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Netduino for a tricopter

Finally got round to getting some time to work on a uav, decided to start with a tricopter as it should be the easiest to work on indoors for now. Initial plan was to go with a couple of boarduinos or an atmega but stumbled across the netduino which is an open source board and software for the framework, and its available in the uk for around £24 which is a bargain considering its running on a 32 bit arm microcontroller and at 48mhz should give about 40mips so plenty of processing power. Given that I code in C# daily I'm going with the netduino (come pay day next month!)

The advantages seem to be:
Plenty of cpu power
Plenty of ram (70k)
Real time debugging
.net - and all its benefits, e.g. Threading, ease of coding, event handlers
All open source
Somewhat compatible with arduino shields (though won't be using any)
Plenty of digital inputs and two serial

The disadvantages seem to be:
Not realtime - though is this a disadvantage I'm not sure it is?
Only 4 PWM (should be okay, but maybe need to add in a driver)
Hard to design a custom board later on (100 pin package on the chip!)
Not as many analog inputs (only 6)
Only 128kb left for code (rest is taken up by .net micro and netduino code) - same as atmega though.
No existing uav code to base code on

Just installed the netduino sdk and got my class structure set up and starting coding the main thread for managing all the processes....
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3D Robotics
A few quick updates about the site and projects:
  1. We've added "Leaderboards", so it's easier to see what/who is hot in any given week. You can see all the leaderboard categories by clicking on the Leaderboard tab at top right, or just the content list in the sidebar at right.
  2. We've reorganized the ArduPilot Mega SVN repository to adhere to SVN conventions better. If you're using it, please delete your folders on your own PC and recreate them with new structure. It's a one-time thing, and doesn't take long, and it will help us keep this better organized going forward. (Thanks to Michael Smith for doing this and helping us make the project more mature in countless other ways)
  3. As Jason Short mentioned the other day, ALL software bug reports, feature requests and other issues should now be submitted via the Google Code Issue tracker. Here are the ones for ArduPilot Mega, for ArduPilot, and for ArduCopter. If you post an issue in the forums or comments on a blog post, the dev team probably won't see it. So please, start using the Issue Tracker and help us push these fixes through as fast and effeciently as possible.
  4. We're shooting for a public Alpha Release of APM this weekend. If that goes well, we hope to release a public Beta by Sept 1. The ArduCopter code is still in internal development, but the team is working really fast. It's looking like a September public release of an Alpha, too. Because it shares so much code with APM and inherited very solid code and tools from AeroQuad, the feature set is far more complete than a new project would normally be at this stage. It should launch with full UAV functionality, not just RC mode.
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MatrixPilot 2.5 Released


Just in time to run on your new UDBv3, the UDB development team is excited to release version 2.5 of MatrixPilot! This version adds tons of new features, including inverted stabilization, camera targeting, more configurable waypoints, wind speed estimation, dead reckoning, and hardware-in-the-loop simulation. Big thanks go out to everyone who has written and submitted code, tested bleeding-edge versions, found bugs, and asked and answered great questions.

More info over at our wiki.

What's New in MatrixPilot 2.5

  • IMU based "dead" reckoning.
  • Support for waypoints at absolute positions, relative to startup, or relative to a fixed location.
  • More configurable waypoints / flight patterns.
  • Stabilize inverted flight.
  • Stabilize vertical / hovering flight.
  • Beginnings of automatic landing.
  • Camera stabilization and targeting.
  • Support for automatic detection of, and adjustment for average wind speed and direction.
  • Support for using a magnetometer for yaw stabilization.
  • Improve robustness of waypoint following when losing the transmitter signal.
  • Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation using a UDB and X-Plane.
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Invensense gyros in the UAV DevBoard

UAV Devboard users,

The UAV Devboard, version 3, is now available from SparkFun. It is the same as version 2, except it replaces the LISY gyros with Invensense 500 degree gyros, which are practically vibration proof. Also, now you can use higher rotation rates in your flights without saturating the gyros. The previous gyros had a maximum range of 300 degrees per second.

