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ScanEagle Video

I came across ScanEagle video on EngineeringTV that showed ffew things that I din't know about it - each wing is attached to fuselage by one pin, motor mount is very flexible ( for vibration isolation) - there is a good shot of it towards the end of the video. Video has two parts and there is comerciall in the middle ( i.e. don't close the video when commerical starts ( ~ 2 min into the video...)
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Inverted V-tail advantages?

Did some googling on military UAVs and it came up with this nice site, listing 30 UAVs currently in use and for future deployment.


I found the inverted v-tails on some of them interesting, can anyone enlighten me on the advantages they present compared to normal v-tails or even more conventional tailplanes? I've seen one or two blog posts with similar mods, but it seems all it does is save weight. <- our blog

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Hi, this is my first post in these forums. I'm an avionics software developer working on a CS Master's with no robotics background (beyond some Lego Logo and Mindstorms stuff way back when) but I'm looking to change that for my Thesis.

I'm looking at researching and developing a simulation environment for use in drone fleets (primarily UAV but I want it to be useful for ground and sea drones as well). While I want a reasonable basic physics handling of each unit my primary focus is going to be communications between multiple units of a BVR fleet.

Any suggestions on what I might want to consider or any research material I might find useful would be terriffic!

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The competition held on March 20 and 21 in Taiwan. There are various events in the competition. Please refer to the official site :
One of the events is Beyond-Vision-Range Flight. The airplane should fly far away and take some pictures of ground targets. The locations of tragets in the competition are shown in the following figure. The farest waypoint is about 3 km from home location.

We used EasyStar as the vehicle and UAV devBoard as the contorller. The plane crashed twice due to EMI problem before the successful flight. Because of the strong wind, it deviated from the expected flight path and disappered in the sky for about half an hour. When we were going to give up and the referee had asked the next team to take off, it suddently showed up above the home location. The crowd cheered as the plane safely landed on the runway.

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ArduPilot Mega sensor shield testing report II

Hi all,
This is the weekly report of ardupilot mega development :-)
We have developed the library for the DataFlash log memory. This function is really interesting, because we
would record the flights without the need to carry the laptop and telemetry all times... For example, for
testing the code I simply connected an small battery to the ArduPilot Mega, go outside to make the tests
without need of laptop, cables,... and then I download the results on laptop to analyze it. I´d like it.

Finally we use the standard SPI for the DataFlash chip and we change the AP_ADC library to use the serial port 2 in SPI mode. This way we sepparate the ADC (that is running inside an interrupt) from the standard SPI, and users can use also the SPI for other external devices. Also the ADC code can run a bit more efficient (now all ADC stuff at 400Hz use 3.7% CPU).
The DataFlash library isolate the user of the complexities of the internal registers, double buffer and page
distribution of the AT45DB161D flash memory. The library provides the functions to make sequential write and
read sessions and it´s written to be very efficient in the write sessions (it takes about 28us to write a byte,
this is near ten times better than a stardard serial port at 38400).

We have also converted the GPS code (Ublox) to a standard library. We will implement in the future libraries for other GPS (NMEA, EM406, ...). If all the libraries share the same interface, to change the GPS you only need to include your GPS library. Also this libraries are usefull for other DIY projects and Arduino users... (We made the library compatible with Atmega1280 (on serial port1) and also Atmega168/328). I could work on the library for NMEA GPS´s (I already have an Locosys) but I don´t have EM406, so somebody could work on this...

Now we have all the core parts of the future Ardupilot Mega running succesfully.
I´d really like the aspect of the code with the new libraries... It seems more easy, and an easy code is easy to maintain and modify by users...
The test code uses this:
- APM_RC : library to read the radio and output to servos
- APM_ADC : library to read data from the analog sensors (accels, gyros, ...)
- DataFlash : library to write/read to the flash memory to record flight parameters (log)
- GPS_UBLOX : library to access to the Ublox GPS
- IMU DCM code

Here are the codes:
Main test code:

Note that this codes are betas and will change when Jordi release the final version of the sensor shield because there will be different pin assignments.

