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Minuteman AVC 2012

This is another write-up of my Sparkfun AVC experience. This year I worked closely with Roadrunner, who ran a similar vehicle and the same code. We collaborated using google code and SVN, which made us feel like "real" programmers.
Minuteman's twin, Roadrunner.
Minuteman intro
Minuteman uses a dead reckoning navigation system with a gyro for direction, and an optical encoder for distance. The car starts at a known position and direction which is designated as coordinates (0,0) and angle 0. As the car moves, the direction and distance are used to compute the new position approximately every inch. This process is all interrupt-driven, so the position is computed, even when the car is under manual control.

Programming the car is done by manually driving it around a course and recording waypoints (4 waypoints for a square course, for example). To re-run the course, it is set back at the original starting position (and angle), and set to auto-mode.  The car uses a proportional steering algorithm to steer to the waypoints with open-loop throttle control. If the car doesn’t hit the waypoints exactly as programmed, the waypoints may be edited on a spreadsheet for fine-tuning. Generally, if allowed to temperature-stabilize, it is very repeatable from run to run.

I chose an ardupilot (original) for this project. It’s basically an arduino with a multiplexer and attiny chip for switching between manual and auto modes. It is powered directly from the ESC and has worked like a real champ throughout much testing and countless crashes.
Ardupilot--the brains

The gyro is an Analog Devices ADXRS613, single axis, analog output,  from Sparkfun. It is sampled at 19.4 kHz by a free-running ADC on the ardupilot. My testing has shown that the null value shifts linearly with temperature, so letting the car temperature-stabilize for 5 or 10 minutes before running is important. Once stabilized, the drift over 1 minute is negligible. The gyro rate is very stable over the temperature range of interest, and is assumed to be linear over all rates (within specification).

The encoder is attached to the transmission input shaft. It’s made with parts from an old computer mouse, and has 8 divisions per revolution. The signal is very clean, and is able to drive an interrupt on the ardupilot with no signal conditioning. With the light shield in place, I believe it’s completely immune to noise.
3689463477?profile=original3689463437?profile=original Optical encoder, on transmission
Losi XXX roller: $60
brushless ESC and motor: $60
Gyro: $25
Ardupilot: $25
Total: $170

AVC 2012
On Friday I went with RR to the sparkfun building for testing. There were probably 10 other teams there doing the same. Testing went well, and I was able to establish some waypoints for the corners and some possible barrel locations. My best lap times were around 40 sec.The car can go much faster, but goes out of sight quickly and would be destroyed by a curb--so I didn't want to take any chances. 

On the day of the race we got to sparkfun at about 7:45 and started testing. My first problem was that a food truck had parked in front of the electric pole I had been sighting the car to (have to set the initial angle for dead reckoning). I re-sighted on a tree, which was later covered by another food truck. I tried not to take it personally :)
I use a scope for setting the initial angle

First Heat
After setting up my waypoints for the hoop, I did a bit more testing, and ran an entire loop. Then I had to put together a complete course and adjust some waypoint locations, however the testing period was over. I made the adjustments in the spreadsheet and uploaded it to the car. I had not tested the full programmed course, so I crossed my fingers, sighted-in the initial angle, calibrated the gyro, and sent it off at the starting "gun".  To my surprise and relief, all the adjustments were right on, and the car navigated perfectly. My time was about 50 seconds - 30 = 20 seconds (I think). This was faster than any previous official time, so just like last year I held the course record, at least for a brief time. I maintained my first place throughout the heat, until round 8 when team 0x27 clocked a very fast time by plowing straight through barrels and through the hoop. It was a huge 1:5 scale car and had no problem swatting the barrels aside. I believe their time, with hoop deduction, was 6 seconds. 
3689463523?profile=original Start of heat 1
Second Heat
The second round, I was feeling good. I would have to turn the speed up very high to beat 0x27,  and I wasn’t ready to do that yet. So, instead I cranked it up to 40% (1700 us) which is still pretty fast. I changed nothing else, including the waypoints. I lined it up, and it took off. As it rounded the first turn and headed to the hoop, I could tell something was a little off. It was a tad to the right and headed very close to a barrel. As it went by, the front right tire nicked the barrel, breaking the steering linkage. My initial reaction was that the run was over, and I was about to hit the kill switch. I let it go, though, just out of curiosity. The bump had steered the car a bit to the left, and it went directly through the hoop. As it continued to the second turn I had a glimmer of hope that it may somehow still be able to steer. All the turns were right-hand, which favored the left (and unbroken) wheel. As it shakily rounded the turn I started to smile. It rounded the third turn a bit off course, but close enough to keep going. With dead reckoning, any small course errors near the beginning can mean total failure the further you go. It headed down the straightaway, going wide left, and nearing the boundary poles. It stayed in, though and headed around the final turn. By this point it was far ahead of me, and I didn’t get to see it go for the finish line. I counted off a few seconds, trying to estimate when it would cross the finish line, then hit the kill switch. I could tell from the announcements and applause that it must have made it! I jogged around the corner to see it lying about ten feet past the finish line, one wheel folded up. This point hadn’t gone unnoticed, by the announcer, who was graciously pointing it out to the crowd. As my time came back, I had even more reason to smile. It had completed the course, with a broken steering linkage, in 9.4 seconds (including bonus). I was now only 5 seconds outside of first!

