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flight time

Does anyone know how to increase the flight time for an electric rc? I was thinking of finding a way to use solar panels to streatch the flight life. I was thinking of using flexible thin film solar modules from jamco electronics. My goal is to increase the flight time to a minamum of one hour. any suggestions would be appriciated thank you.
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And The Building Begins

So the desk was clean but it's not anymore! I have started the building of the wings, and the construction is going good here are a couple of pictures, and more will be following shorly, especially when we get to the details in the sweep mechanics, and wing braces and supports.And for the electronic guru's - schematics are just about to be sent to the Fab house! this is going to be a awesome board.
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1500m altitude video from the Arctic

We are still out on Spitsbergen flying Paparazzi. Finally the camera worked for one flight. Went up to 1500m and down in glider mode. Usually we fly slower downwards...but to have it more interesting we kicked it a little more. See the video at the corresponding Google Earth file at
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For the time being, I am going to move development of the flow chart version of an "A-to-Z Amateur UAV Development Guide" to this blog post on my personal page. It is far from ready for prime time and should not get much visibility at this stage. If it leads to a useful guide, then perhaps a link can be added to Chris' "Newbies guide to UAVs" which has top-level post visibility.My personal view of where this is going is not so much of a complete standalone set of instructions on how to build a specific UAV, but rather as an effort to capture and organize the wealth of information that already exists or becomes available. If successful, this guide will save future enthusiasts much time and effort in searching out the information they need to plan and execute their own UAV project.I don't necessarily see the flow chart as the final version of such a guide. This might just be the vehicle to capture the information and then become the framework for a Wiki site as has been suggested. While anyone is welcome to collaborate on the flow chart itself, there hasn't been much response to the original post on this. That's OK. I have decided to press ahead with the project and see where it leads.I intend to use this blog space to request help on specific topics as I develop the chart. Mainly, this will be asking for links that can provide specific information. I will try to find these on my own, but I suspect I will make frequent requests. Also, you might know of better links than the ones I find if you happen to be looking over the guide. If you come across a real gem that should be captured, please pass on that link and I'll fit it in.The following will always lead to the current version of the flow chart:DIY Drones A-to-Z Amateur UAV Development GuideAny comments, suggestions, input, etc. are welcome.Thanks,Paul
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This is finally the post for my headtracking system. I still have some tweaking ahead, but here is the present situation.It is based on following components:- Arduino compatible board (I use a spare ArduPilot board) in the airframe- Arduino compatible board on the ground (I use a Arduino Pro Mini from Sparkfun)

- Nunchuck Wii console handle

- 2 Xbee Pro Rf modems

- a camera on a pan and tilt system

- a cheapo digital camera hacked with a simple transistor shutter- some cables, some resistors, some plastic box to fit components in, etc.Ground headtracking unit features:

- basic headtracking using 2 accelerometers from the Nunchuck device (panning occurs while tilting head sideways; no rotational movement because no compass/gyro is implemented; I got used to this side movement which felt strange at first)- accelerometer data average for smoothing movements- accelerometer circuit on the head (fixed to a baseball cap)- 2 possible calibrations of the accelerometer unit (device or user)- Nunchuck handle in the hand for following specific actions when in autopilot:- front view with square button- bottom view with oval button- digital camera shutter with both buttons- two axis joystick trim to center camera position at will- visual (led) and audible (buzzer) feedback on handle actions- powered with a 2 cell 1000 mAh lipo- voltage monitoring with audible alarms (2 levels: 3.3v/cell and 3.1v/cell)- accelerometer data segregation to keep serial data rate very lowAirborne system includes:- 180 degrees camera pan- 90 degrees camera tilt (from front view to bottom view)- automatic front view after 10 seconds without headtracking data- digital camera shutter from ArduPilot digital pin D13Well, I think that's all for the features. I am sure there could be a lot of improvement in the code. I am no programmer, so I tried to do it and document it as best as I could.There are two code parts:- ground headtracker: head_track.pde- airborne system: pan_tilt.pdeI tried to record some video with my digital camera, but the light was so bad in my living room (in the evening), that I'll postpone posting a video. Instead, I added pictures into my gallery so you may check them out.this project is largely based on the code posted by Andrea Salvatore. Thanks Andrea for the nice How To.So I started using code written by others and modified it on the fly. If you recognize parts of your code, please don't be mad at me but send me a note instead, so I can duly acknowledge your contribution here and in the code. Thanks for your understanding.
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3D Robotics

A newbie's guide to UAVs


What is an amateur UAV?

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is an aircraft that has the capability of autonomous flight, without a pilot in control. Amateur UAVs are non-military and non-commercial. They typically fly under “recreational” exceptions to FAA regulations on UAVs, so long as the pilots/programmers keep them within tight limits on altitude and distance. Usually the UAV is controlled manually by Radio Control (RC) at take-off and landing, and switched into GPS-guided autonomous mode only at a safe altitude. (Confused by all the acronyms and unfamiliar terms in UAVs? A glossary is here.)