One more thing I´d like to comment is that the new Ardupilot Mega main boards comes with a 16Mhz crystal for
the PPM encoder and works very great!! Now, the noise on the radio input is below 1us, this is nearly perfect Jordi...

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3D Robotics

Tri/Quadcopter awesomeness

[There was a bunch of very cool Tri/Quadcopter stuff on the RCG blogs today. Here's a sampling:]

Above: A very cool custom tricopter with a Trex body so you can tell which direction is forward. Check out the post for details on the pro quality pan-tilt camera mount.

And check this next one out. Did you know that you can make a Mikrocopter amphibious? This video is mindblowing. It starts underwater, but keep watching:

Finally, a "best of" video of Mikrocopters as camera platforms. How many Hollywood movies or TV shows have you seen recently that used quads rather than cranes?

Both of those quad videos are from this post, which is great introduction to Mikrocopters. Worth reading the whole thing.

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Developing an IMU from the UAVDevBoard

Hi all!

First I wanna congratulate all of you with all the things you've achieved already!
Now I have question:
I have to do a large school project, I have almost a year to complete it, and I want to make an IMU and display the data graphically using a rotating cube. I've done a lot of reading on this site already, and this is what i came up with:

My idea is to use the UAV Dev Board as a starting point. I would make my own board based on the UAVDevBoard, and rewrite the code (Yes I know I'd be reinventing the wheel, but thats part of the assignment :P).
Because the IMU would not be moving a lot, I won't be able to use GPS data for yaw correction (Right?), so I would need to use a magnetometer (Right?). And if so, what kind of magnetometer would I have to use? I was thinking a 3-axis tilt-compensated magnetometer like this one:

Also the sparkfun description of the UAVDevBoard kind of confuses me, because it says
"dsPIC runs at 120MHz with 16MHz resonator and PLL"
Now I understand that PLL can multiply the clock speed. But my understanding is that it can only multiply by 4, 8 or 16, none of which give 120MHz. Also the datasheet says that PLL can only be used with a 4-10MHz oscillator.
And finally, in the code i can't seem to find the place where the PLL is set?
Could someone maybe explain to me how they got to 120 MHz?

With regards,
Wouter van Verre
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Rule of Thumb for Power to Lift

1 horsepower = 7 pounds

I've come across this magic number using different sized rotors, props, and engines in large RC helicopters and planes, and also researching horsepower to lift divided by time in several ultralight and light sport aircraft and rotorcraft, and this is a good rule of thumb when developing something that needs to do more than hover or drift in the wind.

Guidelines for precise calculation of lift or thrust

Comparison information using UAV specialist developer information

Be sure to click on the different links for engine type (4 stroke, wankel, turbine, etc.) In fact, Barnard Microsystems is an excellent reference for those looking to DIY a larger drone, and is highly informative reading material in all aspects of UAVs.

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Michael's Dispatches 4 U

On Michael Won wrote:

UAVs are very useful, but come with sharp limitations. They are great hammers when you need a hammer, but they’re still hammers when you need a wrench. For example, UAVs can’t guard bridges against suicide bombers. They have limited, pinprick firepower other than for small targets. They are useless in poor weather. UAVs are but one sort of tool in a great big tool chest.


The Warthogs had to wait for a Reaper to roll by. No telling where Mr. iRobot would fly to. Do these go to Pakistan? I have no idea, but it seems like you can’t read the news without seeing where these robots have hit more terrorists. There was a time when the enemy thought terror was a one-way street.

This place has gotten to be like a hornet’s nest of Predators and Reapers. A couple years ago, you’d see them every day, but now you can’t turn around without seeing an iRobot Terminator buzzing around to land or disappearing into the sunset or sunrise.

lmopar also had some more Insitu porn from the same airbase for everyone interested in that.


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Project Andromeda - Communication Protocols

I've been busy writing the communication protocols between the Ground Station and Autopilot. I thought some people might be interested and possibly make use of the approach I've taken. It's all done in binary with discrete packets and makes use of DMA and Interrupts to use as little processor time as possible.

Asynchronous operation is achieved by the use of two FIFO queues and double buffered DMA channels for each radio. There is a lot of detail that will make the diagram above make a bit more sense.