The board has been flight tested by the team. All firmware for the UDB2 will work on the UDB3 without changing any parameters except the board type.

In MatrixPilot, you should select RED_GREEN_BOARD (even though the board is entirely red!) as the board type. If you are using any of the heli firmware, the board type depends on what version you are running. In the latest heli firmware, set the board type to INVENSENSE_BOARD. In either case, the configuration file that should be pulled is "IXZ500.h"

The "bigger and better" version of the UDB is still in the design pipeline, and is expected to be available in the spring of 2011.

Best regards,
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Ardupilot Alpha/Beta Testing

Since we have a few major pieces of software being developed at the same time I wanted to make a few points about how you can help.

1. Even though the dev team provides excellent support, Doug, myself and the Arducopter team do this on the side and are only paid in the satisfaction of seeing Ardupilot code in the air on your planes. I really mean that. We like to hear about successful integration and flights, not just bugs.

2. We are moving to the Issues list on Google code. Only issues listed will be addressed. This is simply the best way to track everything and it's open to to view by everyone. Please only put bugs in there and keep questions for the Forum posts.

3. If you are using Beta software, please understand there will be bugs. That's the point. What we really need to solve a problem is

- your header file
- pics of your HW setup if applicable
- DETAILED steps to reproduce the issue
- Example Code Fix to fix the issue - we really love getting code.

4. It's great to discuss issues in the forums, but please don't assume the dev team will read every post. Please use the issue tracker to ensure it is dealt with. Again, if you have a fix, please post the code to the issues list and not just the thread.

5. Alpha code will no longer be posted as a Zip archive. Get an SVN client such as Tortoise SVN. Changes happen daily/hourly.

6. We will be Tagging major updates so you can easily access older builds - as soon as we figure out how to do that ;) Michael is a pro at this and will be setting us up.

We are aiming for flyable Mega code to be Alpha by the 20th.

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Hi all,
my Name is Mike, living in Berlin Germany. Rc flying now 2 Years. Some Koax Helis and Jan 2010 to now Quadrocopter. The Conrad Quadrocopter 450. A good cheap Device to start . What you all programmed here and can handle its amazing. But most ready Quadrocopters ARF have Gyros already integrated and fly good.
But there is now the wish to have Position & Altitude Hold Device for my CoCo. I have no expirence to programming and so. But you Folks can made it happen. All these ArduPilot , UAVDevBoards confuse me a little.
Can someone programm , I think the ArduPilot will work, it so that i can connect 4 Sevochannels in and out to my Mainboard. Throttle / Nick / Roll / Yaw . Then when switch the Ardu via a 5 Ch on, it controls the Position and altitude ? Nothin more. NO Comming home, NO Map Route flying and and............
We, I mean all simple Quadrocopter Pilots are still waiting for that.
A UPAHD ( Universal-Position-Altitude-Hold-Device )

Mails welcome

Michael Abraham German
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3D Robotics

Using drones to monitor water use? Why?

Fast Company has an article about an Israeli water-use monitoring company, and for some reason they tie it into drones. I've read the piece twice and visited the company's website, but can for the life of me figure out why you'd use drones for this. Surely you'd use direct wireless links for this? If they're too far apart for wifi meshing, just use GPRS. The data size is tiny; it?s a perfect app for texting on cellphone networks.

Can anyone explain this?

Excerpt from the article follows:

"The word drone may conjure thoughts of sci-fi flicks, or images of attacks carried out remotely on hostile lands, or even your high-school biology teacher's voice. You certainly don't expect a drone to help save water, but that's what Arad Metering Technologies intends to do. The Israeli company's battery-operated drone is one of the novel tools it's deploying to help consumers and companies conserve H2O -- and to make money.

