Hi everybody I am new to this hobby and I need some help with my first drone I install pixhawk on it and I installed the latest firmware to it amd i did all calibration i use Radiolink 12 ch. receiver with SBus all work fine with pixhawk as i can see
Goop day to all developeders, im having issues about my sonars mb 1202 and 1202, i need help to solve this issue. My flight controlles are pixhawk and the other one pixfalcon. I hope somebody can help me fix thede issues
we have been using Arduplane v3.8.4 and v3.8.3 on a number of Quadplanes using most of the features including stability assist and forward motor hold support which has worked really well. It is a really fantastic development and a joy to fly ever
Has anyone been able to connect directly from their ground station to a px4 through WiFi without the use of a raspberry pi? i have a 3DR wifi telemetry and currently im able to connect through mission planner and gather attitude data but qgroundcontr
Hi everyone, I'm trying to setup a ground control station for my Xiaomi MI 4K drone. This drone was purchased for Search and Rescue operations. Does anyone know what gcs software will work with this drone?
I am new to pixhawk. I am using pixhawk 2.4.8 and PX4 firmware version 1.5.5. Please let me know, how could i enable PX4FLOW to update the pixhawk local x and y positions. is it just to connect the PX4FLOW (say by I2C) and the lcoal position of th
Before using the Splash Drone 3 for fishing, you should view this drone fishing tutorial - the authentic guide with Splash Drone 3 by Swellpro to learn the prop
Hello friends, I have an Ardupilot 2.8 and I want it to work as an antenna tracker, I know all about the frame and those things, what I can not do is configure the APM, I have managed to load the firmware of the antenna tracker in the APM from missio
I am building a micro drone using a Tiny Pepper flight control board with a built in FrSky receiver. I am currently using a Taranis X9D transmitter, but I would like to build a custom one.
I can take the servos out of many different controllers, and
hi Guys , has anyone did a setup for a 3ch Throttle ,Elevator ,Rudder only plane. I know the Dihedral takes care the roll function . but just needed to know on waypoint mode which does the APM use to bank the aircraft?.
I think about the possibility of using Pixhawk flight controller for my project (https://flying-bike2018.com/home/) instead of DJI Ace One. Because DJI stopped his support. But I read that there are Pixhawk controllers from different manufact
The construction of the manned Copter FlyingBike continues.
The FlyingBike will be a double copter with a take-off weight of 460 kg, with a payload of 190 kg, a twin-engine (with internal combustion engines), four electronically controlled variable pi