Stepping it up
Now my attention was turned to fixing the steering. I didn't have a replacement for the part that had broken, but only the mounting hole had broken. Fortunately, there were other mounting holes available, so the fix was quick. Now, I waited for Team 0x27. I need to see just how fast I might have to go in the final round. As it turns out, they bested their previous time, and were now at 2 seconds. So, this meant that it was time to pull out all the stops. Go for broke. I felt my second place was pretty secure (only to find out later that it wasn’t). My car, with its Velineon brushless motor and lipo battery is capable of some insanely fast speeds. So I decided to crank it up to 100% throttle. I had never tested it at anything close to this speed. If it made it around without crashing, it would probably be well under 30 seconds--remember, it had just done 40 seconds (unadjusted) at 40% throttle and a broken wheel. So, I made the changes, and decided to do a bit of testing.

Disaster strikes!
As no testing is allowed on the course, I went to a neighboring parking lot to test it. There wasn’t as much space there, but I really wanted to see how it would do in a straight line, and around a single turn. I pointed the car straight down a corridor, and let her rip. It took off like a banshee, the slipper clutch screaming wildly to keep the front wheels on the ground. Instantly, it veers at about a 20 degree angle (doh my first waypoint was at an angle!) It’s screaming along, headed perpendicular to a curb, and still picking up speed. I panick, fumbling for the kill switch, but it’s too late. The car slams into the curb with such force that the entire steering assembly is severed. I see the main chassis fly in one direction, and the steering assembly in another. I know immediately that my day is over. I’m happy that I did well for two rounds, but frustrated at my stupidity. This is exactly why I never tested it at these speeds. Failures are catastrophic.

Assessing the damage 
Cursing myself, I go pick up the pieces. The brushless controller, with its huge heat sink has separated in 3 parts. The LCD has broken from its mounting and separated from the cable. The car is lifeless. The chassis is sheared in two. I take it back to the pit to more closely assess the condition. I plug everything back together and flip the switch. It turns on. I pull the trigger, and the wheels spin. The steering servo is OK also. Hmmm. I put the two pieces of the chassis together--it’s a pretty clean break.
3689463554?profile=originalSpeed control in bad shape

MacGyver time
It’s announced that the next heat will start in about 45 min. A crazy idea starts to form. I need some epoxy, and some kind of stiff strut. I raid Roadrunner’s tool kit for some hex wrenches. I go in search of some epoxy, and one of the aero guys lends me a bit. Meanwhile sparkfun goes looking for some as well. I apply some of the epoxy to the hex keys and hold them in place on the bottom of the chassis. My son, Eric helps with the application, while I hold it together. Sparkfun comes to the rescue with a larger tube, and we start liberally applying the epoxy. Within about about 20 minutes it’s firm enough to stay together on its own weight, but still feels much too soft to run on. On the suggestion of a fellow competitor, I borrow a head gun, hoping to accelerate the curing process. It’s 5 min. epoxy, but that seems awfully optimistic.
Epoxy patch, hex keys and all