That such an idea would come out of Israel is no coincidence. The country is poor in water and rich in tech innovation, much of it born of constant military conflict. Israel pioneered the use of unmanned aerial vehicles after it lost many fighter jets in the 1973 war. But Arad's drones don't fight: They read data from the company's patented water-meter system to detect leakage or, in irrigation systems, drought.

The World Bank estimates that water wastage costs utilities $14 billion a year worldwide; in developing countries, 200 million more people could be served by the water lost to leaks and theft. Arad CEO Dan Winter says this is largely a consequence of how the business works in places where water is cheap or untaxed: "You train people to abuse water because they pay very little."

This broken system created an opportunity for Arad, which has deep green roots. Its parent company, the Arad Group, began making water meters in 1941, after prescient members of Kibbutz Dalia saw how the devices could help save water. Winter says his tech-centric unit seeks "to bring an added value" to both the core business and customers. Its technology can find irregularities -- a pipe failure, an unusually low flow rate, or a too-constant one that could indicate a leak -- in a few hours, rather than every 60 days as with a typical meter reading.

Arad's system is built around what looks like a standard meter. The difference is on the inside, where you'll find 3G wireless technology, a microcontroller, and 20-year batteries. Every 11 to 30 seconds, the system transmits data, which can be picked up by a drone (best for quickly covering big distances in remote areas) or by a drive-by or fixed-base reader. The data are then analyzed by computer to gauge how much water has been consumed, how much was lost, and even where tampering may have taken place. As a result, companies can save both water and man hours.?

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3D Robotics

Oh dear...

This doozy was spotted by Wired's Danger Room team:

"We’ve featured some seriously over-the-top military patches here in the Danger Room. This one, nabbed by Spencer in Afghanistan, counts as one of the most over-the-toppest.

The emblem is for Task Force ODIN — the team of killer drones, manned spy planes, and intelligence analysts, named after the all-seeing pater familias of the Norse gods. And it’s just what you’d want from an Army-meets-Asgard mashup.

On the patch (from ODIN’s just-departed detachment) an armed drone sails over the head of a blond, bearded warrior, clad in chain mail. “SURRENDER OR DIE!” screams the text along the bottom. But the ironic thing is, ODIN isn’t really in the killing business any more.

During ODIN’s original incarnation, in Iraq, the task force helped bring hundreds of insurgent bombers to an early end. These days, in Afghanistan, ODIN is more in the business of surveillance and intelligence-gathering. Guess “SURRENDER OR WE’LL WATCH YOU FOR A WHILE” wasn’t a catchy enough slogan."

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3D Robotics

Howard Gordon, RIP

Very sad news: our friend and community member Howard Gordon died of a sudden heart attack on July 20th, at age 57. He was an inspiration and a mentor to me, and was best known to this community as the creator of the YARB robotic blimp and the Surveyor Blackfin-powered robotic rover.

Howard manned the booth at Maker Faire with me for two years, and was the nicest, most patient person you could meet. He had had early success in the technology industry (see obituary below) and this had allowed him to semi-retire in a beautiful part of the world on the Pacific coast south of San Francisco and to focus on what he loved best: his family, surfing and robotics. As tragic as his death was, at least it was doing what he loved: surfing.

Here's the obituary from his local newspaper:

"San Luis Obispo entrepreneur Howard Gordon, a highly regarded innovator known for revolutionizing Internet information processing and robotics, died of a heart attack July 20 at French Hospital Medical Center after surfing at Pismo Beach. He was 57.

According to family, friends and associates, Gordon lived a life propelled by vigorous curiosity and gusto and yet was low-key and unassuming in the face of some of his culture-altering Internet contributions.

Gordon was among the first innovators who made streaming a video or song over the Internet possible when he championed software-based compression for images and audio — MP3.

Want to attach and send a photo on the Internet? It was Gordon and his company, Xing Technology, that wrote very fast JPEG compression software for personal computers in the 1990s. Before Xing, nearly everyone thought special devices were needed to accomplish such data compression.