What do I need to make one?

---1) An RC plane, muticopter (quadcopter/hexacopter/tricopter, etc) or helicopter. You can buy them ready to fly, including autopilot, here. If you want to build your own, these instructions are a good starting point.
---2) An autopilot, such as Pixhawk (see below)
---3) Optional: a useful “payload”, such as a digital camera or video transmission equipment

What does DIY Drones have to offer?

The DIY Drones community has created the world's first "universal autopilots", ArduPilot Mega (APM) and its next-generation big brother, Pixhawk. They combines sophisticated IMU-based autopilot electronics with free autopilot software that can turn any RC vehicle into a fully-autonomous UAV.

A full setup consists of:

  • 3689312472?profile=originalPixhawk autopilot: The electronics, including twin processors, gyros, accelerometers, pressure sensors, GPS and more (shown at right). Available from mRo.
  • Mission Planner software Desktop software that lets you manage APM and plan missions, along with being a powerful ground station during flights and helping you analyze mission logs afterwards.
  • Autopilot software (automatically loaded by the Planners):

You can buy Ready-to-Fly UAVs planes from mRo and multicopters from HobbyKing




Last but not least is flight safety. The RCAPA guidelines are an excellent set of checklists and do's and don'ts, so please refer to them.

Also, here's the FAA's official word on what's legal and what's not.


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My Easyglider Pro Conversion

I chose the Easyglider for its size, high L/D and ease of modification/construction with Elapor foam. There is plenty of room to slide in up to a 3000mAh Lipo pack under the wing but, as Chris has mentioned, there isn't a lot of room under the canopy. I modified the canopy with a tab in the front and magnet aft for attachment. The original, forward canopy hold down tabs were left off and it turned out ArduPilot was almost a perfect fit in their place (see pictures).Just waiting for weather to improve for her maiden voyage. Has anyone flown this plane yet with ArduPilot 2.0? If so, any recommendations on setting the gains?

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If you have a UAV DevBoard, and are anxious to do some flying with it, you should skip the GentleNav firmware and wait for MatrixNav, it is almost done, and will perform a couple of orders of magnitude better than GentleNav.GentleNav was originally developed for my previous board, which used the ET312 GPS, 2 gyros, and 2 accelerometers. The algorithm was rather simple, but worked well enough and I used it for several years.This season I decided to design a better board to use 3 gyros and 3 accelerometers to improve performance. Recently, I have been working with Paul Bizard on a "direction cosine matrix" approach to estimating orientation. It shows great promise, and is almost done.In the meantime, I thought that owners of the new board would want something to fly with, so I ported the GentleNav firmware from my previous board to the new one. Today was the first day I actually flew it, up until now I have been doing bench testing.Well, GentleNav does not work as well on the new board as it did on the old board. I traced the problem to the EM-406. It turns out that the dynamic response of the EM-406 is not nearly as good as that of the ET312. It takes the EM-406 around 15 seconds to respond to a 90 degree turn, while the ET312 responds almost instantly. Because of this large dynamic time lag, the GentleNav firmware is not stable in the return-to-launch mode.I could probably experiment with the feedback gains and get GentleNav to work with the EM-406, but since MatrixNav is almost done, I have decided to declare GentleNav to be obsolete and to focus my time on finishing MatrixNav, which should be available in a few days, a couple of weeks at the most. MatrixNav will completely resolve the issue with the dynamic delay, since it uses mainly the gyros rather than the GPS for direction information. The direction cosine matrix algorithm has a convenient way to compensate for GPS delay. MatrixNav is almost done, but I want to perform extensive flight testing before releasing it.So I suggest you wait for MatrixNav before using your UAV DevBoard in flight. Of course, if you do not want to wait, you are welcome to experiment with GentleNav, but I do not recommend it.In the meantime, you might want to try the roll-pitch-yaw demo to gauge what the performance of MatrixNav might be.Bill Premerlani
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ArduPilot failsafe RTL in case of out of RC range

Hello,My new board has arrived (thank you Chris) and is working fine. I am an FPV flyer at the first place and automatic RTL mode is so tempting for me... Arduilot doesnt want to cooperate with my Corona RP8D1 in case of loosing RC signal. I added two little friends to the wire mess inside my small FPV platform.This is one of them:

First one is added between IN CTRL of ArduPilot and RC Rx. Second one between CPD4 RMT and Rx. This way I am not afraid of loosing the airplane during long runs.I think most of todays RC transmitters would benefit from such setup.
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3D Robotics

The Space Shuttle's autopilot

Sparkfun and Jack Crossfire have been diving into the archives this week and looking at Apollo and Space Shuttle electronics. You think you've got tough memory and MIPS limits? Ain't nothing like what the NASA engineers had to deal with (punch card source code shown at right!). They went to the moon with computers not as powerful as ArduPilot's failsafe chip, to say nothing of its Atmega168. From a great Sparkfun roundup:
Apollo Guidance Computer ATmega168
$15M $2
55W Power
0.055W Power
~1 MIPS?
70 lbs.
0.0022 lbs.

