Just had a horrific nose dive with my skywalker.. lots of damage, etc.. and I am trying to ascertain whether my APM2 is working. It seems to be , it connects, telemetry works, stabalize works, etc but MP says No GPS..
I have been using this with the extra versions for a few months.. It was pretty stable, but now after moving it to another plane, it is acting weird. I was using firmware R139 or something like that and it was fine in my bixler.
During the mission, my plane will switch out from AUTO to RTL very quickly then back to Auto. I am using a Frsky modified Turnigy 9x and I can fly about 1.5 KM without any RC signal problems, so I am sort
Would there be any benefit to reducing the max throttle position? When I am in auto mode and the plane is moving to another waypoint ( and possibly a new higher altitude) the throttle seems to go to max.
How do you start a "new" mission. I just flew a short test mission , then brought the plane down and loaded a new mission. I even had it read it back to me to be sure it was loaded, but when I went up and hit auto, it just wanted to come home.. Ju
I just lost my Skywalker 2 days ago. It had GoPro, etc on it.. lots of money and time. I don't have my APM2 yet and I had no RTL . Still not sure what happened to it, as the video just went completely off, no warning, did not flicker, never came b