A graduate of UCLA with degrees in math and music, Gordon played classical piano, flute and guitar, excelled in dressage and was an avid surfer, skateboarder and champion sailboat racer.

Jeff Buckingham, president of Blue Rooster, a San Luis-based telecommunications company, recalled a man “who definitely didn’t stay inside the box. It was a lot of fun watching him with all of his ideas flying around.”

Amy Kardel of Clever Ducks, a computer networking services company in San Luis Obispo, remembered Gordon as “absolutely brilliant and just the neatest guy.”

Born Oct. 10, 1952, in Montebello, east of Los Angeles, and raised in Pomona, Gordon’s interest in computers goes back at least 40 years, long-time friend and collaborator Eric Redemann said.

While the two were college roommates at UC San Diego in the early 1970s, Redemann recalled, Gordon took a summer job on campus that entailed making a technical, animated film using the university’s number-crunching computer center.

Prior to microprocessors, computer centers at that time were usually huge buildings holding vast banks of computers with long waiting lists for users.

Redemann said Gordon figured he could get exclusive time on the computers if he worked all weekend and let the other students have access during the week.

“So he did the summer job on weekends, which was something like 40 days of work in six all-nighters,” Redemann said, “got good marks for his work and was able to surf and play music during the rest of the week.”

It was also during this time that, with his father, Gordon developed computer models and playing strategies for blackjack. He developed computer-based trading models dealing with stock options and financial futures for the Wall Street firm of the then-Shearson Lehman Brothers and large-scale computerized telephone systems using microprocessors.

By 1982, he founded Network Research Corp., a computer-networking firm. He sold that company four years later and — with a love for dressage — founded Classical Horseman, a mail-order business dealing with dressage training videos. In the interim, he and wife Heidi Carr moved from Malibu to Arroyo Grande, where he based the business.

Gordon founded Xing in 1991 as a robotics and video tracking system company. Before selling the firm in 1997, his company was a leader in the Internet-altering software of JPEGs and MPEGs, allowing images to be compressed and sent online.

Technology was but one facet of Gordon’s life. Jack Smith recalled meeting him one weekend in 2001 (the same year Gordon and Jay Crum set the Transpac record for double-handed sailing from California to Hawaii) while Smith was staging the International Slalom Skateboard Races in Morro Bay.

With typical Gordon brio, he jumped into the sport. Under Smith’s initial direction, Gordon eventually partnered with skateboard legend Bobby Turner and co-founded Turner Downhill. Under Gordon’s direction, the company completely revamped competitive downhill skateboarding by redesigning boards and wheels that dominated world championship racing.

One of his greatest sources of pride in this venture is that his daughter Lauren — now 21 and a geological engineering student at the University of Montana — and son Dylan — now 18 and a visual journalism major at Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara — both became world champion slalom skateboard racers several years in a row — traveling to events throughout the United States and Switzerland.

“He was one of the smartest guys I’ve ever known,” Smith said. “Yet, with all he accomplished, he was also one of the most down-to-earth; a Polo shirt and shorts were his uniform. He enjoyed life to the fullest.”

For the past 12 years, Gordon owned and operated Surveyor Corp. from the family’s La Lomita Ranch in Edna Valley.

Surveyor Corp. is a high-tech company that deals with one of Gordon’s abiding loves: robotics and their applications. Toward that end, his curiosity and gusto were directed toward taking humans past what we know now.

“It’s sometimes hard to pinpoint a man’s impact on his community,” said Tim Williams, owner of Digital West of San Luis Obispo. “When considering Howard Gordon, it’s much more visible. His contribution to the technology world was global and, in many ways, he put San Luis Obispo on the map. His leadership drew the attention of giants in the tech industry, and he did so without limitations here in San Luis Obispo County.

“It wasn’t easy,” Williams added, “to be a major technology player from this somewhat remote region, but the very idea of doing more with less was part of the concept behind every technology application that Gordon built.”