Heat 3
The first round of heat 3 starts, and I’m done with the heat gun. The epoxy still isn’t hard to the touch, but it’s starting to feel pretty strong. I put it on the ground a run it around a bit. Seems OK. I can’t believe I’m about to race after what I had just witnessed 45 minutes ago. I get everything set for the run. My heat comes up, and I line up next to the monster truck (a stampede). The race starts, and my car jogs off the line for a few feet. See, with the speed dialed up so high, I didn’t want it to jump the start line too much, so I had it go out slowly for the first few feet before accelerating. This is a deviation from the other two runs, where the car immediately jumped out to the lead and stayed there. This time, though, the monster truck gets a few feet out in front, and when my car finally decides to take off, it angles to the first waypoint and slams aggressively into the back of the monster truck, flipping them both over. My run is over, and I have unfortunately ruined the other car’s run as well. Surprisingly, the epoxy holds, and the chassis is fine.
Pile-up on starting line

Data Bus
Now, I wait for the other heats, feeling confident that I’ve got 2nd place in the bag. My most probable competitor, Roadrunner, has an amazing heat which involves weaving around multiple barrels, through the hoop, breaking a wheel, and ultimately crashing out on the 3rd turn. He was on pace to beat me. The last heat features team 0x27 which inexplicably has a glitch at the starting line, and doesn’t make it to the first turn. GPS jamming, they thought (?) I see data bus head out around the first turn, not thinking much of it. When it flies around the last turn about 30 seconds later, and catches some major air crossing the finish line, I have flashbacks to the previous year when I had been beaten in the very last heat. Fortunately for me, data bus missed the hoop--his 37 second lap time would have torpedoed me. I’m lucky for once, I guess.
Data Bus, catching air

Mano a Mano
As a final competition, just for fun, I am asked if I want to go head to head with team 0x27, and I accept. We both go to line-up, but realize that we want the same starting position. We separate the cars by about a foot, my sleek and sporty Losi XXX next to the 1:5 scale behemoth. I’m assured that the proximity won’t be a problem, since team 0x27’s car will be gone before minuteman has a chance to get in the way. The race starts, and I smile when minuteman gets out to the first corner well ahead of the other car. Unfortunately, that’s where the fun ends.

I have never tested minuteman to go all-out. It’s just too fast. Under manual control I have briefly taken it to full throttle, and any small twitches of the steering usually result in a heinous roll that makes me wonder what I’ve destroyed. My code is a little better than that, though and knows to apply brakes when approaching a waypoint. The braking level has been set to not cause skidding, but that may not apply at really high speeds. As the car approaches the first turn, it applies brakes, fishtails a bit, and swerves, causing a rollover. When the steering null point is off, minuteman tends to swerve at the last moment to hit a waypoint. The previous crash and re-attachment of the front end had resulted in a change in the steering null, as well as the hard braking at high speed was a recipe for failure.
3689463616?profile=originalGoliath 1 - David 0

The Winners
Team 0x27 finished the course in an (unofficial) record time of 27 seconds, Their car did amazingly well, and was easily the most robust. The huge 1:5 scale size allowed it to plow through barrels and glide over potholes with relative impunity. They had worked on obstacle avoidance software, but it was apparently un-needed and not used. They benefitted from good programmers, financial support from sponsors, and top notch navigation equipment not available to most hobby enthusiasts. Their GPS unit was an industrial-grade Hemisphere, the kind of equipment that isn’t listed with a price, just a “contact us”. It has a 20Hz update rate, and didn’t seem to have any trouble navigating on the side of the building where most GPS’s get lost. In chatting with their lead programmer, it sounds like their algorithms were very robust, and they apparently had about 3000 lines of code. It was an impressive project all around.

Next year
It appears now that vehicles will be going fast enough that an average “basher” has no chance of winning. Stampede? Grasshopper? Emaxx? electric wheelchair?  All of these will likely be too ponderous to navigate turns at 20+ mph. I think you will need a well-tuned race car to take the top spot. Fortunately for me, my Losi XXX already fits that bill. It would be nice to have a 1:5 scale brushless monster, but that’s not in my budget. Maybe it’s time to start looking for a sponsor.

Minuteman is set-up for a dirt track with jumps and washboards. This means the suspension is plush, and tends to roll when cornering at high speed. To counter this, I’ll lower the suspension, using shock spacers, and stiffen it up with different springs and more viscous oil. I’ll play with the toe and camber and hopefully end up with a car that zips through the turns on pavement. I considered going with a road-specific car, maybe AWD. With the rough conditions of the sparkfun parking lot, though, I guess I’ll stick with the Losi.

