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motor driver suggestion.

Hey forum,

I'm trying to build a rover that uses dc motors with apm (2.8) and an L298p motor shield (that was for Arduino).But I found out that apm uses PWM (single) channel does not match the l298p motor shield requirements.

So I am trying to find dc

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Pixhawk 2 and minim osd

Hey guys been having issues with the pixhawk 2 and the minim osd. We have tried serveral times to get it to work but all I'm getting is the mode change coming up on the osd. But the battery warming and the horizon wont work at all.

We have tired to up

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Compatible boards

I'm looking for a small board (Rpi-size) that will run Dronekit AND has 4 real hardware serial ports.

I don't want to use USB->RS-232 converters, or bit-bang the pins.  I need 4 real, hardware UARTS. 

And it would be a bonus if the RS-232 ports were 5V

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Pixhawk Mini RC Passthrough


I have a Pixhawk Mini powering a hexacopter and I need to pass through a couple auxiliary channels. Six of the main output PWM channels are going to the ESC's, but I want to get two more PWM channels on 7 and 8. I have AUX1 and AUX2 set to Channel

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Double quadrotor in AirSim

I am working on a project that uses two or more quadrotors flying in chain-like formation, one following another.  My questions is How to create more quadrotors within the same level in AirSim? How to use the APIs to control each quadrotor separately

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How to test a new propeller?

Hi, I calculated a propeller that is very much like the one by da Vinci, except it has the airfoils of hummingbirds. I own a little quadricopter of mine and would like to try the propeller out. The problem arouse when I contaced shapeways, since they

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Pixhawk or Pixhawk 2.1

Hi, I am trying to work on a good autonomous drone to build and at first I wanted to use the pixhawk 2 except its very expensive. What are the upgrades from the pixhawk to the pixhawk 2 that would make it worth 200 dollars more. Should I go with the

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