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Ardupilot Success Stories

At this point, the only way to get my plane flying with Ardupilot is to buy a different FTDI cable which may or may not work with my setup(I don’t have the programming skills to bypass the configuration utility and add waypoints directly into the code). I’m running Windows Vista on my laptop and have the latest Ardupilot board with the shield kit as shown below. I’ve also installed the latest code, configuration utility and the newest version of the Arduino IDE.Before I invest any more money in this project, can I get some feedback from anyone running a similar setup to mine but with the newly recommended FTDI cable where they are successfully downloading code, read/writing from the configuration utility and flying autonomously with Ardupilot?I’m sure there are success stories out there and they would really help those of us that are struggling to hang in there. I believe in the Ardupilot project and Chris' clear approach to explaining concepts and products has helped me immensely in understanding autonomous systems and in choosing the best equipment. This is a fascinating hobby and always a challenge.

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Dead multiplexer?

Wondering if anyone might have experienced a problem that I'm having. My ArduPilot has been working fine, but yesterday, the servo outputs suddenly quit working. After doing some troubleshooting, I think I've narrowed the problem down the the multiplexer (74ACT157). It gets power, and gets a proper signal from the failsafe, and I found a 50 Hz signal on the inputs. However, the outputs are always low, at 0V.I've been using a 4-cell, 4.8V receiver battery to power my setup. When fully charged, it gets up to 5.3V, which should be safe for the multiplexer. Maybe I shorted out one of the outputs, or zapped it with static? Anyone else had a similar problem?
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VicaCopter 4

After spending 3 hours waiting for web pages to load, VicaCopter 4 is finally available for download. If U ever succeeded in building your own VicaCopter, U still probably wouldn't know half of what she can do.The idea with VicaCopter is to have a reference design that works but not to have you copy it exactly. It's mainly our own personal reference.It's amazing after all these years, VicaCopter is still the only English language source code for a fully functional helicopter autopilot that you can download without paying for. There is no support or warranty.Vicacopter uses a ground computer for flight control. An airborne microcontroller handles rate damping, PWM, & sensor capturing. The ground computer handles navigation & provides a simple instrument panel. Because you need a radio modem & ground station either way, it's the cheapest way to fly.VicaCopter supports 2 configurations:3 gyros & a sonar transducer for the minimal autopilot.6 DOF IMU, magnetometer, barometer, GPS for the full autopilotSome things VicaCopter can do:Can fly with under $100 of parts including a complete sonar positioning system.Automated landing & takeoffSonar position sensing for indoor flightGPS position sensing for outdoor flightGround station instrument panelUntethered communication from pilot to ground stationFully autonomous missions written in picoC scripting languageManual altitude & position changes from stick commandsCurved or linear pathsTurning towards a pointCamera trigger
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I first started flying with Ardupilot before the configuration utility (CU) was created. At the field, I’d pull up the Arduino IDE on my lap top, make the changes I wanted in the code (waypoints, altitude, tuning parameters, etc.), upload to my Ardupilot, then fly. After seeing how the flight was affected, I’d go back to the IDE make another change and fly again.Then the CU was created and it looked cool but, at the field, it just created another step to go through before flying. I now had to also pull up the CU program to enter my waypoints, altitude and other parameters and upload to the board, then open the IDE, make my changes and upload a second time.Now, for a lot of us, the CU is the single break in the chain that is keeping us from flying. We have the Sparkfun FTDI cable that works fine with the old and new versions of Ardupilot for uploading code and it works with the old version for reading and writing from the CU. The problem is that the CU doesn’t allow you to use this cable with the current Ardupilot and there is no other way to upload waypoints.As you can tell, I’m not a big fan of the Configuration Utility! Since an .h file was created as an interface between user and code, couldn’t this same file be used for entering waypoints? This sounds more user friendly since you wouldn’t have another program (CU) to open, make changes to, and upload. Also, the current problem with Sparkfun FTDI’s wouldn’t exist!
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I am looking for use google earth as ground station.i have download this program.

http://goopstechnologies.comit is easy to interface to any application:GooPs can receive data from other applications via a TCP/IP socket. GooPs listens on port 51234 for messages containing NMEA data.and another similar program: demostrates it is possible butWhere can we found information to handle google earth directly? without bridge programs.jlcortex
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I Heart Robotics UAV Crosspost