On the software side, there isn’t much to do. I’ll probably add in some cross-track correction, and smarter speed management (closed loop). Maybe at some point I’ll play around with object detection. I’m thinking opencv on an android or something. I’d also like to be able to edit waypoints over bluetooth, using my android. It’s hard to plan too much without knowing if Sparkfun will decide to drastically change the rules. We’ll just have to wait and see.

And finally, I’d like to thank Sparkfun for making it all happen. From the organizers, to the volunteers, the guy who found some epoxy for me, and the nice lady trying to interview socially-awkward engineers about their nerdy projects. The cool announcer, the race director, all the guys that loaded and unloaded heavy equipment. You’re all awesome!
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"T Drone "Power Plant


Hi guys I decided to make the "T Drone an EDF and if it doesn't fly? well ? I will suck it up and maby try a glow engine on a pylon .I got a 80 mm  Delta 32 EDF out of a Habu  The brochure says  in a static lab test it puts out 5.4 pounds of thrust and a lab test in a Habu 4.8 pounds of thrust . I don't plan on zipping all over the sky like the guys with the jets do even though I will be the same weight . My plane has a very efficient high lift high aspect ratio air foil it carrys the cord right to the wing tip with no taper and with the wind shear coming over the bank here once I get to altitude I can pretty well shut the motor off and glide he whole time l like I do with the radian pro now that I "committed "on a power plant the only decision I have to make is should I put it in a streamlined pod on top of the wing? Or mount it in the fuselage? It willonly take up 12" with the thrust tube and the interior volume I have to work with is 36" by 5" by 3 3/4 " Have a great day".3689463683?profile=original3689463767?profile=original

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Bad news for 2.4GHz


It looks like AT&T is looking to use 2.3GHz bands reserved for Sirius radio.  Those in the WiFi space know that Terrestrial repeaters of Sirius radio signals are a major source of outdoor interference - but those repeaters only existed in dense cities.  Now with that spectrum moving to 4G Basestations we will see much more interference in on open areas (like those we like to fly in). This will likely raise the noise floor and reduce the range and reliability of communications in 2.4 GHz.  72 MHz anyone? 

source engadget

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Loc8tor Emergency Beacon for your Drone


After almost losing my Quadrocopter in our grass field I decided to equip it with a locator tag. Loc8tor is not a new product and I read a test of it in Ezone magazine 4 years ago (Loc8tor Lite review). But I did never order because I thought I would never need one and also it covered to short distance to be useful. And of course I thought “losing a model never happen to me”.

So what do we need a locator beacon with 100 m distance for, when we have live GPS tracking? Not always we fly with our Laptop connected and not always our GPS coordinates tells exact the place we should search. Drone can be in trees and other stuff making it difficult to spot. Especially when you are not able to see exactly where your Drone hits ground. Loc8tor is best when you have an idea of where to start searching and only need help for the last distance. 


Where is my Drone?

I have flown with the tag several mounts without needing it. But the last week I had a few landings out in the grass (run out of battery) and the locator tag saved me time searching in the grass. The tall grass makes it possible to walk 1 meter away without seeing the Quadrocopter.


This is maybe old news but I hope I can inspire someone by telling about my happy experience with Loc8tor.

Happy flying!

Link: Loc8tor

Price: from $79.98               




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3D Robotics

ROS Java interface for the AR.Drone


Pablo writes

I'm a student at UT Dallas, and we have a ROS driver for the AR.Drone. It is an early version, and it has almost the same functionality as the ardrone_brown package. The main difference and advantage is that it is written using rosjava and javadrone.

This means that no matter how broken the official SDK is on current or future versions of Linux, we could always have a ROS driver as long as a Java Virtual Machine is present. Moreover, if somebody has the skills this could be ported to Windows or Android, since it does not use native code at all.

You can find this package at

There are a couple of Wiki entries explaining how to install and use it.

Suggestions and bug fixes are very welcome!

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3689462974?profile=originalSo I have some vacations coming up and already have some quads and a hex I figured I needed a fixed wing to round out my aerial camera fleet. (for now) heh. So I took the plunge and picked myself up an X8 to fill up with electronics. 


I'm running an ArduPilot Purple, with a Castle 75 esc waiting for Hobbyking to drop of my new Scorpion motor until then I have a 700W max 50Amp local hobby store motor to power the bird. I'm running 1.2 video feeding through MinimOSD with a Sony 720 line mini cam. I have a roll and tilt GoPro mount in the works that I'll post up some pics when I can get some play time on the  router this weekend. Communication is done through a Futaba 10C 72Mhz and some 900Mhz XBees.