“He had a reputation for creating and building companies and being able to sell them,” Kardel added. “But at the heart of Howard Gordon, he was a good guy who cared about what really matters — not just the integrity of products but also his family and community.”

Gordon is survived by his wife, Heidi Carr, of San Luis Obispo; daughter, Lauren Gordon, and son, Dylan Gordon; and brother, Mitchell Gordon, of Northern California.

No memorial services are planned.

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I've been getting the RoBoard up and running because I'd like to have a lot more compute power than the Arduino platform has. My plan is to interface RoBoard to APM, use APM for most of the I/O and eventually do some higher level vision processing on the RoBoard.

Now have Windows XP running on RoBoard, can write programs on my main workstation using Visual Studio which is great because it's what I've been using for the last 15 years.

Two tips for success with RoBoard in such an environment for anybody who might want to try:
1. If you get RB-100, don't bother buying a USB floppy to load the RB-100's IDE driver. You want to use nLite to make your modified XP install CD per the posts on It's free, it works, and with it, you can strip down your XP install to use only the minimal stuff you need.
2. The RoBoard docs say you can put the winio files either in your application directory, or in windows\system32. I put them in windows\system32 and wasted a day because the winio library initialization failed. Eventually I tried putting them in the application directory, and it worked fine.

Next step... See if I can get RoBoard talking to APM.
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3D Robotics

"Distributed Flight Array"

The Robots podcast had a great interview this week with Raymond Oung from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich.

"The idea behind this project is to design a set of vehicles equipped with a single propeller and wheels that can drive around in search for fellow modules with whom to dock. Single modules are not stable but once assembled, the flight array is able to take-off and achieve coordinated flight. Modules then detach in-air, fall to the floor and repeat their search for other propellers.

The main challenge in this system is to come up with a distributed controller that can allow modules to work together to achieve coordinated flight. Because of its endless number of configurations, the distributed flight array is the perfect research and pedagogical testbed to study control theory for complex systems."

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Hi everyone,

You may wonder why the world needs Yet-Another-Ground-Control-Station (YAGCS).
The following design goals, which are highly subjective, came to my mind when I started to work on this little project:

  1. If somehow possible, a GCS should not rely on libraries or tools whose distribution is limited for reasons such as a) operating system or b) commercial distribution or license issues
  2. A suitable GCS should be able to present the relevant data as simple as possible; rather than including the latest bells and whistles (realistic cockpit instruments, audio, etc.) the data should be presented in a comprehensible form
  3. The GCS should be as platform independent as possible (i.e., not be Windows-only)

I consider Labview, Flash and Google Earth to be tools/libraries that fall into the first category. Although there is nothing wrong with them since they are are nice and may be very suitable for this application, (in my very personal opinion) I believe that relying on such interfaces bring problems with them (incompatibilities with different versions, operating systems, etc.).

The current prototype of YAGCS relies on QT, OpenGL and a plotting library which is available as open source. QT was chosen due to it's nice signal-slot framework. So far it only understands the text-based telemetry stream that is generated by Jason's APM telemetry stream. The position of the UAV is continuously displayed on the map (previously generated from Google map tiles) and data in the plotting tab is updated. A logfile is also created, which can be used to later replay a flight (rewind and fast-forward are supported). An earlier version supports camera data received via a UDP socket and the current version shows roll/pitch data in a the OpenGL widget. This 3d view could later be extended to show the orientation of the plane relative to the next waypoint, etc. The plane model looks pretty crappy at the moment since I'm bad at modeling.

I would be interested in any feedback. Once I get the code cleaned up I would be also willing to share it if anybody is interested. Since I'm developing it on a linux (Ubuntu) machine I'm not quite sure what would be required to compile it on Windows but it should not be a bigger problem (the few lines of C code to access the serial port would need to be rewritten though).