While not all of the information on the I Heart Robotics blog is related to UAVs, there is a significant amount that should be of interest here. I would like to highlight a few specific posts.Autonomous Indoor HelicoptersHighlighting the development of an indoor helicopter navigation system.Crash TestThis is a series of posts that shows the process of developing an autonomous quadrotor helicopter based on the Dragan FlyerUAV Damage ControlSome information about adaptive control and morphing aircraft.Analog Devices IMU now available with integrated MagnometerInformation about an analog devices IMU, ideally this sensor could be supported by the next version of ArduPilot.If this kind of summary crosspost is considered helpful I can probably do it on a semi-monthly basis, otherwise this post can be deleted.
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How do you win a Government Grant for something that is largely illegal in your country??Helen Greiner's Droid Works Wins First Gov't Grant for Flying BotsHelen Greiner's stealthy new start-up, The Droid Works, has said almost nothing about what they're up to, except that they're working in the field of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles.) So far, Greiner has been funding the Framingham-based company herself, so there aren't any VCs to blab about what they're working on. And the company is small -- just a handful of engineers, including one superstar HP veteran who helped develop the inkjet printer -- so employee leaks are unlikely. All this makes a curious journalist sad.But when I saw Greiner last night at 'What's Next in Tech,' she mentioned that the company had just landed its first government grant through the SBIR program (Small Business Innovation Research.) I did some searching, and discovered that the company is receiving almost $100,000 to develop flying bots that can operate indoors and out. The description of the work is fascinating, so I'll share it here -- and also mention that Greiner's last company, iRobot, was initially funded not by VCs but by government grants from agencies like NASA.Best you all get onto it and get yourself a slice those of you in USA
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DIYDrones Store: New Products Available!

Hello everybody. I have some news here:1.-The shipping system right now is a nightmare for everybody (including me). Finally i found a good solution that will let me ship overseas for less than 5 dlls (under 4 oz). Yes i will accept First Class Mail soon, YEAHHH!!! It will be ready in two weeks.2.- The Infrared boards arrived, but i still waiting for some components in order to start the fabrication. Please be patient.3.- I ran out of ArduShield Kits!!!! Guys.. Let me breath! Tomorrow the new parts should arrive, sorry about that.Now lets talk about the new products:Ok ArduStation is now stocked, so you can order today and i will ship the same day (before 3pm California, Sun, Beach, Pacific time or 10pm Zulu time). You can buy it here.

As i already mentioned this in another post, I'm about to release the new ArduLogger in collaboration with Raúl Helvia and Eduardo Garcia (the Satellite guy) from Spain. Its an Atmega328@8Mhz and you can use it to data log the 6 analogs channels or data coming from the serial port:

(If you look carefully the picture, you will see my new Open Source ServoSwitch).And yeah! I finally entered to the gyro market. My goal is to one day offer everything you will need to build your own UAV and have an old school slogan like: "The official UAV store" or maybe "Satisfying all your UAV needs since 2009", LOL:

I'm offering right now the smallest LISY300AL breakout board. Same price as SparkFun and free shipping world wide (web?):

And for limited time i will offer the ultimate 6 degrees of freedom, super tiny IMU that can be adapted to your system very easily:

(Ardupilot just as size reference). Featuring the ADXL330 3g accelerometer and the famous LISY300AL with 300deg/sec. The best part is that you can upgrade it. You can choose between 4, 5 and 6 degrees of freedom by just soldering the gyros you need (without buffering underrun your Paypal account) and because the main board is vertical you can solder it to your current home made autopilot PCB or even in a breadboard!This pic shows with arrows the gyros you will need depending the configuration you may want:

Another pic of the back:

You can buy the IMU here, and you can buy the extra gyros from here.The diagrams and schematics of the boards:gyro_lisy_single_sch.pdfgyro_lisy_single_brd.pdfgyro_lisy_mother_sch.pdfgyro_lisy_mother_brd.pdfThanks for you support and for reading this!
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ArduStation Assembly Instructions

What you will need:
-ArduStation Kit
-Soldering Iron:


-Flush/diagonal cutters:

-Low Profile Multimeter:

-Disordering Tool:

-This is what you will find inside the ArduStation components antistatic bag (LCD is included of course):

-Lets start soldering the non polarized capacitors (.1uF), when you are done place the xBee headers:

-After you placed the xBee headers, place any xBee module you have available to hold the headers in the right angle, then solder:

-Continue with the Atmega328 socket and the buzzer, watch out with the buzzer polarity!:

-Now place the protection diode (check the white strip) and the power regulator, be careful both have polarity too:

-Lets continue with the potentiometers, one is for the contrast with the number "103" or 10Kohms (UP) and the other with the long pins is for the backlight LED, with the number "502" or 5Kohms (down).

