23 miles in the NAS!! All on its own
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OK - After working with a small group of Alpha testers, I guess we are ready to open the flood gates and make a public release of ArduPilotMega!
Here is what you need to know:
- This is an Alpha release - expect there to be bugs. If you don't want to deal with bugs, wait for the Beta. There will still be bugs in the Beta (probably), but a lot less.
- For the Alpha release we will NOT be providing a .zip download. The code will be changing frequently as we find and fix bugs. You should use a SVN client to get the most recent revision to the code. Look below for a mini tutorial. If you don't want to mess with SVN, please wait for the Beta release.
- Read the ArduPilot Mega manual. It is located here. Expect the manual to change on a daily basis. Recheck it frequently.
- Please understand that there is a HUGE amount of functionality in ArduPilotMega. Most of it is still untested in actual flight, and some specific commands are not fully implemented.
- We have made extensive use of libraries. You must either add these to your Arduino install or we would recommend using the great new "Sketchbook checkout" put together by Michael Smith which will handle getting the libraries for you and keeping them current. See the SVN mini tutorial below.
- There is some functionality in place for the Legacy ground station. There is also functionality in place for the new ground station, however the new ground station is not ready yet.
What has not been tested:
- Airspeed Sensor and associated control laws
- Magnetometer
- Most of the commands
- Use of many of the options in the config file
Good luck and happy autonomous flying!
Mini SVN Tutorial
This is a quick tutorial on how to use Tortise SVN to download the ArduPilotMega code using the "Sketchbook checkout" and how to keep your copy up to date.
- Install the TortiseSVN client on your PC. Get it here.
- On your PC open a window for the directory into which you would like to store your local copy of the code. Right click in the window and choose SVN Checkout.
- Fill in the URL of repository with: http://ardupilot-mega.googlecode.com/svn/Sketchbook/trunk/
- The checkout directory field should contain a folder name of the folder you are in appended with \Sketchbook
- Click OK. This step downloads all the firmware and library files you will need. If you have a slow connection this step can be glitchy. If you get an error that one or more libraries you can use the SVN update feature to correct this after the checkout completes.
- You should now have a Sketchbook folder which contains folders for ArduPilotMega, libraries, and Tests.
- Open the Arduino IDE. Go to Preferences in the File menu. Change the Sketchbook location to this new Sketchbook folder. Now choose Sketchbook from the File menu and choose ArduPilotMega.
- You are now ready to compile the latest code.
- To update your local working copy to the latest revision, go to the directory containing your Sketchbook folder, right click on the Sketchbook folder, and choose SVN Update. With this one step you will get the latest code for ArduPilotMega and all the libraries downloaded to your PC.
HTML5 Flight Instruments Demo from Benjamin Nortier on Vimeo.
(ed: seems like embedding videos from vimeo are not supported?)
First of all, let me express special gratitude to:
- Curtis Olson for his friendly support and technical advices
- Hugo Vincent & John Stowers for Albatross-UAV project and making it available on Internet
More than 2 years ago, together with friend, we started work on UAV project. Having no RC/Aviation background, it took us at least a year to catch with terminology and RC basics. Our first plane took 6 month from making an order to mounting an engine. And now, as we are getting ready for hardware-in-the-loop testing, I would like to share with you our progress and project details.
Team. Currently there are 5 of us, with dedicated pilot (homegrown, and
please don’t ask how much it cost) and hardware engineer. Rest are
math/IT alumni.
Software:Groundstation and Protocol are founded on Albatross-UAV project. Groundstation comprise of Control Panel, Route Window and refactored OpenGC as HUD.
Hardware:Having hardware engineer involved only early this year, we have been focused earlier on components that required limited hardware skills: Gumstix Verdex XL6P, Gumstix GPSstix, Aerocomm AC4486-5M antennas, Sparkfun IMU - 9 Degrees of Freedom, AttoPilot XYZ Horizon Sensor, and Olimax ARM.
Current achievements.
Groundstation is almost done. User is able to:
-Setup Route. Each waypoint holds command field in addition to lat-lon-alt. It will be executed once UAV reaches the waypoint. An example of commands are make a photo, open parachute, etc.
- Request manual/autopilot mode
- Track current technical state and send manual commands to UAV
- See current avionics data (speed, altitude, accelerations, etc) on OpenGC
Onboard: in progress.