Cheers, Andre
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ArduPilot Auto Launch Testing

Auto Launch in 2.7 from Jason Short on Vimeo.

This is always a cross your finger moment. Chris offered to flight test the new auto-launch code which has never been flown before outside of Xplane. I think I heard him say something like 'well this is an old plane and I've landed it in the bay a few times so I guess we should try...'

The winds were pretty heavy, but the auto heading hold worked nicely.

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This is a Blog I decided to start chronicling my experience in the hopes that I might make it easier for newcomers to get involved with these amazing machines we call UAVs!

First let me tell you a little about myself. I live in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, in the United States. I'm shown above with my new Senior Telemaster. (Anyone who has followed any of my posts knows the lengths I have gone to to obtain this plane. That's another story!) I am a Network Administrator with a Composites Manufacturer providing Manufacturing capabilities to medical, industrial, and recreational vendors. I have a background in CAD, and CNC Machining. I have had a lifelong love of aviation since I was a small boy growing up in the suburbs of Boston Massachusetts I have always had an interest in electronics, computer programming, and model aviation. First came Radio about 1989 I started flying a Great Planes PT-40 I purchased at the local hobby shop. Next came an introduction to robotics about 2 years ago with a kit my son got of the Parallax BOE-BOT. This led me to the Arduino platform. Then last January my brother-in-law (a really good guy) gave me a gift certificate to Sparkfun for my birthday! When browsing Sparkfun's web store I came across the ArduPilot, the rest is my experience chronicled here.

First lets talk about my choice of airframe. I wanted a large, stable platform, with a large interior. My "mission" was aerial photography/videography, OK lets face it really I just want to have fun! Anyway , you need to look at what you want to do with your project when deciding on the proper plane to purchase. If you are looking to burn holes in the sky, then a high wing trainer isn't a good choice; if however you want a gentle stable flyer to take aerial photos (as I did) then a high wing trainer is a good choice Many people here like the Multiplex Easystar. The choice is yours but take some time and decide what your "mission profile" is and then seek the advice of others if you aren't familiar with a particular model. While I'm talking about the airframe let me make a basic recommendation, when we all learned to ride a bike, we didn't hope on a 10 speed and just take off down the street never looking back. Rather we started with a beginners bike, and training wheels.If you haven't flown Radio Control before, do yourself a favor and contact your local club and find yourself an instructor. You'll be glad you did!


Shown in the picture above are the two main boards of the ArduPilot system. On the left is the ArduPilot board on the left, and the ArduIMU+ V2. The ArduPilot is the "brain" of the system that integrates all the sensor data, from sensors such as the ArduIMU, and what output is necessary to obtain the desired performance from the aircraft. The IMU is an option as opposed to using thermopiles. Both systems monitor the attitude of the aircraft by sensing the aircraft' orientation in space. The sense I got was that the IMU provided better stability than the thermopiles in mountainous terrain (such as where I live).


. Shown here to the left is the uBlox GPS module.

This module has proven to be very popular, and in my experience very easy to work with. If you've spent any

time reading threads around here you'll probably realize

it does have a few weak points, the antenna connection

is very fragile; so care must be taken to make sure to protect it. The connector on the back of the module is

also very fragile so care should be taken with it as well.

You can see the uBlox adapter, sold at the DIY drones

store, hidden behind the uBlox module. I would suggest using some hot-glue to hold the two parts firmly


Crash protection is highly recommended with this very fragile item. I have heard several methods of protection, including shrink wrapping the parts together, However I have also heard reports of reduced numbers of satellites

obtaining a lock as the temperature rises, so it's important now to insulate it too well.

There are a several supported brands and communications protocols to choose from. With a wide range of features and a wide range of price as well Another important thing to consider is sampling rate, most GPS units come with sampling rates in the 1Hz to 10Hz range. At the low end 1Hz, a slow moving RC car might be able to use a sampling rate this low, but it's not very practical for a plane, at the 10Hz end you could have good data for a fast moving plane. For me 4Hz was great for a slow flying high wing trainer. The choice yours.


