this is bugging crap out of new to quads but i have done fpv with my rc planes and i cant figure it it possible with custom built drones?im trying to figure if i want to build one or just buy the phantom 3.also how would return to home w
Hello Guys,I bought a new antenna to use with pixhawk (Longe-Range UAV Telemetry of jDrones - 868 Mhz). But when I try to connect to Mission Planner, it takes many, many, many minutes (maybe hours, I don't know cause it didn't terminated). That is pr
I'm new to this forum and am in the process of altering a current build that I have. I would like to power it using RC electric jet fan motors and was wondering if anyone has any idea of the lift ratios for those motors. It is a quadcop
I’m looking for advice as to the steps to take to get to my next project’s ultimate goal of an autonomous sailboat. I’ve been programming industrial automation systems for over 40 years, so I understand control systems and program structure. I have b
I was doing a static test to verify the precision of the sensors of the IMU within the pixhawk and I saw a very strange behavior. Although the roll and the pitch were really still (with some noise of course), the yaw did not stop at any mo
Hello drone makers,I seek advice on a project I would like to do this fall. I am studying to get my MFA in dance and I am particularly interested in how technology can be woven into performance - specifically in an interactive way. I'm interested in
I am new to the forum, but haven't seen this topic discussed.
I work for a US company and am a US citizen who is wanting to fly a UAV for survey purposes at our sites in the US and Canada. I have read that I need to have my part 107 and will need to a
Hey guys, I am powering my Pixhawk with the Power Module, but my plane uses a SBEC with 5.66V output for my 4 micro servos. I read that if I plug my SBEC to the servo rail in the pixhawk it acts a power backup, but I read that it mustn't be higher tha
So I've been wondering how to make use of the INS_generic.cpp code in the example library, and I was wondering how I could actually build it for my pixhawk... I'm quite new at this, so can anyone give me a step by step on how to go about it? Do I use
I am installing a new Pixhawk in a quad and trying to calibrate the accelerometer. I have attempted this now at least a dozen times but each time it fails. The reason seems to be that the process is being disturbed by the constant stream of error mes
Holaa estoy usando pixhawk 2.4.8 lo eh probado en un modelo fj450 sin problemas, ahora lo he montado en mi quad de 1000mm y al poner la potencia al 50% hay mucha vibración en el marco a causa de los motores, tal vez sea una incompatibilidad del esc h