"This story seems very one sided. The angular resolution of sweep can be better then 3.6 degrees at lower rate and I'm not convinced about the outside distance numbers. The rplidar website says it doesn't work in direct sunlight. I'm guessing the…"
"I met Tom and Chris at the AVC in 2014 and enjoyed meeting them. I think the issue is the rover code is designed to work with GPS, and the SparkFun building isn't a great place for GPS. Mountains and the building make it hard. I'll be back next…"
"I won heavyweight, and got 3rd in welterweight and had the highest score. ;) I can tell you all the bots that won only used dead reckoning with NO gps. Also, all 3 winners are using their own custom code, not 3dr/diydrones code. The most…"
"it'd like this much better if it had an imu, encoders on the wheels, and maybe a couple ultrasonic or ir range sensors on it. As it stands it's a pretty limited platform."
"I never could find a suitable location to run my Rover. There is a grass field I could try, but the city doesn't allow any type of fun stuff like that in the park, and I decided not to push my luck. I looked everywhere I could, and didn't find any…"
"Well, I've got my rover which got second in the Doping class at AVC this year. I'm going to try my luck at this T3 round soon. I went slow at AVC this year and waited for my competitor to fail... and he did, but my bot failed as well. :(
"I've been wanting to build a go kart rover for a while, but logistics have kept me from doing it. So, I went with a 1/5th scale instead. I'm having difficulty finding a big enough lot to try the challenge in."
"Kirby G,
I should be ready by next weekend. :) I ran a slash 4x4 platinum last year. I've gone "bigger" this year. I'm not running any 3dr hardware or software but I wish you best of luck... so long as you are not in doping! ;)
"Very tempting! I hope the funding goes through. I'd be interested in purchasing after the campaign is over and things turn out good. Any guess on what the final price would be?
"I'm working on rover based on a 1/5th scale rc car. There are no limits on the size you can build, but doubt you'll find a ready to go system. It's up to you to figure out how to connect steering/throttle/brakes/shifting transmission, etc. My…"