I've only made a few mods for now like adding a second motor mount plate that bolt through the foam to the outer plate.


I made some electronics trays and filled in the lower camera cut out with some foam and Gorilla glue.



I ended up bringing the control linkage up through the wing, leaving it on the bottom seemed like a bad idea for a belly lander. I have never flown a or built a fixed wing, but I said the same about the multirotors and DIYDrone's gear and community made it simple, awesome and enjoyable. Only crashes were ah-hem user error. So I'm hoping for the same luck with this bird. I do have tons of hours now on RealFlight sim just to make sure I feel comfortable with the controls. That being said any input from from you guys will be greatly appreciated. I'll update this blog as things progress and as I get the camera mount going. But for now heres some more eye candy. Be happy and safe all!

3689463229?profile=original3689463317?profile=original3689463299?profile=original3689463186?profile=original 3689463358?profile=original

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diydrones in the news

"If you have an iPhone or an Android, you have all the sensors and technology necessary to fly an airplane," Chris Anderson says. Anderson is editor-in-chief of Wired magazine. He started a popular drone website and founded a company that sells drone parts. He says business is growing 50 percent a year. "Right now, the vast majority of people are doing it for fun, education, learning, you know, just the sheer thrill of having a flying robot," he says.

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DogfightOSD is a custom firmware for the popular Remzibi and MinimOSD boards that allows your plane to broadcast its own position data (lat/lon/alt) and receive and display information received from a second aircraft onto the display. To this end, a RFM12 short range radio board is connected to the OSD board via some simple hardware modifications. Currently the Remzibi version is ready, watch the video above for an impression of the functionality.


We're working on the minimOSD version at the moment. Once that's finished, expect a video with a dogfight between the two versions!

For the Remzibi board the hardware modification is really simple: Just free up the additional analog pins (two of the pins had resistors connected to them on my board), and connect the pins to the SPI connections available on the bottom-center of the board. In the picture below you can see the blue wires on the Remzibi board doing just that. Then connect a Jeelabs board with an RFM12 radio on it to the five pins. That's it! (and upload the custom firmware ofcourse...)


For more information on this project, and to download the firmware, please go to

Currently only the Remzibi binary is available for download, sources will be released shortly.

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Successful APM2 Failsafe Test


This week on MyGeekShow we tested the APM2's failsafe protocol. We approached this very carefully as a failure of the failsafe could result in damage or loss of the aircraft. We first ground tested the APM2 at various stages to determine when the APM2 would control the aircraft, as well how it responded to loss of control signal.


After determining the APM2 took control as predicted, we took the Shrike to the sky and put it to the real test; we turned off our transmitter. It performed perfectly! It loitered for a moment, and then returned to launch.


After its successful test, we flew around via FPV for fun, when all of a sudden... OUR TRANSMITTER DIED! It ran out of batteries! We DID NOT do this on purpose. Luckily, we had some extra batteries with us and switched them out in time to recover the airplane. Crazy.


The APM really saved our airplane that day. Thank you DIY-Drones!!!


-Trent & Nick

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Quadcopter storage/transporation box


On Instructables I found a very nice project of a storage/carrying case of a quadcopter.

It also have the DFX file available, but I the dimensions depend on size of your copter, so might have to be adapted to fit the jDrone or the 3D copter.

Another carrying case I remember is the ArduPirates coffin: probably a safer way to bring the copter around, all wrapped and safe in all that foam, even if a bit less nicely crafted.

Has anyone else built custom cases for bringing their quad around?

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3689462731?profile=originalWith the soldering on the APM2 complete (I think) it was time to move on with the stack up plates for the quad. For those who have not put their hand on an APM2, the Xacto knife with #11 blade provides some scale.

I am using aircraft plywood (it is on hand and paid for) rather than the FRP/G10 that is popular. Using ancient methods of razor saw and ruler, three stack up plates were cut and the process of making a home for the APM2 was initiated.


Some tolerance creep has set in but that is normal with a mixture of hand and machine tools. I wanted the wiring to pass up through some of the boards rather than outside the stack. This may provide a neater harness and offer some protection against impact damage.


Having a Mini Mill comes in handy on a project like this. The cable slot was a cinch to cut after penciling an outline. I used a 1/8 4 flute end mill to do the cutting. Sandpaper was used to finish the edges.


