



Tucson, AZ

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Steamboat Springs, CO

Activity Feed

Lockhart commented on Thomas J Coyle III's blog post DIY Drones at 72,000 members!
"Ah! It is a graph of the rate, not of the volume. That makes sense, now. Should have caught that. Thanks!"
Oct 27, 2015
Lockhart commented on Thomas J Coyle III's blog post DIY Drones at 72,000 members!
"Is it just me? I see Thomas' posts on the number of DIYDrones members, and I can't help but think that the trend over time is going down, not up. Is the y-axis a log scale, or something? Does anyone else thing this?"
Oct 27, 2015
Lockhart commented on Luis Alves's blog post AlceOSD - Graphical OSD for APM/PX4
"Jake, I don't think Luis has plans for a color version."
Jun 28, 2015
Lockhart posted a discussion
Is the throttle controlled by the APM during RTL? During RTL due to failsafe? I ask because I've searched in the documentation, and I can't find an answer for this.Because a RTL due to failsafe implies that the receiver is sending a throttle command…
Jun 18, 2015
Lockhart commented on Luis Alves's blog post AlceOSD - Graphical OSD for APM/PX4
"I'd vote for just C. C++ for embedded systems feels cumbersome unless it is complex. Because the OSD simply receives the MAVLink/UAVtalk messages, things are fairly straightforward. My two cents."
Jun 14, 2015
Lockhart commented on Luis Alves's blog post AlceOSD - Graphical OSD for APM/PX4
"Very interested. Keep us posted!"
Jun 10, 2015
Lockhart commented on Thorsten's blog post u-blox M8N - ground planes, antennas and positional accuracy
"Excellent test, and very interesting! However, I think the length of time for data collection in insufficient. Some units may work better at different satellite angles, etc. A redo of this test, only with data collected for a period of time to let…"
May 11, 2015
Lockhart commented on Teejay's blog post Skywalker UAV Bag / Backpack.
"I would be interested for the X8, too."
Mar 12, 2015
Lockhart commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Gizmodo: "The FAA's Drone Ban at the Super Bowl is Absurd"
"At first glance, it doesn't seem too unreasonable. It is a temporary restriction. If someone was planning on committing terrorism, 30 miles is fairly reasonable for a fixed wing aircraft. 
However, this restriction would only "work" if this 30 mile…"
Feb 1, 2015
Lockhart replied to Richard Burd's discussion The Most Economic Method for sUAS Launch in Agricultural UAVs
"Have you noticed temperature sensitivity in the bungee? I use a catapult system, that has proved to be reliable - I always use the same measured tension. It was reliable, until I tried launching in temperatures ~50 deg F cooler than usual. The…"
Jan 14, 2015
Lockhart commented on Eric Compas's blog post APM response to catastrophic air frame/wing failure?
"A feature like this would be difficult to make robust. Any kinematic condition to sense a failure would likely need the opposite response from APM as would be necessary for stability in a non-failure condition (eg cut power in a free fall instead of…"
Dec 6, 2014
Lockhart replied to Pedro's discussion X8 crashed... will it ever fly again??? in X8
"The fuselage certainly looks fixable. Some heat, glue, and perhaps some additional re-enforcement (fiberglass, kevlar, or even tape) should make it strong. Not so sure about the wing. You could try embedding additional carbon fiber braces. It is…"
Dec 2, 2014
Lockhart commented on Alex Wong's blog post Thank you to the test pilots. One gave his life, the other injured, on Virgin Galactic failed test flight.
"Very sad news.
The test flight looks like it had a number of "firsts", including a new rocket engine.
"SpaceShipTwo was testing a new plastic-based rocket fuel for the first time Friday. An eyewitness told The Daily Beast that the spacecraft…"
Oct 31, 2014
Lockhart replied to Gábor Zoltán's discussion Adding extra functions to MinimOSD
Thanks for the reply. Yes, ceni-amps is weird. The header declaration for osd_curr_A has a comment that says osd_curr_A is in units of mA. However, OSD_Panels prints osd_curr_A*0.01. Odd.
Yes. I'm trying to have a concise method to compare…"
Oct 27, 2014
Lockhart replied to Gábor Zoltán's discussion Adding extra functions to MinimOSD
"I am writing a custom efficiency function for MinimOSD-extra to give percent efficiencies for horizontal flight and climb. Doing so requires the units in the math to work. Can someone verify that I am understanding the units correctly? It is not…"
Oct 23, 2014
Lockhart commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Droneshare now has No-fly Zones
"@Rob: Aircraft fly over wilderness all the time. Just because you cannot land in the wilderness, it does not follow that you cannot fly above the wilderness. [Not that I want to see or hear a drone when I am inter wilderness more than you]."
Jul 24, 2014