-IMU. Work is being done on gathering IMU data and transforming it to Albatross protocol format. Later, multiplexor will be developed to handle input from all available sensors to Olimax ARM board.
-Current Autopilot is more stub, than real reflex-aware daemon. Large portion of work needs to be done there, but it is on its way.
Overall:we are getting ready for the Hardware-in-the-Loop testing. With current progress we should achieve this point in 2-3 months and afterwards - start preparing for autopilot mode.
Project homepage: http://gitorious.org/albatross
Blog (ukrainian): http://shershen.blogspot.com/search/label/UAV
There are an awful lot of GCSs out there (possibly more than anyone needs), but here's another one: CityFlyer.
I Heart Robotics explains: "The CityFlyer ground station takes different approach to developing a control system for UAVs. While other systems try to provide as much information as possible, this one seems to focus on readability. Also, since it is based on GTK+ and ROS it may be useful for other robots."
"Each of the instruments are well documented and implemented using the Cairo scalable vector graphics library, which means that each gauge could scale up to full screen without looking pixelated. Controls are also provided for a high contrast mode which might be useful for daylight readable displays. Since the individual instruments are implemented as GTK widgets they could also be used to build your own ground station.
Rumor has it that the lead developer is graduating soon and looking for work, so feel free to contact him here."
The AUVSI annual conference starts today in Denver. Lots of video coverage here. Anybody from this community there who can report on highlights, especially those relevent to amateurs/DIY folk?
Book Review
Wired for War--The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century
P.W. Singer
Penguin (December 29, 2009)
While the mission of DIY Drones is to promote the development of amatuer UAVs in the hobby or even commercial worlds, but to the stated exclusion of military applications, it was unavoidable that, welcome or not, this site would be noticed by some on the military and government side of the fence. Indeed, in yet another instance, DIY Drones as well as its originator, Chris Anderson, received direct mention in the subject of this post, the book "Wired for War--The Robotics Revolution and Conflict in the 21st Century."
The title not withstanding, Wired for War covers much more ground than how robots are used in warfare. Given that UAVs are most likely the primary interest of visitors to this site, I will say that if you just want to read about the cool, whizbang stuff going on in that arena, this is not the book for you. On the other hand, if you want an in-depth look at what the author and others consider to be the next RMA--Revolution in Military Affairs--and how it revolves around robotics, you will want to read this book. You might be surprised by some of what you read with regard to the acceptance of technology in general, and robotics in particular, among some in the military. Indeed, you might be disappointed.
On the Plus Side
Singer has clearly done his homework in that he has apparenty read a lot and interviewed quite a few people. He has given the reader a great deal of information, both technical and non-technical, as well as much think about. He goes into some depth with regard to the conduct of war in general and other social issues related to conflict. While this might seem to drag on at times, he ultimately makes the connection with how robotics might effect the conduct of war, how combatants might react to the presence of robots, and even how the decision to enter into a conflict might be effected.
On the Negative Side
At one point, Singer was throwing out so many social statistics that I wondered if this was going to be like one of those Carl Sagan talks where people showed up to learn about billions and billions of stars and galaxies, only to be lectured on the perils of nuclear winter. Like some of those people who walked out on Mr. Sagan, Mr. Singer nearly lost me when he found a way, in book on robotics, to insert the mantra relative to aspects of global warming that it is "without dispute..." Indeed, a great deal of information is presented that is not directly related to the technical aspects of robotics. This is only a negative based on my personal expectations, perhaps.
In the Middle
One observation of my own is that this is a book of observations. As already noted, Singer has done his homework. In the end though, few suggestions are given as to what to do with this wealth of information. Perhaps it's presented along the lines of 'I'll report, you decide.' This is not a how-to book on the effective use of robots in war.
I definitely recommend this book. It's not a quick read and, despite some of the one-liner reviews like "it blew my (expletive deleted) mind," it's far from just a gee whiz, whizbang discussion of ultra-cool technology. This is a fairly thorough look at the current state of robotics, what the future might hold, and what we need to think about with regard to the impact of robotics on all things related to war and conflict.
Initial design was embed the google earth in LabVIEW program. but I am not alway to watch the map.
It just be switched that I want show map.
The testing plane is Cessna.