No matter what hardware you have, you'll need to consider how to mount them in your airframe. I wanted to have a system I could adjust.

The ArduIMU needs to be parallel to the ground in level flight. Unfortunately it's not easy to calculate exactly where that will be without some actual flight testing. Most planes will fly at a slightly positive AoA (Angle of Attack), therefore the ArduIMU would need to be mounted at an equivalent NEGATIVE angle in order to be parallel to the ground.

The picture on the left shows the installation of my mounting system in my Senior Telemaster. At the back you can see a long strip of Velcro, this acts as a hinge for the plate to pivot on. The 4 Velcro tabs are to attach the removable AP system panel from the mounting plate. The socket head cap screw at the front of the mounting board allows the adjustment of the pitch, positive or negative, of the mount.

While not necessary to make an adjustable mount I think it will allow me some greater degree of precision. If you are using something like a Multiplex EasyStar, it wouldn't make sense to go with something this elaborate.


This picture above shows how I protected my uBlox module with a foam cradle. Notice the cable connected to the uBlox adapter, it goes AFT to the main payload bay where it is connected to the ArduIMU.

The picture below shows the assembly after it was slid in place between the battery tunnel and the fuselage side.



This picture shows the battery monitor adapter, and associated cable I made to attach to the battery monitor on the Ardu Shield V2. If your not going to use the optional telemetry you can ignore this item, as it's unnecessary.

Because I am using a 6s1p LiPo battery pack whose nominal pack voltage is 22.2 volts, well over the 15 volt maximum input to the Ardu Shield V2 board, I needed a way to modify reduce the voltage "seen" by the analog input (AN5).

The battery monitor circuit on the Ardu Shield V2, uses a voltage divider to drop the voltage down to a value AN5 can read without causing damage to the board. Using the formula: Vout = (R1 / (R2 + R1 + "X") * Vin, I was able to determine the value of "X" necessary to bring the voltage down to 5 volts. For me that was 164k ohms. This is only necessary if you are using a voltage greater than 15 volts at full charge. Always calculate based on the full maximum charge, not the nominal rated voltage.


In this picture I've added the Ardu Shield V2. This enables us to add the differential pressure sensor (black box in the middle on the left) for airspeed sensing, and the battery monitoring capability with the voltage divider. It simply rests atop the ArduPilot board. I haven't installed the pitot tubes yet, but the will go out on the wing at least one prop diameter out on the wing. It's important to note here that you should install both the active and the static tubes outside the airframe, and out of the disturbed airflow behind the prop. If you are using a pusher such as with the Multiplex EasyStar you can simply install these in the nose of the aircraft.

Many people using fast moving airframes with IMUs don't bother using the airspeed sensor, however in slow moving airframes, or airframes that fly near stall speed, the Ardu Shield is recommended.


Here in the picture on the left you can see the ArduIMU on the left, the ArduPilot (red board) on the right, and the Ardu Shield on top of the ArduPilot.

They are all isolated from vibration using two different types of foam. You can see a 1/4" thick layer of neoprene foam on the bottom, and a 3/4" pocketed closed cell blue packing foam.

The idea is that the different foam densities protect the electronics from vibration at different frequencies.That's the idea at least, we'll see how well it works in practice.

At the top of the payload bay you can see the battery monitor cable coming from the forward compartment visible at the top of the photograph. Towards the front on the right hand side, you can see where the momentary push-button reset switch is installed through the fuselage side.


This picture shows how the adjustable mount is used to level the cradle the IMU is mounted in. First I check to see that the wing saddle is
level, then I move the level to the cradle, and adjust the mount to
bring the mount level with the wing saddle.

Well, that's it for now! In Part Two, I'll install the pitot tube in the wing, load the code, run through some ground tests, and finally begin some flight testing!

Good luck with all your projects,



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