All Discussions (33325)

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Autostart STRSVR

I would like to know how to startup STRSVR after a Power fail on my Win10 computer where the program runs.

I know how to manually startup, but if my Basestation server for RTK goes down due to a Power blink I would like to have an automatic startup of

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Best PID algorithm

I started 3 months ago studying Quadcopter and after that i starting building my own quadcopter. I am using stm32F as the microcontroller, and sending PID tuning gains to the MCU by a GUI i created using C#. I am using in my quad a P-PID because i re

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Pixhawk MinimOSD "No Data" - Mac User

Hi All,

I have my minimosd plugged into my Telemetry 2 port of my Pixhawk, and I'm getting the old "No Data - Disarmed" even when I'm armed and flying. I am a Mac user so I have to use QGround control or AMP Planner (I prefer QGround Contol though bec

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SBUS protocol

Hi all,

I am thinking of using the SBUS of a radio receiver that has SBUS to control Pixhawk with Arduino. I do not really understand the SBUS format. Can any kind soul please help me in explaining the SBUS protocol? Thanks.

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UAV for firefighters

Hello everyone!


My name is Elio and I’m working on UAV for firefighters.


I want to build a drone with a thermal camera that can help firefighters in there Daly work.


The drone has to be small (for the transport), quickly deployed and easy to use. I w

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External compass orientation

I have a Pixhawk with an external GPS/Compass and I only want to change the external compass orientation (180). Is it possible? I think I should use COMPASS_ORIENT=4
So my idea is Pixhawk arrow forward in the direction of the plane, and GPS/Compass ar

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DIY mavic pro alternative ?

Hi I was wondering if anyone has "assembled" a big foldable frame with big props, batteries, gimbal, with a nice real 4K camera yet ? ( 1 mile range, transportable, less than 2 pounds, if possible )

Thanks for any clue, notice, enlightment :)

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3D printed frame

Hi guys!

I´m just planning to build my fist drone and I would love to design and print the frame in my 3d printer (using regular PLA)

What do you think about that? How are your experiences with 3d printed frames?? Any size of frame that could work or m

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