I marked the APM2 holes, drilled them, and then counter drilled with a 1/4 end mill to sink the nylon standoffs into the plywood. This reduced the length of the mounting screw needed to hold the board in place.


After turning down (with my 7 x 12 lathe) some aluminum threaded hex standoffs to clear the electrical parts on the board, I cut a plexiglass plate to cover the APM2, drilled it, and found appropriate screws to hold the lid on. The 4/40 screw heads are on the bottom of the plywood plate. They pass up through the nylon spacers, through the APM2 with the pcb held down by the turned end of the aluminum standoffs. I colored the hex end 'knobs' black with a Sharpie to add some style to the mount.

Here is a idea: Perhaps using plywood will dampen vibrations in the system? I can also employ some RTV/Silicone washers if vibration is more suspect. Frankly a proper balancing of propellors would go a long way to reducing vibration on a quadrotor.

Next task: The stack plate for the Spektrum RC gear (main and remote). I actually cut/drilled three plates prior to the APM2 final machining. I've got two blanks to go.

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Another 97,000 + ft Balloon with APM2 and 3Dradios

3689462910?profile=original3rd time for this APM2 and 3DR radio combo ! The temps ranged from 100 F on ground to -51 F at one point in flight.

We did have a failure on the 3DR radio at -51 F. Radio died and won't come back.

We used the APRS.FI tracking as well and it showed great.

As you can see, there is NO insulation in our fiberglass box. Cameras on outside have no insulation.

All electronics worked for 3 flights now and still work (except the 3DR)

Sparkfun datalogger worked this time. I need to DL the APM2 data yet.


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An Incredible Adventure!


An Incredible Adventure! by Chapelat Daniel [with translation mistakes by Mike Pursifull] 


   First of all, thank you to the developers, to Google, and for the Xbee telemetry module (without these accessories and associated MediaTek GPS and APM Mission Planner and) without you, I would not be writing this story because I would have lost all of my equipment!

This very afternoon [yesterday; translation delay] I decided to test ArduCopter 2.6 (despite strong winds) so off I went to my flying field.

After a few successful tests, stabilize, altitude hold, RTL ... I decided to try loiter mode. Suddenly ... what happened? I have no idea!  Mixed up modes? Wind gusts? A navigation problem? My quad disappears out of sight in a flash ... PANIC!

Oh, the panic and desolation! Where'd my quad go? Where

My transmitter is beeping, alerting me that the receiver is out of range. Beep, beep, beep .... DISASTER!

I jump in the car with the RC transmitter (beep, beep, beep, ...) and the ground station laptop (Xbee still connected!) and head out along the flight path shown in Mission Planner. 

New trouble, no luck today .... my path is blocked by a large gate across the road!

I decide to continue the search on foot after climbing the gate, with the PC and the XBee radio tucked under one arm and the RC transmitter under the other arm. Always: beep! beep! beep! The transmitter keeps reminding me of my lost aircraft. 

My heart is racing at 195 beats per minute! 

To add to my anxiety, I need to hurry because the battery of the quad should be almost empty ... I plunge forward in my search.

Bad luck again, I now notice that somewhere during my mad dash, the laptop telemetry link has dropped. I've covered almost a full kilometer, 950 meters, plus or minus, in my race to find the lost quad.

Suddenly, the beep changes, the transmitter finds the receiver, then loses it again. Meanwhile, the telemetry link is still down. I advance a little more, and ... silence, beautiful silence. The RC transmitter has a good lock (a glimmer of hope appears.)

But the telemetry link, having lead me in this direction, is still down! And I don't see my quad anywhere!

I walk around in a wide circle, checking Mission Planner for a telemetry link, and then ... IT'S OK! I have streaming telemetry data!

I follow the flight path shown on the Mission Planner screen (and a thousand questions run through my mind. In what state will find my poor gear, etc ... and then ...)  I find my quad!


The quad is sitting just 20cm from the edge of a lake, and it looks intact! ... It's a MIRACLE!

Phew! Relief! The apparent cost? Only two propellers broken. I'll check out all the rest in more detail when I get everything home and update you on what I find.

There are days with luck ... and days without, and sometimes days with both; today was the latter.

Thank you for reading.

[The original is below so you can make fun of my poor translation. -Mike]

Une aventure incroyable!