-An extra picture:

-Now solder the first 100uF polarized capacitors, check out the white strip (negative).

-Now solder the second 100uF polarized capacitors, check out the white strip (negative).

-No solder the 16Mhz Resonator (orange/brown one), is not polarized, the reset button and the power jack (easy):

Now we need to solder the LED's, but i have chosen very bright LED's in order to see something under the sun, but they are clear, so no way to see the color and one of the was inverted polarity (the long pin is the negative). A solution for that is using a the multimeter, just choose the continuity option or diode test (both will work):

This trick works great for SMD LED, for normal LED will not be so effective but it will work. Anyway just place the multimeter probes in the LED and see in with side the LED turns on and check the color also the LED side that the multimeter red probe is touching is the positive polarity of the LED. In the back of the board you can check the positive polarity of the LED holes:

-After you solder the LED's in the right way, is time to solder the funniest part, the buttons:

-Turn the board and place the Atmega328 carefully (the little half-circle divot on the chip should be on the side with the little half-circle in the socket; ignore the position of the red dot on the chip, which is not meaningful). The processors comes with bootloader pre-loaded:

-Now just solder the LCD (you can use female headers so you can remove the LCD anytime) and the FTDI port. You are ready to connect it. Note: You can't upload code when the xBee is connected.

-When you are ready, just upload the ArduStaion demo code here. It should work with ArduPilot and show you real time telemetry as indicated:

-By pressing the buttons left and right you can change the screen data.

You can find the latest code here:
The example is commented and you adapt this system to any of your projects!

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Student UAS

Just got back from this years AUVSI Student UAS Competition. My team (Utah State University) took 1st place this year using a paparazzi based platform. We recorded the highest score in the history of the competition. It was a very fun event and my hats off to all those who put it on each year.
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UAV Dev Board on Multiplex Twister

I decided that I wanted to graduate from a thermopile based autopilot to a full IMU based system and the UAV DevBoard looked like it was going to scratch my itch. In the end, I wound up with it on my Multiplex Twister, an elapor foam electric ducted fan rc aircraft. Here's what I've done -One of my motivations starts with the fact that I have flown an FPV Telemaster with an Ardupilot quite succesfully but use it primarily as a failsafe. I did, however, test the waypoint system to confirm it worked. I did have to modify the gains for the aircraft but all in all, I was completely satisfied - that is until the several mornings back in the spring when we had a heavy overcast cloud ceiling where the sky temperature was equal to the ground temperature and the thermopiles couldn't see enough difference to work. (Now that summer is here in full swing, that doesn't look like I'll have that problem again for a while)Once I realized that the red version of the UAV DevBoard came in at a much lower price than the original, I took the plunge. I followed all the instructions, acquired the recommended programmer, and decided the first airplane was going to be my basically stock Easy Star with the only modification being the addition of ailerons. I compiled and programmed the board with the AileronAssist firmware and was pretty amazed by the results when just holding the aircraft in my hands. The DCM algorithm seems to work like a champ. I shook the aircraft pretty agressively, rolled it all around, and then left it propped up against the wall for about fifteen minutes and then came back and leveled it out, and all of the surfaces returned to their trimmed position. Of course, this still doesn't simulate the turning forces on the aircraft so I was going to have to hold my opinion until I actually flew.Just looking at the control surface deflections, I decided I needed more and updated both the roll and pitch gains. Now it was time to fly. Since I was mainly interested in the airplane's behavior in the "stability augmentation" mode I didn't fully test the RTL capability. So when I engaged the system in flight, I quickly discovered that putting a stability augmentation system on an aircraft that is already pretty darned stable turned out to be pretty boring. I could tell it was working, but it wasn't like it had to work too hard to keep a stable airplane level.I then realized that the UAV DevBoard would fit into my Twister with little effort. That would be a much more satisfying endeavor. So I did it, and flew it. When I flipped the switch on, I quickly realized that the gain for the Easy Star was too much for the Twister (since I didn't change it). The airplane started roll rocking with the bank angles getting larger and larger (and the roll rate going back and forth was pretty high) so I quickly turned the system off and brought the airplane in. Hey, at least this was exciting! I was out of daylight so there was no time to change the gain and get back in the air.I knocked the roll gain down (back to the original default value) and when I did get a chance to get back in the air, the wings locked solid when the UAV DevBoard was engaged. I then made what too me was an almost comical discovery - I could only bank the airplane about 30 to 45 degrees (with full lateral stick deflection on the transmitter) and when I added elevator, the airplane would tend to climb while it turned very slowly. I hadn't really thought about the difference in how you turn something like a Telemaster or Easy Star versus a Twister. The Twister moves quickly enough so that I tend to bank 90 degrees and pull on the elevator to get it to come back around. Only banking 30 to 45 degrees makes it difficult to keep in the flight area. I found it entertaining to take an airplane, that although relatively easy to fly is very responsive, and damp out its performance so that it feels sluggish. Since it is a relatively fast airplane, you can't spend much time exploring the control response before it turns into a dot in the distance. So I did a couple of passes with the system engaged, but it was only on long enough to confirm that I didn't have the patience for it to turn around and come back. I wrapped up as the sun set again and landed safely.So - I guess the next step is for me to better decide what I really want the system to do - I'm afraid if I just change the proportional roll gain back up so that it will allow a 90 degree bank angle, I'll get the roll oscillations again. I'll have to think about whether or not a PI control loop will cut it and if not, will a PID system solve the problem.Not knowing when to leave well enough alone, I'd like to be able to add some telemetry and an airpseed sensor so those bring up a question. My understanding is that the spare dsPIC pins that are available are digital and do not support any A/D conversions. If that is true, and if I want to integrate other sensors, I'll need to have another processor do the A/D conversion and send that data to the RX pin of the unused/debugging USART. And when I'm ready to send telemetry, I can use the transmit pin on that USART. That sounds great except...I'm not sure how to make the second USART work. It appears to be set up in the AileronAssist software to write debug data, but if I hook it up to an FTDI cable and monitor the serial port, I get nothing. When I put an oscilloscope on the Tx pin I get nothing. Is there something I'm missing?Regardless, this hobby sure provides me with the ability to tinker, tinker, and tinker some more, which is exactly what I enjoy.
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Inputting LAT LONG /manually

