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more info about from pixhawk to raspi

Hi everyone !!
I have question. How can I send pixhawk location to raspi 4. I research this subject on the net and when I see it I have to use dronekit software. Does anyone want to provide additional information?
Note: I will be happy if you would l

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Don't know if this is the correct place to post this but anyhow it is where I am.

I am building my first hexcopter.  I am using a radiolink AT10 transmitter and receiver.  the manual indicates that I need to link the receiver with the transmitter and

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9 Replies · Reply by DustinKWhite Jul 29, 2021

Twin Goblin VTOL [Needs Help]

I'm stuck on this problem with a lot of questions why doesnt Qautotune work with my tailsitter? why does everything look so good but after transitioning back to Quad mode it goes super stupid.

Please check out my video and files.  Your comments are we

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The question has been asked before a long time ago but i havn't heard anything of it ever since. Is it possible to find out if a waypoint has been reached? Does dronekit implement this mavlink message? I'm programming a drone to stop for a few second

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15 Replies · Reply by Spice Agent Jul 1, 2021

responsiveness of the UAV

I hope you will come to understand my problem because I do not speak English very well.
I run my drone only by applying Dronekit in a python program.
I send alternately a command to change the speed of the drone (send_mavlink with a message like

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2 Replies · Reply by Daryl Napier Jun 6, 2021

Relay with PixHawk 4

Good morning all,
I am currently working on a surface drone project. I use the PixHawk 4 as a flight controller. I want to control a 12V lamp that I will activate or not this lamp. For this, I tried to control it simply with the light function but sin

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