autopilot, GPS, motors, ESCs and props, they would have come in smaller boxes, and they'd all be packed up in one bigger box.)

Everything fits in really neatly.

Here all the parts are laid out. Each subsystem is in its own sealed bag, labeled and numbered.

An example of one bag: the power distribution PCB. Front...

...and back.

An example of the CNC'd parts. Love the little touches, like the name etched in the dome components.

Parts list

Introductory instructions. Full instructions are online.


Next steps: the beta testers are going to build and fly the quads with the latest software. Based on that feedback, we'll finish the documentation and decide on a release candidate of the code, and burn that into the boards. Jani will stock up on a LOT of the component parts, including motors, ESCs and props, and we'll announce a release date and prices for all of the versions, from just the frame to a complete ArduCopter UAV kit with everything included.

Totally thrilling. This project has been a long time in development, starting with the original ArduPilot board, and it's really gratifying to see it hit commercial maturity like this. Jani, you're a star!

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3D Robotics

Parrot AR.Drone unboxing photos

Some quickie shots from my phone, along with first impressions. Above, the cardboard inner box. Same basic setup as the prototype: an indoors protective foam ring body, and a second (yellow/orange) smaller body for outdoors. No other big changes that I can see. Same brushless motors, cameras, props.

I see that DANGER is part of the selling point (that explains these obnoxious promotional videos. There's a little skull in the logo at the center there...

Awww. The cover over the electronics is now opaque. You can't see the gorgeous circuit board and chips :-(

Thankfully, they've fixed the motor wires. Those were the #1 point of failure on the prototype. Now they've got a proper connector and are tucked away nicely.

Also, no silly rubber feet like the ones that kept falling off on the prototype.

When I get my iPhone charged up, I'll try the software.

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3D Robotics

I get the whole cheeky viral video thing, but this one from the Parrot AR.Drone team just seems obnoxious and irresponsible. Or am I just being over-sensitive?

Speaking of the AR.Drone, my production version just arrived. I'll add unboxing pictures in a few...[Update: here]

UPDATE: There's a second one, even worse. Now they're tormenting animals:

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3D Robotics
From the always entertaining BotJunkie:

"I guess it’s cold enough up thar in Norway that even UAVs need their own little comfy modernist Scandinavian drone huts that look rather a lot like mailboxes. They’re part of Scandicraft’s ScanCam perimeter security system, and the idea is that the huts act as base stations for roving semi-autonomous quadrotors that are controlled remotely. The quadrotors can launch, recover, and recharge themselves at their huts (or “hangars” I guess), and when it snows (which I hear it doesn’t do once or twice a year), the bots can stay snug at home, enjoying their stylish furnishings which you can find at your friendly neighborhood IKEA as part of the new Röböüüüt collection.

[ Scandicraft ]"

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3D Robotics

Good news: you can now use the standard ArduPilot GCS with ArduPilot Mega!

Just select option 2 ("ArduPilot Legacy") in your GCS protocol in the config file of the latest code, and APM will drive the GCS just like ArduPilot. Try tilting the APM board and watch the artificial horizon move along. Very cool

//0-4 Ground Control Station:
#define GCS_PROTOCOL 2

// 0 = Ardupilot Mega Standard Binary
// 1 = special test,
// 2 = Ardupilot Legacy
// 3 = Xplane
// 4 = Ardupilot IMU out
// 5 = Jason's GCS,
// -1 = no GCS (no telemetry output)

Automatik is hard at work updating the GCS to support APM natively, with all the additional functionality it brings, but for now you've got a great GCS with all the cool stuff like moving maps and voice synthesis, all ready to go.

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This week we were joined by Doug Weibel and Jason Short, the team leaders of the ArduPilot and ArduPilot Mega code project. They're the ones working hard on getting the APM Beta ready for release at the end of the month (alpha is already out, of course), and talked about the design and feature decisions they made with APM, as well as the roadmap for 1.0 (in September) and beyond.

(sorry for the late post)
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Have been flight testing this back to basics wing, very pleased with it so far.


If you want one ask Rob @ Flying Wings Very simple task, Canon IXUS 100IS for 15 minutes in the air.

Thats the IXUS at the front, this is only the second one we have built so its not covered and a little raw!!! But it flies very well. I'm out of the door to fly it again.

It will be part of the YellowPlane stable and I guess we originally thought of calling it Manta 4 as its the forth version of a flying wing UAV that we have made. During design it acquired the nickname prawn cracker (don't ask) and the original task request made a natural name change. No prizes for guessing the agency that wants one.

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3D Robotics

Testing GPS vs. Pressure Sensor Altitude

Good data from Doug Weibel today, who was testing the uBlox GPS vs the onboard absolute pressure sensor on ArduPilot Mega with his NexStar Mini EP. In general the uBlox is performing great. And we love the onboard datalogging on APM!

Doug explains the modest data diversion between the two sensors:

"You can see that in the area from roughly 1600 to 2500, there is greater difference between the two altitude measurements. This coincides with when I let my son fly the plane and took it out of fly by wire mode and put it in manual. He was busy trying to get the little NexStar Mini EP to do some aerobatics. Since he was spending a lot of time in very high bank and pitch angles I would guess that the uBlox performance was suffering and the baro altitude was more correct."

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Hi Team,

in this days I'm working to patch the AQ 2.0 firmware to support MultiPilot Board.

So I add :

  • I2C ESC
  • Mixertable with Hexa Coax configuration that support different Gas configuration on Up and down motors.
  • Serial PPM in 1 wire until 12 channel

This is the same routine that will be avaible in arducopter firmware .

Some Patch on original firmware because in not yet ready :) So I'm in contact with mirko to solve some small bugs :)

official repo of code :

for more info visit :



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3D Robotics

Help sponsor the Open Hardware Summit

The first Open Hardware Summit will be held September 23rd in New York City, DIY Drones will be there, along with most of the other leaders in the emerging open source hardware movement. The group organizing this needs donations to cover costs, so please consider donating any amount--$20, $50, even $100--and help sponsor the conference. Sponsors get call-out love!

(I just donated)

You can donate with one click using Paypal here.
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