I failed to get the waypoint utility to read and write to the board, and read the comments on the blog.So I want to put them in manually, but the manual says to put them where it says "wp-lat wp-long I cant find these in the code. I am running 2.2.3
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Biological Dangers to Drones

With more and more small drones being put into the air by the military, companies, individuals like us we will start to see more incidents like this one;

Raptor attack! from Billwhit on Vimeo.

Granted, the owner of this RC plane also designed it to look like a hawk, but the military will probably start to camouflage small drones to look like birds to draw attention away from low-level flights. Have any of you experienced situations like this? I know the WowWee Dragonfly already had this issue.Source: JalopnikSource: Engadget
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Easy Star Clone

AXN FloaterNot sure if any of you have seen this, but there's a decent looking easy star clone for what appears to be a pretty good price. Here is a review.The shipping will be a little steep at about $35-$40, but considering it comes with a brushless motor, speed controller and servos for elevator, ruder and ailerons the price isn't half bad.I'm looking for a airplane test bed for the PicPilot so maybe I'll order one up and be the Guinea Pig on this one.Brian
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New Schematics and Board Diagrams!

Hello there, i been working a little bit in the store and improving some stuff, somebody requested good diagrams? Well here it is! Now i have new ones for all our products in PDF:ArduShield:Ardupilot_shield_v15_sch.pdfArdupilot_shield_v15_brd.pdfArduStation:ardustationv10_sch.pdfardustationv10_brd.pdfBlimpduino:blimp_SMD_beta_6_sch.pdfblimp_SMD_beta_6_brd.pdfFail Safe Multiplexor:Fail_Safe_v10_sch.pdfFail_Safe_v10_brd.pdfPressure Breakout Board:pressure_boardV10_sch.pdfpressure_boardV10_brd.pdfThe very powerful Servo OptoCoupler, that can be used no just for servos, also for normal digital signals, support speeds up to 15Mbps!!!!:ServoOptoCouplerV11_sch.pdfServoOptoCouplerV11_brd.pdfI also have the honor to introduce you the new ArduLogger, super tiny, 3.3 power regulator, atmega328, all analogs available and open source of course, in collaboration with Raúl Helvia and Eduardo Garcia (the Satellite guy) from Spain. With better communication in Spanish @ 999999999.1Tbps.

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