   Tout d'abord: merci aux concepteurs, à Google, au module de télémétrie Xbee (sans cet accessoire associé au GPS médias tek ainsi qu'au Planificateur de mission APM planner), je ne serais plus sur ce forum car j'aurai perdu tout mon matériel!

cet après-midi très décidé pour tester 2.6 (ceci malgré le vent)  je suis allé sur le terrain de vol ...

Après des tests: stabiliser, maintenez la touche Alt, RTL ... J'ai décidé de prendre l'altitude en mode loiter.

Ensuite...., je ne sais pas! .......... la confusion des modes?, des rafales de vent ?,  panique de pilotage.??.

Mon quad est hors de vue ....PANIQUE!

C'est la panique et la désolation !! ……………………………..Ou est mon quad  ????

Premier bip bip radio  (perte de signal radio !)….CATASTROPHE !!

je prends la voiture avec la radio allumée (bip, bip ... bip) et un ordinateur portable connecté et me dirige en direction de l'emplacement indiqué par le Planificateur de mission APM planer

Mais pas de chance .... Le chemin est bloqué par une grande porte!

je décide de continuer la recherche à pieds après avoir grimpé la porte avec : le PC et l'antenne xbee sous un bras,  le TX radio  sous l'autre bras

(toujours bip bip...bip..bip.. signal radio  perdu..)

Mon cœur est de 195 tr / min

Je me dépêche car la  batterie du quad doit être presque vide ...

La malchance encore : le PC est éteint (mauvaise manœuvre pendant ma course effrénée !)

Après avoir couru presque 1 Km : +-  950m

changements bip,(le signal radio revient +/- )..Mais toujours pas pas de connexion PC!

j’avance un peu plus..le :. bip-bip s’éteint!( le signal radio est OK (L'espoir revient un peu)

Mais la connexion Xbee ) n’est pas encore bonne ! je ne vois pas mon quad autour de moi !

J’avance encore, vérifie la connexion Xbee ……..C’EST OK !

Je  suis les indications de l’APM planificateur (Je  me pose mille questions : dans quel état je vais retrouver mon matériel, etc ..... et ........... Je trouve mon quad !

Il est à seulement  20cm  de l’eau d’un  bassin de la carrière, il a l’air intacte !...MIRACLE !

ouf, ouf, Bilan apparent: seulement : 2 hélices cassées!

Je vais tout vérifier en rentrant  à la maison et vous raconter la suite………………………..

Il y a des jours avec de la chance ... et jours sans chance, parfois les deux; ............ c'était mon jour!

Merci de votre lecture

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Raspberry Pi teams up with Arduplane


Came across this very interesting article on the register

"A British-led Japan-based group is building a free-software-powered flying robot for use by disaster relief organisations – and at its heart is tech darling the Raspberry Pi.

There are lots of uses for the £30 Pi, from an educational device to a media player, if you can get hold of one of the boards. OpenRelief is planning something rather more ambitious: to use the credit card-sized computer as the brain of an autonomous flying drone – not as a killer robot, for once, but to help save lives instead."

More of the article

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3D Robotics
If you didn't have enough robot thrills, spills and chills at the Sparkfun Autonomous Vehicle Competition yesterday, or just want to fly your multcopter in a fun low-stress competition, join us today in for the DIY Drones "Multicopter Rodeo", nearly Boulder, CO. It's just like the Sparkfun competition, but for rotary wing UAVs, and open to all.
We're going to be meeting at 10:00 am on Sunday the 17th at this site, which is about 15 minutes from Sparkfun (Google Street View shown, along with adjacent archery range). Autonomous multicopters and helicopters of all types are welcome, and the competition will consist of timed completion of a course, with extra points for autonomous takeoff and landing within a marked area.
Prizes and refreshments will be provided, but mostly it's an opportunity to geek out with other aerial robotics fans and tune code for optimal performance. Low stress, high fun -- everyone welcome (and free!).
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High Resolution Pictures of Launcher


So I thought I would get some close up shots and higher res video to show some of the finer details of the launcher. Like most things in this hobby it didn't go to plan as when i went to take off the Esc and Motor smoked themselves, so no launch, and after borrowing a friends motor found that he uses 4mm motor connectors and I use 5mm so no go there. Anyway here are some pics.


set and ready to go,


front pulley and release trigger.

Front legs and3689462495?profile=original

Front Legs.


Ram about 1/4 out.


Front trigger about to release.


Trigger Realised.

regards Richie.

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