Hola tengo un ebee con el tubo pitot dañado y los costos de reparación con. Sensifly son muy altos, que posibilidad hay de reemplazarlo por otro sin tener que acudir al fabricante, y poder calibrar con un software comun
I have apm 2.6 it was working normally but know I have compass calibration error by missing the wieght dots in live calibration , I am using ublox gps neo 6m ????
I am currently working on a hexacopter powered with the Pixhawk Mini FCS. It is currently using the 915MHz telemetry radio to communicate with my ground station. I am mounting a thermal camera (FLIR Vue Pro R) which has a port to accept Mavlink fo
Hi, I wish to know if Mission Planner will run reliably on relatively cheap/low-end hybrid Windows laptops (the ones that can transform into a tablet) such as the Acer Aspire Switch 10E.
CPU: 1.33GHz Intel Atom Z3735F (quad-core, 2MB cache, 1.83 GHz w
We are offering our X-UAV Talon mapping drone for sale. Fully operational, never crashed, comes with everything except the camera (we were using a Sony QX1, but can use many other camera types).
We are selling this due to the size of the kit. Most of
I'm trying to use the Hacklink with a Pixhawk Mini. I made a telemetry cable using TX RX and ground. I noticed the included cables use the RTS and CTS lines on the full size Pixhawk. The interface seems correct, but after connecting in MP the process
I’ve been reading about the flight termination capabilities and have not been able to know about which is the behavior of the plane when detecting a maximum pressure altitude breach. Is there any way to behave like in the case of GPS loss or coms los
I am trying to send sensor data from an Arduino to my PX4 and live transmit it via telemetry to my ground station. Hence I was wondering if anyone has some useful advice on how to do this and if so how I could implement Mavlink or I2C to do so
Ducted fan UAVs maintain a higher payload to stored volume ratio. The vehicle can carry 4x the payload of a similar footprint fixed- or open-rotor UAV.
I have heard different things online about ducted fans vs open wing proppellers. Some say they are
"The Griff 300 gets its name from the number of kilos it can lift and carry. Converted to U.S. measurements, the drone can lift up to 660 pounds, including the drone's own 165-pound weight. The drone can then fly with its cargo for 45 minutes, accord
I would like to have my data log with real time rather than only milliseconds. So for example sensor 1 detected at 15:30:21.296 value A rather than sensor 1 detected at 2296ms value A. Is that possible and how would you do this. I have GPS so
Getting the orientation of my pidrone prior to takeoff which combines with GPS, gives the ability to flying between fixed predefined waypoints. This works perfectly.
Hello everyone, I have a simple question. I have made a quadrotor by myself, and I want to use a camera to let my quadrotor set position at a point. My camera with small computer can only transmit data in low frequency, about 10 hz. But my quadrotor