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external barometer for PIXHAWK


I’m trying to build a helicopter which can be operated under extreme environmental conditions (high humidity and light rain). For this reason I’d like to protect the autopilot in a watertight box. Of course this is a problem for the internal ba

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APM 2.6 crash in loiter mode

Hi all,

today after about 4 mins of flight in loiter mode my quad suddenly started turn heavily arround the yaw rate and than started struggling until it hit the ground. Luckily nothing seems to be damaged but I would like to find the problem before I

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my first build.Neeed help!!!!

Hi guys,I need some help.This is my first quadcopter build and i need some help.I have a zmr250 with brushless 1804-2400KV motors with simonK 12a Esc,A CC3D ATOM MINI,A 3s 1300mAh turnigy nanotech battery,A FS-CT6B transmitter with a FS-R6B receiver.

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Joystick and throttle problems

this is my first time in every thing (MP,Pixhawk and UAVs) I'm rely thankful for the decoctions and the solutions given it helped so much in my project only for one problem the joystick and the throttle are two separate units with deferent USB por

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GPS-Denied Autonomous Navigation

I was wondering if anyone has ever implemented the Extended Kalman Filter in ArduPilot without GPS states?

I would like to implement a GPS-denied navigator that uses only the position of a known "home station" as a reference. Every time it lands at sa

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