Full article at:

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More ArduIMU Fun

Had a few more flights with the ArduIMU yesterday.

I should mention, that with regards to RC flying, my main interest is competing in IMAC (Scale Aerobatics). Basically it's flying giant scale aircraft through predefined aerobatic patterns for judges. Last year I competed in intermediate (3rd of 5 difficulty levels) and this year I'll be moving up to Advanced (4th of 5 levels).

Arising from this interest, my long term goal would be to get an autopilot doing aerobatics.

Anyways, yesterday was the first flight of the spring with my contest aircraft, shown here.

After the first flight, to confirm that everything was still working, I couldn't help but put the ArduIMU/GPS on board for some data collection.

What I really wanted to know was if typical IMAC aerobatic manuevers could be detected by the sensors used on the IMU. If the sensors railed as soon as I departed level flight, then we might have to rethink things a little. On the second flight with the IMU on board, I put the plane through the Intermediate contest sequence from last year. By flying a known sequence it makes it easy to figure out what the aircraft was doing at each point of the flight, and to determine if the sensor data is appropriate.

The initial data analysis is favourable. I am using the ArduIMU code associated with the recent Ardupilot 2.5.1 work with a few tweaks to work with my equipment. I also added the gyro rate information to the ASCII data stream to give me a better idea of what's going on inside the ArduIMU.

Here are a couple of snapshots from the data:

The starting of the engine is clearly visible in the Roll Rate data. The engine is hand propped. A few flips with choke on to get it primed, and then a few flips with choke off and she's running:

You can see that the engine introduces alot of vibration noise into the rate gyros. I'm not too worried at this point because:
- I had the system hard mounted without much padding.
- I will be installing this in my smaller electric aircraft to start.

If I ever get cocky enough to Ardupilot a gas plane, I might have to add some filtering to the rate gyros to damp out this vibration.

The last maneuver in the sequence is a rolling circle. Basically, you need to fly a circle, while rolling the plane. You need to do 4 rolls in total, so after each 90 degree heading change the aircraft should have completed one more full roll. In my opinion, it's by far the most difficult maneuver they force us to do. Anyways, the data shows just how bad my "roller" is:

There's more stuff in there, but the fact that I can make sense of the outputs gives me hope that I can teach the Ardupilot to do the same :)

Thoughts, and To Do List:
1. GPS signal seems to go wonky as the aircraft rolls inverted (even for short periods). Still haven't decided if this is an issue, since during aerobatics, the attitude and attitude rate is more important than the lat/long. The key will be to make sure that the Attitude and Rate numbers aren't peturbed by momentary GPS jumps.

2. Definitely want to integrate the static airpressure system into the data record (I'm not sure I trust the GPS altitude numbers)

3. Add accelerometer data to the output stream. It would be intesting to see if I can track the gravity vector as I do a slow roll across the field.

4. Right now the data log is time stamped with the GPS Time of Week (TOW) value. Since the ArduIMU is spitting out sensor data faster than my GPS is updating the TOW, I'm ending up with multiple datapoints with the same time value. I think I will switch the timestamp source from TOW to "timeNow" (Arduino milliseconds since boot) to try to prevent this.

That's all for today. More to come.


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ArduPilot 2.5.1 alpha test video

I have been busily testing ArduPilot 2.5.1 with ArduIMU and correcting bugs in the basic functionality. I now have all MODEs working well in my primary airframe configuration and will now work on verifying other configurations (radio types, shield versions, thermopiles, etc.)

If you want to help test climb aboard. There is an active thread in the Forum.

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Flight testing 2.5.03

Hi All,
I just uploaded the last version of 2.5.0(3) I wanted this one to be rock solid before 2.5.1 came out.

I got a few hours today to tweak code and gains for my EZ Star. I implemented the derivative term in the heading/navigation loop and all the other loops used just the p term. The derivative term helped reduce overshoot by about 50%. I'm not kidding about the wind. The plane was flying at a 30° angle to fight the wind.

Altitude hold was working very well. Pitch_comp reduced to .1 was about all I needed. The airspeed control needs work, but Doug is tackling that.

