"That's one of the funniest replies I've seen on this forum. :)
I would guess that the devs put that check in there for a reason. Given the big altitude change, it might be an issue with the barometer along with what Craig mentioned.
If you do try…"
"Well, I've admitted before that I am not an expert at analyzing logs. I was hoping someone else would take a stab at this one. It's a little confusing.
It looks like things start happening at line 1489. The best guess that I can come up with is that…"
"I'm no expert at logs either, so someone else might verify this...
Just before things went bad, there was a big spike in ThrOut. With everything else staying the same, (controls, attitude, etc.) it looks like the controller is trying as hard as it…"
"Well, the M6e has TTL level asynchronous data interface, so it should be easy enough to get it talking to an Arduino. As for exactly how to do that, you'll have to do some homework. Same for sending Mavlink commands to an APM.
Since I have never…"
"Ah, got it.
Since the copter will need to hover about a meter over the tag to be able to read it, I'm not seeing the point, but I'll play along.
You'll have to program the Arduino to send a Mavlink command to the APM to change flight mode to Loiter…"
"Does the RFID info NEED to be sent to the flight controller? Unless the RFID data will be changing the flight plan in some way, let the flight controller do what it does and put another board in to collect the RFID info. Even then, the second board…"
"All of the RCOut numbers go crazy at the exact same time that the altitude starts dropping. I'm no expert, but that would indicate to me a motor/esc/prop failure.
RCIn numbers show that you reacted about .5 seconds later, but the copter was probably…"
"Do the motors start up and run slowly when you arm the controller? They should unless you disabled MOT_SPIN_ARMED in Mission Planner. If MOT_SPIN_ARMED is NOT zero, try setting it to a higher value like 100. Keep bumping it up until the motors spin…"
"I can't say what the difference between FAILSAFE_GCS-0 and FAILSAFE_GCS-1, but in either case, the communications between your ground control station and the machine has been lost. Maybe someone else knows what the difference is.
Since telemetry is…"