During the testing, the proportional gain need be modified via airspeed for fitting the wide airspeed. I had alos added small integral gain for neutral point and feedback derivative gain from gyro sensor to increase system damping. Until now, the plane filght well.
I hope can use this FCU on this plane ASAP .... Orz
Designed especially for FPV (First Person View) camera flight!
Fuselage length: 1150mm
WingSpan: 1600mm
ARF Weight: 700~900g
Battery compartment size: Approx 200x105x22mm
ETA: Sep 19
More information here by clicking this link
The system use FY 606 2.4Ghz 100mW data link to send commands from the GCS. (4 km range).
- At any time, you may change the point to fly to by clicking on ―Click point‖ again, and selecting another point on the map.
- After the plane reaches the selected point, it will automatically engage auto circling with a radius of 120 meters and at a fixed altitude.
The FY21-AP upgrade will be available later this month.
Upgrade price: 220 $.
Read more about the FY21 AP autopilot: FY-21AP-VERSION-II-GCS-UPGRADE-v1.pdf
Presenting MissionPlanner Alpha 0.2.
This is a very early alpha of MissionPlanner, a mission planning tool for ArduPilot Mega. This
version is primarily built to test the mapping features, but it can produce an include file to use with ArduPilot Mega Waypointwriter. The software is published as freeware.
All comments are appreciated.
Working but not tested:
* Updated to the latest WaypointWriter file format (22010-08-23)
* Loading maps from Open Street Map.
* Resizing program window.
* Cashing maps on disk so the program can be used off line with downloaded maps.
* Building a Mission of standard waypoints. Click Add WP button to start adding WPs.
* Delete a waypoint by right clicking it in the list (not in the map)
* Creating an include file compatible with APM WaypointWriter.
* Loading and saving missions
* Editing waypoints: Move, insert, delete, edit properties (altidude)
Not working yet
* Creating commands other that waypoints
* Other map features as displaying "no fly areas" and other custom map-objects.
* Serial protocol to upload waypoints over the serial port.
* Mission height profile.
At this stage MissionPlanner can create a include file to be used with APM waypoint writer utility, but please be aware that the file generated can contain bugs.
This program runs on Windows (should run on xp and later) and consists of a singla.exe file. This file can be placed in any directory.
When the programs starts for the first time it creates a directory (c:/osm_cashe) on the c: drive for cashing map-tiles.
Zip file containing exe and this text can be downloaded here:
Enter a longitude and a latitude and press Goto LaLo to load the map.
If the map doesn't show. Drag it a little bit after the tiles have been downloaded.
Please test it if you have a couple of minutes to spare.
* Click "Add Wpts" button to add waypoints.
* Click and drag an existing waypoint to move it
* Rightclick a waypoint in the map or in the list ro insert, delete or edit waypoints.
* to quit adding waypoints click the "done" button.
* Click "create .h" button to create the include file for Ardupilot Mega Waypoint writer.
* Pan map by click and drag, This can not be done when adding waypoints.
From IHeartRobotics:
"It looks like the Pixhawk team has made some more improvements to their ground control software. Most importantly some progress is being made towards interoperability so that various aircraft can use the ground control. MAVLink provides a telemetry interface that can be implemented on a microcontroller to enable autopilots and IMUs to connect to the ground control.
The documentation for the project is looking pretty good, which is how I found out that the software supports exporting data to MATLAB.
Heres a Screenshot of my current work on my Ardupilot Mega mission planner. If you want a look get it here http://vps.oborne.me/ArdupilotMegaPlanner.zip
This program captures lat,long and alt from google earth and creates a waypoint writer header file or you can write directly to the APM EEPROM. Using the latest command format. The command list is currently pulled from the APM source files, so it should always be up to date.
.net framework 2.0+
Google earth browser plugin http://earth.google.com/plugin/
It should run under mono
Read from your current APM and edit
Write new missions directoly to your APM
Open other peoples EEPROM data, view there missions etc.
EEPROM is saved to file on read - for those more technicly savy. - and to share with friends
View EEPROM - ability to display some internaly saved setting like gyro offsets etc.
Write a Waypoint writter header file, for use with waypoint writter.
To use it.
open it.
click Open defines.h - and point it to your ardupilot mega source directory
select your com port
click either read or write (after adding a few WP's)