I have my own personal ground station in Flash and I added uploading of all of the major variables in order to tune the aircraft in flight. This worked great so I'll leave the code included for the GCS team to check out. I didn't use error checking, I had the plane echo back the values so I could see if the uploaded values worked correctly before re-entering AP. It was far less complicated to do it that way than to try and implement errror-checking through code.

I've also implemented a simple dampening system for flying into the wind based on ground speed. Doug has a much more complex version, but this one worked remarkably well. Here you can see the loiter pattern. Please note that I was flying into a terrific headwind. The plane was moving 12 mph upwind and over 40MPH downwind. Sometimes the wind would pick up and the plane would virtually stand still, hence the strange patterns. Overall the snaking was minimal and far better than before. I was able to hold the 45m radius no problem. I could have cut that down to 30.

Altitude hold with 15 loops around home, then a landing.

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A little side project...

I’ve been working on a little side project. I originally wanted a case and / or a stand for my Xbee and Xbee Explorer module, so I ordered a couple from Polycase and strapped it together. It looked nice enough and attached to the back of my laptop with Velcro so it was an OK solution. Then I started getting lazy and didn’t want to lug out my laptop and everything every time I wanted to log a flight, so I went to a couple of the different on-board loggers, but never really found a solution I liked (picky, I know.) So that brings me to my little project. I have just finished the schematic, layout and specs and I have a few boards on the way.Here’s what it is: It functions in four possible modes; logger only (you can use it as an onboard data logger without the case and additional modules,) logger plus data pass-through on the USB port (with an Xbee module attached - for when you want to log data to the microSD card AND pass it through to a PC,) stand-alone receiver / logger (with an Xbee module onboard – utilizing the onboard battery, no PC required.) So if you took the best attributes of an XBee Explorer module and combined it with a really good data logger with a battery and charger…this would be the love child.I actually have two versions: one for those of us who like elegant solutions, and another for those who believe in extreme simplicity, but require fewer features. I call them LinqLogger, basically because they were designed to log downlinked data.The first design consists of the following components and features:Components:It uses an ARM7 LPC2148 (512K user flash and a ton of GPIO pins,) includes both a USB and Barrel plug LiPO charger (MAX1555,) On/Off switch, RTC (facilitates date / time stamping of logs,) Xbee socket (pick your own or use one you already have,) external reset, and start / stop recording buttons, USB link and logging status LEDs, microSD card slot (up to 2 GB FAT 16 formatted for PILES of data)Features:Not only does it do a nice job of data logging, but it also has a USB mass storage device profile built in - so when you attach USB, you get a mounted drive on your PC where you can see the actual files on the SD card; nice because you don’t need a separate microSD card reader / writer.The external battery connector makes the board a very independent data logger; you don’t need another microcontroller. It comes with SD+USB boot loader that allows the end user to tweak firmware to their project specifications. Configuration is done through an on-board configuration file, so there is no need to type in initialization commands. When the module is switched on and logging is initiated, everything received by the Xbee module is recorded.The second (simpler) design consists of the the following components and features:Components:It uses an ATMega 328 (16MHz, 3.3v), USB LiPo Charger (No barrel plug – MAX1555, charging LED,) microSD card slot (up to 2 GB FAT 16 formatted for PILES of data,) no RTC, On/Off switch, simple FTDI to USB (just like Xbee Explorer,) Program / Log Switch (used only when programming the ATMega328 via an FTDI – this is done so that the USB used for charging and data pass-through is NOT used for programming.)Features:This model uses the basic serial STK500 boot loader which comes pre-installed so that you can tweak the firmware, but has very few additional features. The system is the equivalent of combining an OpenLog logger interfaced to an Xbee Explorer with an on-board power source and charger.If either of these sound interesting to you feel free to drop me a line. I will be posting pictures, schematics etc., and of course it will all be available as Open Source. I have breadboarded these and they both work well. The boards and the cool little cases will both be here in the coming weeks...if anyone else wants one, I'd be willing to sell them at cost as kits or something. Any ideas you guys have for additional development are obviously welcome too!
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