Meanwhile, Jack Crossfile digs into the Shuttle's technical details and finds similar evidence of massive inginuity by NASA engineers: "The shuttle runs at 1Hz during liftoff & 6Hz in orbit. Most electronics R manually shut down in orbit to save fuel. The gyros were originally sampled to only 4 bits because they didn't have enough clockcycles. Full scale range was based on liftoff oscillations, not orbit. The shuttle doesn't use PID loops because there's not enough fuel to constantly hunt for equilibrium. It uses XY plane feedback. Given a start & end state, the computer looks up the exact required burn time in a table. The pilot has to manually select lookup tables based on payload, robotic arm position, & docking. The standalone shuttle is a rigid body while a docked space station & extended robot arm turn it into a flexing body. They calibrate the tables using very accurate mission simulations in software which accurately predict the center of gravity, moments of inertia, flexing modes, aerodynamics, & noise. On STS-1 they had an unpredicted oscillation during tank separation which almost killed the crew. Also, most of the computers failed on STS-1 because of floating solder balls." All info from here.
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Small UAS...trials and tribulations....

26080909:00, No wind, conditions clear.Test flight of CC using the FMA COP4.Near perfect conditions to test the mods to the CC along with the addition of the FMA Copilot.System was prepped and loaded the night before and assembly and calibration went smoothly. I did not have camera installed due to leaving the screws at home. Take off was to the south with a left hand climb out on full auto.Interrupted flight during grid to run an orbit. Resumed track and then moved waypoint so CC would follow. Hit a coms snag and took manual control for landing. Found I had the elevator reversed corrected on the spot. Landing was fast but level. No damage.

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Last Saturday I attended Barcamp Antwerp in Belgium. The idea of a barcamp is that every attendee gives a presentation without to much preparation. I talked about my autopilot project.The presentation got featured on Slideshare, you can see it here: you want to see my presentation, here is the video: very advanced, but enough to spark some interest in the non-RC crowd present!
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Let the design and construction meet!

Well the plane has arrived the wings are the first order of business while i wait on rocket motors and the linear actuators for the wing motion control. I think that my proof of concept will prove to be a good design. how ever there is an issue with the coding. I would like to know if there is anyone out there that has any code on a altimeter and airspeed sensor. thanks pics soon too come (later today)
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And So it begins....

Well here I am getting warmed up to start pursuing my UAV. I have my Flightgear and my C# programming skills and I am all set to start. The starting plan is to begin passing information back and forth. I have to say bravo the developers of Flightgear. The XML interface for getting data into and out of Flightgear is amazing, simple, clean and quick to get started. The first night worth of development has seen me getting information to my client over a socket (at least I have some flexiblity in how I want to handle H-I-L simulation further down the road). I have to say that this was simpler to get started, but now I am getting into the meat of what I love about flight...the autopilot! This is all I have to start with, I will let the world know how the next steps go (begin developing accurate position information)! Stay tuned....
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For some time, my brother Damen and I have been silent admirers of the awesome stuff that is being done by Chris, Jordi, and many others here on DIYDrones. Finally, about a month ago, inspired by the cool community, we decided to jump into the air with our own project, which we call flying_robot.The flying_robot project is indeed Arduino-based, but we are basing our work on the Ruby Arduino Development (RAD) programming tool. RAD allows you to use the Ruby programming language as sort of specialized language for Arduino development. Along with a bunch of plugins for a bunch of the hardware you might want to connect to the Arduino, RAD is a really easy way to dive into Arduino development.Our project, flying_robot, is intended to take this same approach towards creating UAV's that are based on the Arduino. We have created a bunch of plugins for RAD for various hardware like the Honeywell digital compass, Pololu Serial Motor Controllers and IR Receiver, and other things that you might want to include when putting together your own Arduino-based UAV.Another thing that we have been working on is a simple, but effective standard digital protocol for "fly-by-wire" remote control. We have been using linked XBee modems, and have been very happy with the results so far.Our first implementation is a Blimpduino clone that we call "Rogue 1". We just had a successful mini-test of the engines and vectoring controllers. I have been blogging about it at and my brother has been posting to his blog at http://myfirstairship.blogspot.comWe are going to be demonstrating the software and hardware at the Los Angeles Ruby Conference (LARubyConf) coming up on April 4. If all goes well, there will be some new converts to the way of the flying_robot.Once again, thanks to Jordi and Chris for sharing all their fine work, without which the flying_robot project would not be possible!
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